This electronic communication is a resource providing businesses and interested parties with relevant information about funding sources, events, resources, and other local municipal information.

Canada Day Celebrations

Petawawa is filled with people who are Proud to be Canadian!

Join together to celebrate Canada Day on July 1st, 2024, at the Petawawa Civic Centre from 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm.

Admission is FREE. While supplies last there are BBQ hot dogs, drinks, and cake. Children's games, bouncy activities, and the firefighters' water slide.

Don't miss out on the live music featuring the Petawawa Military Wives Choir and Sawmill Road.

A friendly reminder that the municipal offices in Petawawa are closed on Monday, July 1st, 2024 for Canada Day and will re-open Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024.

Petawawa Branding Survey

The Town of Petawawa is embarking on an exciting initiative to modernize its branding and marketing materials, including the town logo. This effort aims to better reflect the vibrant community and enhance its identity for residents, businesses, and visitors alike. The survey will remain open until July 15th, 2024. Hard copies of the survey can be picked up at Town Hall (1111 Victoria Street), the Civic Centre Community Services office (16 Civic Centre Road) or the Petawawa Public Library (16 Civic Centre Road).

Town of Petawawa Seeking Input on Branding Survey - The Town of Petawawa

Enabling Accessibility Fund - Small Projects

The Enabling Accessibility Fund - Small projects stream aims to make communities and workplaces across Canada more accessible for persons with disabilities. Organizations with up to 99 full-time equivalent employees can receive up to $125,000 in funding for new construction, renovations, or retrofits. The funding will create more opportunities for persons with disabilities to take part in communities, activities, programs, and services and access employment.  Applications will be received until July 23, 2024, at 3 pm.

Upcoming Information Sessions:

  • July 9, 2024, at 1:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time – English
  • July 10, 2024, at 1:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time – French

Learn more here: Enabling Accessibility Fund – small projects - funding program -

First Impressions Community Exchange (FICE)

Petawawa Paired with North Grenville

Throughout the month of June, the Town of Petawawa was paired with the Township of North Grenville for a First Impressions Community Exchange (FICE). Representatives from Petawawa traveled to Kemptville and the surrounding hamlets to provide feedback on their community. In exchange, members of the community from North Grenville were in Petawawa to do the same. All the information ascertained from these visits will be compiled and presented to the communities; the good, bad and ugly. The goal of this OMAFRA program, is to get a first-hand understanding of how outsiders see and engage with the community. It provides meaningful data that will help Council support programs and projects that will improve the community for the visitors and also for our residents.

Community Improvement Plan

Community Improvement Plan (CIP)

The Time Travellers Motel in Petawawa recently completed improvements to the exterior of their commercial property with support from the Town's CIP funding.

If you are interested in information about CIP please visit the municipal website: Community Improvement Plan (CIP) - The Town of Petawawa

The RCCFDC has a CIP fund from which successful municipal applicants can apply. Their fund allocation is a loan and serves as a cash injection to pay for upfront project expenses. Learn more at Financing / Funding - RCCFDC — Renfrew Country Community Futures Development Corp

Featured Development Opportunity

Are you looking for commercial space?

Multiple commercial space development opportunities ranging from 1,500 SF to 15,000 SF in upcoming retail development anchored by Food Basics. Development slated for Spring/Summer 2025.

Petawawa Town Centre - Metro Lands Development Opportunities - The Town of Petawawa

Renfrew County 2023

Ontario Winter Games Legacy Fund

Legacy Fund will support young athletes and sports organizations for years to come

The Renfrew County 2023 Ontario Winter Games was held over two weekends in February 2023 and featured 2,300 participants. The County estimates the Ontario Winter Games added more than $4 million to the local economy. A legacy fund valued at $375,000 has been entrusted to the Ottawa Valley Community Foundation. Grants for the Games Legacy Fund will see the first applications accepted in early 2025.

The three granting areas will be:

  • Youth Sport Grant (up to age 21) – $20,000 annually (grants up to $1,000 per request for equipment costs, travel costs, registration, etc.);

  • Sports Clubs$20,000 annually (four grants per year of $5,000) for teams, clubs and organizations with a specific need;

  • Major Sports Infrastructure $40,000 annually (two grants per year up to $20,000) for new builds or infrastructure improvements in existing sports facilities that will improve accessibility, ensure more people can participate, improve the quality of the facility or provide a new option for sport.
Town of Petawawa
Petawawa Business Advisory Network
1111 Victoria St. Petawawa, Ontario
Phone 1-613-687-5536

Petawawa Businesses be sure to use Shop Petawawa to drive additional sales to your businesses' shopping and social platforms. Need help using this FREE resource? Want to advertise your business event or celebration? Contact Christine 

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