June 2024

Welcome to South Glengarry

We welcome the Swiss Farmer Bakery to Lancaster on Fridays from 1:00 to 7:00 p.m. throughout the summer. You can visit them at the Rob McIntosh Unique Shopping Experience parking lot. Drop by and select from among their delicious bread, sweets, and outstanding gluten-free bakery items.

Getting the Goods on Glen Falloch Coffee Company

In 2019, Neil DePass embarked on a mission to create the freshest cup of coffee by roasting his own beans. With his partner and Chief Taste Tester Monica Chander by his side, Neil sourced beans from different regions of the globe, experimenting with roasting and brewing techniques to find the ultimate coffee freshness.

In 2022, Neil and Monica settled in Martintown, where Neil roasts single-source Arabica coffee in small batches under the Glen Falloch Coffee Company brand. Each label includes the origin of the beans, roast level, taste profile, and date the beans were roasted. Discover the results of their dedication by purchasing their coffee online or from Henderson’s or Dish Wish. 

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You're Invited to Celebrate Globocam's Grand Opening on June 14th

Enjoy trucks, music, refreshments, and a BBQ, with a ribbon cutting at noon to help them celebrate. Please RSVP your attendance to Shellie McPhail: shellie.mcphail@globocam.ca

Date: June 14th

Time: 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony: Noon

Location: 6253 Boundary Road

Support Glengarry Mental Health Initiative Annual Fundraiser

Founded by local youth, the Glengarry Mental Health Initiative is dedicated to making mental health services financially accessible, normalizing conversations about mental wellness, and empowering individuals to take charge of their mental health. Let's show our support by attending their fundraisers this summer.

We hope to see you on June 22nd and 23rd.

Visit their website

Good News for Entrepreneurs

Program Expansion to Support Aspiring Entrepreneurs

On May 22, the Ontario government announced a $4.8 million investment to expand the Starter Company Plus program delivered by Small Business Enterprise Centres. The funding will provide expert advice, workshops, networking and grants up to $5000 to start or expand businesses. These services are delivered locally by the Cornwall and Area Business Enterprise Centre. To read the news release, please use the link below.

Read the News Release

Leverage Ontario-Made Branding

Manufacturers and retailers can join the Ontario Made branding program at no cost. Members are listed on their business directory, and get access to promotional materials, such as the Ontario Made logo. Increase your exposure to consumers and promote your products more clearly with the Ontario Made logo. Retailers can use this branding to promote locally sourced goods. For details, please use the link below.

Visit the Ontario Made Website

Networking Opportunities

Breakfast Connections in South Stormont

Join area business owners for a networking breakfast on June 20th with Guest Speaker Terry Wills sharing the multi-generational success story of Wills Transfer Limited.

Date: June 20th

Time: 7:30 a.m.

Location: 2 Milles Roches Road, Long Sault

Register for Breakfast Connections

Business Sisters' 5 à 7 Lands in South Glengarry

Please join us for a special networking event at the historic LeClair Manor, recently acquired by the evening's host, Carolyn.

Date: Tuesday, June 18th

Time: 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.

Location: 4792 2nd Line Road, North Lancaster

Register for the 5 à 7

Learning Opportunities

Do you want more website visitors? You’ve heard about optimizing for search engines, but what does this mean? Register for the upcoming webinar “Optimizing for Search Engines-Understanding SEO Basics on Tuesday, July 23, from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m.

Register Today

Highlights from the Cornwall and SDG Employer Seminar

On May 28, I joined 120+ attendees at the Cornwall and SDG Employer Seminar. Employer panels sharing successful employee recruitment and retention strategies were informative and insightful. Creating a positive workplace culture providing a sense of belonging, employee recognition, and development opportunities are key ingredients in today’s workforce attraction strategy. Employer-led workforce housing, market compensation, and non-financial benefits aligned with employee values are quite successful. Understanding what your employees value is essential to designing a workforce attraction and retention strategy despite ongoing labour shortages.

If you would like to join the newly formed HR Group in the area, please email Shannon Lever or Giulio Desando using the links below.


Shannon Lever Giulio Desando

Funding and Grants

The Grow Ontario Market Initiative from the Ontario government provides funding to primary producers, processors, and industry organizations to find and develop domestic or export market opportunities. Learn how to grow your agri-food business through marketing analysis and planning, new product development, and marketing activities.

The intake period opened on May 19, 2024, and remains open until all funds are allocated. This is a high-demand program, so please read the Grow Ontario Market Initiative Guidelines online for details.

Grow Ontario Market Initiative Guidelines | ontario.ca

FedDev Ontario’s spring 2024 application intake period is open until June 24th at 4:59 pm Eastern Time. This funding is no-interest, repayable contributions from $125,000 to $10 million per project for incorporated businesses that:

  • develop, commercialize, or create innovative products, processes, and services
  • improve productivity, capacity, and competitiveness
  • scale-up and expand to develop new business opportunities, enter new markets, or reach new customers

To qualify, for-profit entities must be incorporated in Ontario or Canada, have at least 5 full-time employees, and have 3+ years of business operations.

Project priorities are greening the economy, accelerated business development, innovative technology, and industrial transition for greater competitiveness. For details or to see if your project qualifies, visit:

The next intake period is fall 2024. Visit the Fed Dev Website for details.

Now Accepting Applications

The Ontario Trillium Fund’s Seed Grant helps non-profit organizations build resilience and improve their ability to deliver programs and services that directly benefit community members. Applicants can apply for funding to support organizational planning, test a new program, and build their capacity to plan for future programs and services. Grants range from $10k to $100k.

  • Join a webinar to learn about the funding criteria
  • Book a one-to-one coaching call to determine your eligibility
  • Application submission period: May 29-June 26, 2024

Partnership Funding is intended solely for tourism businesses interested in building on existing experiences or introducing new tourism products that increase visitation to the South Eastern Ontario region. RTO9 is hosting online information sessions in June and July to review fund application guidelines and eligibility requirements for the 2nd intake period this year.


Applications for the Partnership Fund open July 5, and close July 28, 2024!

Join one of the webinars taking place from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. on each date:

  • Tuesday, June 25th, 2024
  • Friday, June 28th, 2024
  • Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024
  • Thursday, July 4th, 2024
  • Wednesday, July 10th, 2024
  • Tuesday, July 16th, 2024


Save your seat! Partnership Fund Information Sessions - RTO 9

Jennifer Treverton Photo

Do you have questions?

Reach out today.

Jennifer Treverton

Economic Development Officer

Telephone: 613-347-1166 ext. 2106

Email: jtreverton@southglengarry.com

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