JULY 2015
Business Counts - Tuesday, July 21
Regional Statistics & Research
Comox Valley Economic Development's services include the collection and provision of economic data and statistics about the region. To view additional resources click here and to view the CVEDS Annual Work Plan click here.   

The average weekly wage rate in British Columbia for January-June 2015 is $913.08, a 4.2% increase over the same time last year. This increase is championed by an 14.4% increase in the average weekly wage rate in the BC Utilities industry. The Comox Valley's largest sectors by employment (Retail & Wholesale Trade and Healthcare & Social Assistance) saw a 7.5% and 6.6% increase respectively.

B.C. Employment in June 2015 rose by 30,100 (1.3%) when compared to June 2014. Industries that saw the largest gains from this time last year were Transport & Warehousing (+21,900) and Health Care & Social Assistance (+19,400). The largest loss of jobs was in the Construction industry (-7,600).
Source: Statistics Canada Labour Force Survey - Prepared by BC Stats

Building Permit Values & Housing Starts Increase in Comox Valley
Building Permit Values for January - May 2015 for the Comox Valley total at $96,296,000, a 190% increase over the same period in 2014. This increase was mainly due to a $59,000,000 (607%) increase in permit values in the City of Courtenay

There were 173 Housing Starts in the Comox Valley so far in 2015, an increase of 116 (209%) over last year. This large of a gain can be attributed to the increase in construction of rental apartments, from 2 in Q1 2014, to 98 in Q1 of 2015.
Source: CMHC Housing Report

News & Events

Two New Canadian Free Trade Agreements Announced

Today Canada announced the conclusion of the Canada-Israel Modernized Free Trade Agreement (CIFTA). CIFTA will eliminate or reduce tariffs on a large number of agricultural, agri-food, and fish and seafood products. The CIFTA announcement comes one week after Canada announced the Canada-Ukraine Free Trade Agreement (CUFTA) on July 14. CUFTA will allow the elimination of tariffs on 86% of Canada's current exports to Ukraine. This includes elimination of all seafood export tariffs and a large portion of agricultural export tariffs. To learn more about CIFTA click here, and CUFTA click here

Innovation Island Summer Tech Party

These event provided the opportunity for technology businesses and innovators to come together to network in this relaxed and fun atmosphere. Ticket includes your dinner choice (from a specialized menu) + one complementary drink ticket.

August 13, 6:00 - 10:00 PM
White Whale Restaurant
975 Comox Road, Courtenay
Register Now

Vancouver Island Aerospace Association AGM & Forum

Join regional and national aerospace & technology companies, government & industry representatives during the Comox Air Show weekend at CFB 19 Wing Comox, to discuss and learn about the latest news in Defense Procurement, Accessing the Aerospace Supply Chain, Monetizing Research, Development and Innovation, and their relationship to domestic and global market expansion. Find out more here.

August 14 - 15
North Island College
2300 Ryan Road
Register Now

Comox Valley Development & Construction Association Announced

Building upon Developers Roundtable Sessions that have been held in 2014 and 2015, it was announced July 14, at a meeting hosted by the Old House Hotel & Spa, that the first official business meeting of the new Comox Valley Development and Construction Association will be held on September 15, Crown Isle Resort. Businesses that would like to learn more and be part of the Comox Valley Development & Construction Association, are encouraged to contact the Association Chair, Murray Presley, MPresley@presleyandpartners.com