Business food scraps requirement
In 2018, Metro Regional government passed a publicly supported regional policy mandating food scraps generated by food businesses be collected separately from garbage. This applies to restaurants and bars, grocery stores, food manufacturers, hospitals and schools and more and is now in effect.

Washington County's Green Business Leaders team is here to help! Contact us now for FREE assistance, food scrap collection bins, instructional materials and staff training. Learn more at our website and our frequently asked questions (FAQs) page!
Commercial food scraps collection services
Businesses in unincorporated Washington County now have commercial food scraps collection service included in the billing of regular garbage and recycling services. This means that there will be no extra charge for adding food scraps collection to your current service. If you work in or own a food service business, contact us today to help you get started with your food scraps collection!
Featured Green Businesses!
Wauna Credit Union
Wauna Credit Union started 2022 off by certifying as a gold Green Business Leader. The Forest Grove branch is a LEED certified building that has efficient energy and water saving features, and the employees have set up specialized recycling and food scraps collection programs to minimize the waste sent to landfill. Wauna also actively supports their community through charitable donation programs, paid employee volunteer time and scholarship programs. Congrats Wauna Credit Union!
Originally certified at the silver level, Genentech stepped it up to gold for their recertification. They have ambitious sustainability goals to reduce their global environmental footprint by 50% by 2030 and 100% of their energy is from renewable sources. They're in the process of installing on-site solar panels and have multiple electric vehicle charging stations for employees and visitors. Thank you for continuing to be a Green Business Leader!
Become a greener business today!
It's a great time to become a certified green business or recertify if your business or organization was a Green Business Leader in the past. Or, if you're simply looking to improve your recycling and waste reduction efforts, we can help with that too!

Check out our website for all the different ways you can connect with our program. We provide lots of free resources, staff training and onsite assistance in both Spanish and English. Contact us today!
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