In order to assist local business in gaining information on business opportunities with local municipalities, Wainwright Garrison etc., the Wainwright Economic Development Office will periodically send out opportunities to businesses that are listed on   merx.com  and CanadaBuys that pertain particularly to Wainwright and area.

These are systems used by the Government for procurement of goods and services over $25,000.
Please view the list of opportunities provided by Alberta Jobs, Economy and Northern Development that are available for businesses.

  • Alberta Construction Association - Construction New Talent Grant Program: Open Wage subsidies of 50% (maximum subsidy $5,000) are available to hire current post-secondary students and recent grads (up to 6 months) for temporary work experience placements at least 3 weeks in length which can take place at any time during the year. Placements can be engineers, technologists, accounting and finance, human resources, IT, logistics, procurement, safety, marketing, etc.
  • Alberta Food Processors Association- Food Futures: Open The Alberta Food Processors Association (AFPA) has received funding from the Alberta Government to support Work Integrated Learning placements in the food processing industry. This funding will support up to 90 student placements per year for the next 3 years. Wage subsidies of 50% (maximum subsidy $5,000) are available to hire current post-secondary students and recent grads (within 6 months) for temporary work experience placements.
  • Canada Food Innovation Network- FoodTech Next: Closes September 6, 2023 FoodTech Next is a unique funding opportunity for early-stage Canadian technology firms who seek to be part of -- or sell to -- the wider food industry. The program allows companies to demonstrate and pilot their innovation in operational environments to prove their solutions and validate the return on investment for the food sector.
  • Community Futures – Alberta Women’s Economic Recovery: Offering flexible low-interest small business loans, ongoing support and advice for women entrepreneurs in rural Alberta.
  • The Rural Development Network invites businesses to participate in a capacity-building training to support rural employers with the successful attraction, settlement, and retention of newcomer employees in the Alberta workforce. (Information below).
The Town of Wainwright offers funding to community groups or organizations providing an event or activity that will encourage positive economic activity in the community. Funding is made available annually through the Town of Wainwright’s Economic Development Support Fund Budget.

Please find below our application form with details on criteria, funding levels etc. 

For more information about this funding opportunity please contact Carley Herbert, Economic Development Officer at 780-842-3381 or by email cherbert@wainwright.ca
Summer is in full swing, and the road is calling! Embark on an exhilarating journey with Go East of Edmonton, and you could be the lucky winner of over $6,000 worth of incredible prizes this summer!

There is still time to participate. If you haven't started playing, now is your chance!

Download your game board and sign up for the free newsletter for additional road trip tips and extra chances to win!
Battle River Country (Town & M.D. of Wainwright, Chauvin, Edgerton & Irma) is filled with beautiful views, rich history, and residents who are always happy to share a story. View at battleriver.ca.
CanExport provides funding for exporters, innovators, associations and communities. CanExport is pleased to announce an exciting development in their upcoming 2024 call for applications. The CanExport Community Investments program will transition from contributions to grants! This significant change will make funding more accessible and streamline the process, making it more efficient.
What stays the same:
  • Applications will continue to be submitted through the online portal and the questions will remain the same
  • The adjudication process and evaluation criteria will stay the same
  • Funding will still involve a 50/50 cost share
  • Final report submissions will remain mandatory

What will change:
  • Grant payments will be distributed at the beginning of the year
  • There will be no need for modifications or claims
  • The project dates will shift from calendar year to fiscal year, spanning from April 1 to March 31
  • The call for applications will take place from September 5-29, 2023 to ensure that grant agreements can be sent out by January 1, 2024

Please visit https://www.tradecommissioner.gc.ca for more information on CanExport.
Alberta Women Entrepreneurs
Start-up Lloydminster
Business Link
If you would like to be featured as a Business Highlight in an upcoming newsletter, please email us at cherbert@wainwright.ca
While every effort is made to ensure the currency, accuracy and completeness of the information provided, the Town of Wainwright (Wainwright Economic Development) is not liable for any loss, claim or demand arising directly or indirectly from any use or reliance upon the information provided.