March 27, 2020
Dear Richmond Waldorf School Community,
Our global challenge to provide education and programs you expect, and the promise to deliver is challenging and satisfying in many ways. With Governor Northam’s announcement of school closure for the remainder of this academic year, we are reviewing all aspects of our operations to continue to provide a quality Waldorf education and service to our community.
Our teachers are working hard to adapt our programs to facilitate Distance Learning. We want to hear from you throughout this process to better understand what you, as parents and students, believe is most meaningful and effective.
Our Administration is working to ensure financial impacts are minimal to our community, staff and programs.
Each of the affected programs are addressed below:
- Grades and Early Childhood: Tuition, 2019-2020, is expected to be billed and paid as we continue to provide the RWS education. Parents or guardians impacted by circumstances that are affecting the ability to pay should contact Nancy Cross, Interim Director Administration. TADS payments can be extended through August 2020. If you wish to extend your payments, please do so through TADS. Their phone number is 800-477-8237.
- Sprouts: Participants will be refunded for the two (2) classes that were cancelled. Refunds will be mailed by April 20, 2020.
- Aftercare: Participants will receive refunds for care not provided after March 13, 2020. We are reviewing each contract payment schedule. The Business Office will handle these and will send refunds by April 20, 2020.
- 2020-2021 Tuition Adjustment / Financial Aid applications: The Tuition Adjustment committee continues to review financial aid applications each week as TADS completes their verification process for each family. Financial aid appeals due to COVID-19 impacts will be considered. Further, if you do not have a need now but your circumstances change later, we will review and consider additional tuition adjustment. Families in need of support or who have questions should get in touch with Valerie Hogan. You will use the TADS system to provide changes to your financial state.
- 2020-2021 Re-Enrollment: Contracts are being received for next school year and we thank you for your confidence in RWS! We also know we are in an unprecedented time, and many may be questioning future plans. We want to do our best to get through this together as a community. Please contact us if you are considering withdrawal due to financial constraints and/or uncertainty due to COVID-19 and its impacts. To support our families, we are extending the re-enrollment period through June 5. Additionally, your enrollment fee will remain $200 with no increase. RWS will also defer payment of enrollment fee into tuition payment plan upon parent request. Please reach out to have a conversation so we can help as we are able.
For families receiving refunds, we ask you to consider making the refund amount a donation to RWS at this time.
If that is your desire, please contact
Lorraine Graff
, Accounting Coordinator, 804-377-8024.
We are certain with close attention to our current budget, we will get through this academic year successfully. We also continue to plan and budget for our 2020-2021 academic year. It is wonderful to be part of a caring and dedicated community. We THANK YOU!
Interim Director of Administration