July 2024

New in South Glengarry

Globocam's Opening Celebration and Ribbon-Cutting

It was a pleasure to attend the grand opening of Globocam on June 14th. The event opened with a speech from President and CEO Maxime Boyer, emphasizing the company's family-oriented values and their continuous efforts to promote sustainability in the transportation industry. MP Eric Duncan, MPP Nolan Quinn, and Deputy Mayor Martin Lang warmly welcomed the Globocam executive team to South Glengarry in a ceremonial ribbon-cutting. We invite you to read the full media release.

Globocam ribbon-cutting on Boundary Road, June 14, 2024

Deputy Mayor Lang with Globocam President and CEO, Maxime Boyer

2024 Business and Community Awards Gala

Send Us Your Nominations!

If you know a business or individual who exemplifies excellence, is community-spirited, and contributes to the betterment of South Glengarry, please nominate them for one of the awards below:

·       Community Service

·       Citizen of the Year

·       Business of the Year

·       Entrepreneur of the Year

·       Excellence in Agriculture

·       Youth Merit

Please complete your nomination form and submit it with supporting documentation to Jennifer Treverton at jtreverton@southglengarry.com. Each award's criteria is listed on the back of the form. 

Download a Fillable Nomination Form

Business Supporting Business

Each year we invite local businesses to support our awards gala through sponsorship, fostering a strong sense of community, celebrating each other’s successes, and encouraging continuous growth and excellence.

Please view the sponsorship card below and tell us if you want to support business excellence in South Glengarry.

Become a 2024 Business and Community Awards Gala Sponsor.

Ontario Made

Let’s Make it an Ontario-Made Summer! 

The Ontario Government announced a new interactive map connecting consumers to more than 2300 retailers across Ontario, including over 1,000 local producers, on July 8th.

Learn more about this branding program by reading the complete release here: Let’s Make it an Ontario-Made Summer! | Ontario Newsroom

Networking Opportunities

Business Sisters Golf Clinic and Networking 2024:

Swing into summer with Business Sister’s golf clinic and networking event in Casselman. Learn from the pros, network with other women entrepreneurs, and have fun on the green.

Please visit the Business Sisters website for details and to register.

Learning Opportunities

Mastermind Program: Learning, Mentorship, and More

A Mastermind group in business is a peer-to-peer mentoring concept where members support and learn from each other. It provides a structured environment for sharing ideas, solving problems, and offering mutual accountability to achieve goals.

The first session is July 24th from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. at the Business Sisters’ office in Alexandria. Please visit the Business Sisters website for details and to register.

Funding and Grants

The Southern Ontario Fund for Investment in Innovation (SOFII) loan program supports high-growth, innovative small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in rural and urban communities, by offering loans of $150,000 to $500,000 to support growth challenges. Funded in part by FedDev Ontario, SOFII empowers innovation in southern Ontario.

Financing for:

·       Late-stage commercialization

·       New product or service development

·       New applications or markets

·       Development or implementation of new processes or technologies

Visit the SOFII website for more information or contact Michelle Cathers, SOFII Program Manager: T: 705-486-5557 | C: 705-772-5683 | michelle.cathers@cfeasternontario.ca

ROUND #2 RT09 Partnership Funding Now Open

The Partnership Fund Initiative is designed to introduce new tourism products and build on existing tourism products that enhance the region’s diversity of tourism attractions. Intake #2 Applications will be for projects beginning September 6, 2024-February 17, 2025. Please visit the Partnership Funding - RTO 9 website for details.

Categories include:

·       New Events

·       Development of Indigenous Tourism Products

·       Signage

The application period ends July 28th, 2024: Apply Now: Round #2 - 2024/2025 Partnership Fund Application

Jennifer Treverton Photo

Please contact our Economic Development Officer if you need support.

Jennifer Treverton

Economic Development Officer

Telephone: 613-347-1166 ext. 2106

Email: jtreverton@southglengarry.com

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