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Winter Quarterly Newsletter

Greetings Business Education Division Members,

Welcome to the new year and second half of our school year. As I write this, the temperature outside my house is -7 with howling winds contributing to a real feel of -30 and my own children have not had an open school building in six days. As educators, managing twists and turns thrown at us by outside forces is a super strength we leverage every day. Your membership with ACTE provides a plethora of resources to help you successfully manage the twists and turns we encounter as business educators. Check out some examples below of upcoming opportunities for you to take advantage of your membership.

A unique, limited time opportunity was brought to our division at the recent CareerTech VISION conference in Phoenix by our friends at Rubin Education. We are tremendously appreciative of their hospitality room sponsorship and the opportunity they are providing with their new email (for Gmail and Outlook) etiquette tool, Propel. Propel teaches students to write professional-grade emails — no more emails that look like text messages. To take advantage of this insider opportunity with Propel, click here for a demonstration and to request free access.

I hope you stay warm in these deep winter weather months and look forward to seeing you soon at an upcoming ACTE opportunity.

All the best in 2024,

Sean Crevier

VP, ACTE Business Education Division


Celebrate CTE Month!

Generously sponsored by NAHB

Join us as we celebrate CTE Month®, generously sponsored by the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB). Each year in February, we celebrate educators like you and spread awareness about the importance of CTE by sharing your success stories via #CTEMonth on social media, encouraging your students to participate in this year’s CTE Month-NASA HUNCH student video challenge, “Why Go to the Moon?,” gearing up with festive CTE Month merchandise at to show your support for CTE, and much more!


2024 Events

Hone Your CTE Advocacy Skills & Raise Awareness for CTE

With a featured event from the CTE Research Network

Come voice your opinion on CTE policy and programming, and share what your community needs, at ACTE’s National Policy Seminar, happening March 17–20 in Arlington, Virginia. Featured sessions will cover best practices for influencing federal policy and CTE advocacy and messaging. And on the last day of the event, March 20, the CTE Research Network will address topics that will help expand the evidence base for CTE.


Join Us at Our Annual WBL Conference

Happening May 1–3 at the Baird Center (formerly the Wisconsin Center) in Milwaukee, Wisconsin: the ACTE Work-based Learning (WBL) Conference 2024! This annual event, which sold out last year, offers focused professional development for WBL professionals in secondary and postsecondary CTE programs and institutions. Participants will gain access to a wealth of WBL resources. And they will learn how effective networking can enhance high-quality work-based learning experiences.


Submit Session Proposals for CareerTech VISION 2024! 

Join CTE professionals at ACTE’s CareerTech VISION, happening Dec. 4–7 in San Antonio, Texas. We are seeking session proposals that address the full range of conversations happening in CTE. As educators, you seek to prepare students with the knowledge and skills to succeed in their careers! And ACTE seeks to support you in those endeavors. VISION offers unparalleled networking and hundreds of concurrent sessions. The deadline to submit your session proposals is March 1.


Best Practices Call for Proposals Now Open!

Happening Oct. 9–11 in Portland, Oregon, ACTE’s and NCLA’s Best Practices and Innovations in CTE Conference is seeking session proposals to strengthen the field for CTE administrators of both secondary and postsecondary CTE programs and institutions. The deadline to submit presentation proposals is March 8.

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