The mission of Wainwright Economic Development is to promote, expand and enhance the economic development of Wainwright by working in collaboration with various organizations and stakeholders, while ensuring constant communication with the community.
We are looking for input from the community on economic development issues. Please complete the survey below by May 31st. We appreciate your feedback!
Wainwright Economic Development is excited to be putting together our 2nd annual collaboration box to showcase the wonderful and unique businesses the Wainwright area has to offer.
Last year, all 50 of the Wainwright Biz Boxes sold out in just 22 minutes! This year we are aiming to have 100 boxes available to be sold during Small Business Week, which runs from October 15 - 21, 2023.
New this year is the option for sponsors and vendors to include a discount or incentive in the box in order to drive follow-up sales to your business.
This is a non-profit initiative with the sole purpose being to highlight and promote our area’s businesses. Submission does not guarantee acceptance.
Vendor deadline is May 15th.
In order to assist local business in gaining information on business opportunities with local municipalities, Wainwright Garrison etc., the Wainwright Economic Development Office will periodically send out business opportunities featured on and CanadaBuys that pertain particularly to Wainwright and area.
These are systems used by the Government for procurement of goods and services over $25,000.
The Town of Wainwright has proclaimed May 8 - 12th as Economic Development Week.
This week recognizes that economic developers promote the economic well-being and quality of life for their communities by creating, retaining, and expanding jobs that facilitate growth, enhance wealth, and provide a stable tax base.
Economic developers attract and retain high-quality jobs, develop vibrant communities, and improve the quality of life in their regions, and stimulate and incubate entrepreneurism.
SuccessionMatching matches buyers and sellers of small and medium-sized businesses. They take an economic development approach to business transitions and start working with business owners interested in transitioning one to five years before they want to sell.
How it works:
Buyers and sellers sign up for a membership on the site for no charge and then have the option to upgrade to a premium membership for additional services. Under a free membership, buyers and sellers gain access to a number of resources and are encouraged to create a listing to represent their current state and needs of succession.
For more information, please visit their website at or review their information package.
Looking for a rewarding health care career? Apply for the Lakeland College Canada Health Care Aide program, starting in Wainwright in September 2023.
A $9000 tuition bursary is available. Spaces are available on a first qualified, first accepted basis so in order to obtain a seat, don’t delay in applying!
The Stampede Kickoff is being held on Thursday, June 22, 2023.
The Wainwright & District Chamber of Commerce is looking for:
- Food vendors
- Chili Cook Off teams
- Participants for the entertainment stage
- Mascots
- Market Vendors (both non-profit as well as home based Businesses)
Alberta is now accepting applications for the new Agri-processing Investment. The program offers a 12 per cent non-refundable tax credit based on eligible capital expenditures to corporations investing $10 million or more to build or expand agri-processing facilities in the province.
To be eligible for the program, companies must be incorporated, registered or continued under Alberta’s Business Corporations Act, with the proposed investment plan having a minimum of $10 million in new capital expenditures.
The project must also be physically located in Alberta, be a new project or a significant expansion of an existing value-added agricultural processing facility, and project expenditures must directly support an eligible value-added agricultural activity.
Alberta Women Entrepreneurs
May 15 11:00am
May 15 11:00am
May 10, 17, 24 & 31 11:00am
Increasing Understanding of Ukrainian Evacuee: Multiple dates, online
CF Everything the government has to offer business – all in one place: Multiple dates, online
EDA (Economic Developers Alberta) Ask an Expert – How to Construct Your Communities Value Proposition: May 10, online
Strategies for Successful Employee Retention and Attraction: May 11, Camrose
NEW Inventures: May 31, 2023, Calgary
Site Link Forum 2023: May 31-June 1, Lac La Biche
Canada Rural and Remote Housing and Homeless Symposium: June 6-8, Online or Brantford ON
IEDC Economic Forum: June 11-13, Calgary
NEW The Agri-Food Innovation Expo: June 6-8, Red Deer
Bonnyville Oil & Gas Show: June 21 – 22
Global Energy Show: June 12-15, Calgary
The Town of Wainwright offers funding to community groups or organizations providing an event or activity that will encourage positive economic activity in the community. Funding is made available annually through the Town of Wainwright’s Economic Development Support Fund Budget.
Please find below our application form with details on criteria, funding levels etc.
For more information about this funding opportunity please contact Carley Herbert, Economic Development Officer @ 780-842-3381 or by email
If you would like to be featured as a Business Highlight in an upcoming newsletter, please email us at
While every effort is made to ensure the currency, accuracy and completeness of the information provided, the Town of Wainwright (Wainwright Economic Development) is not liable for any loss, claim or demand arising directly or indirectly from any use or reliance upon the information provided.