July 2024 | FFGC - DISTRICT I, INC

Hello everyone……I’ve received quite a bit of information during the last month, so I decided to send out a mid-season issue of The Busy Bee. Part of the decision is to make a test run of the newsletter to insure that I am doing it correctly through Constant Contact. I have just recently learned this program, so bear with me. But, as I said, I do have information to share.  

Destin Garden Club……I attended the presentation that Gina Jogan gave at the Destin Garden Club’s June meeting on Landscape Design. The presentation centered on using greenery from her yard and how you can make beautiful centerpieces. Her designs were beautiful and she makes it look very easy. She is also a fun speaker.  

Velda Doughtery’s chairmanship and hard work on the Japanese garden created at the Destin Library earned three awards, one from District 1, one from FFGC, and a Plant America award from the National Garden Clubs, Inc. Velda received a gift from the club of a bottle of Midori, a dark green Japanese liqueur. Our District Director Jenny Weber plans to feature Destin Garden Club in “The Idea Exchange” newsletter so be sure to look for that article coming up in the Fall.

Beautiful Centerpiece!

Beautiful Ladies!

Beautiful Garden!

Very cute pictures ladies!

District 1 Directory……this will be revised and issued before September. If you have not sent in your new officers or any other changes, please do so soon.

National Garden Week……I hope you all participated in some fashion in National Garden Week at the first part of June. Next year’s week is June 1 - 7, 2025. Please put that on your list of items and plan an activity for next year! 

Calendar of Gardening Events for Northwest Florida and Beyond……If you have some free time, you may want to check out Tina’s calendar of events for the next several months with lots of fun and interesting activities. If you did not receive a copy, I’ll be glad to send you one.

An activity coming up in September is the Milton Garden Club’s - Plant Sale on September 28. The District 1 Fall Meeting is on the calendar for Tuesday, October 8. More information will be sent out later.  

Short Course North……Hopefully, you have signed up for the Short Course North to take place August 8 - 9. Deadline for registering is July 29. Contact Joanne Connor at ronjoconnor@bellsouth.net.  

100th Anniversary Celebration……Proclamation from Mayor Deegan and letter of support from Governor DeSantis. This framed Proclamation and letter will be a historical remembrance of that day and will hang proudly at the headquarters of FFGC. Congratulations Tina!

Be sure to plan now for the FFGC Tri-Refresher (Convention) next April 10 - 11, 2025 again in Jacksonville, Florida. Plans are being readied, and it will be a fun event. 

That is all the information for the moment, but as Fall comes around, I am sure you will have lots more interesting and fun activities planned. Please let me know your events to be published.

I hope you are having a wonderful summer! Happy 4th of July!

Betty White

Newsletter Editor

July 2024


Visit our Website! GardenClubsNWFL.com
Visit our Events Calendar! 

Jenny Weber, District 1 Director JenWeber1975@gmail.com

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