Many small business owners are in a very tough position. Not only have they had to navigate months of government-mandated limitations, health...
Sometime recently, novelty holidays have popped up for almost anything. Many of which just aim to celebrate the things about our lives that...
With all the threats covered in mass media nowadays, it can be too simple to get the mistaken impression that the biggest threats to your...
As much as you hope it will not happen to your business, a disaster could very well strike at any time-statistics have shown as much to be...
For a very long time, Apple has been requested to share a workaround for their platform security with law enforcement, which the company has...
Working in technology can be illuminating. We constantly are coming across situations that we've never seen before. Sometimes this is the result...

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IT Industry Secret
The Pay-By-The-Hour Computer Company, in the IT Industry, we call this the 'break-fix' practice. That's because this type of company bases the majority of their income on the fact that your technology will break, and you will pay them to fix it. These companies usually charge per hour for support, or perhaps offer a discount with blocks of prepaid time. Their technicians come to your office to solve a specific computer issue. Read the Rest Online!
Tech Fun Fact
80% of smartphone users check their phones within one hour before going to sleep.