Directors and Officers Insurance

Directors & Officers (D&O) Liability insurance is designed to protect the people who serve as directors or officers of a company from personal losses if they are sued by the organization’s employees, vendors, customers or other parties. The coverage, which usually protects the company as well, covers legal fees, settlements, and other costs associated with wrongful act allegations and lawsuits.

Our partner, Travelers Insurance, recommends that any business, including private companies, public companies, and financial institutions with a board of directors should have Directors & Officers liability insurance coverage. Claims against companies and their directors and officers are increasingly common.

If your business works with vendors or government entities, or has employees or customers, you may have exposure that could make your organization and its executives vulnerable to costly legal action.

Why you may need Directors and Officers Insurance

Looking for More?

D&O Insurance Coverage 101

Please take a couple of minutes to view the video below, which provides an overview of directors and officers liability insurance and why businesses of all kinds can benefit from having this important coverage.

Turner Agency Directors and Officers Liability Insurance 101

Does Volunteering Your Time Mean Volunteering Your Insurance?

If you are serving on a board for your church, your child's school, or another non-profit organization, read on to learn how you might be personally at risk without the proper coverage. Learn how to protect yourself and close the potential coverage gaps.

Read on for full article.

HR Brief: Employment Policy Updates

Our partner, Selective Insurance, has recently published The 2024 Employee Handbook Watchdog Report to help you stay current with policy changes. The report includes a state-by-state list of the latest employment policy updates, allowing you to quickly identify what handbook policies have been updated for the jurisdictions where you maintain physical operations or employ remote workers. This allows you to easily update your employee handbook to remain compliant and protected.

Click here for the full report that includes changes in South Carolina and all other states.

Life Insurance Brief: Using Life Insurance to Fund Buy-Sell Agreements

A chief concern among our clients is what will happen upon the death of one of the owners, and how will it affect their business, any other owners, and the heirs of the deceased owner. A buy-sell agreement can address all of these concerns, and one way to fund a buy-sell agreement is with life insurance.

Click here for the full article. If you would like to discuss how this option could help your business, reach out to Ginger Carlon or Lee Scroggins.

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