Very cute pictures ladies!
District 1 Directory……this will be revised and issued before September. If you have not sent in your new officers or any other changes, please do so soon.
National Garden Week……I hope you all participated in some fashion in National Garden Week at the first part of June. Next year’s week is June 1 - 7, 2025. Please put that on your list of items and plan an activity for next year!
Calendar of Gardening Events for Northwest Florida and Beyond……If you have some free time, you may want to check out Tina’s calendar of events for the next several months with lots of fun and interesting activities. If you did not receive a copy, I’ll be glad to send you one.
An activity coming up in September is the Milton Garden Club’s - Plant Sale on September 28. The District 1 Fall Meeting is on the calendar for Tuesday, October 8. More information will be sent out later.
Short Course North……Hopefully, you have signed up for the Short Course North to take place August 8 - 9. Deadline for registering is July 29. Contact Joanne Connor at
100th Anniversary Celebration……Proclamation from Mayor Deegan and letter of support from Governor DeSantis. This framed Proclamation and letter will be a historical remembrance of that day and will hang proudly at the headquarters of FFGC. Congratulations Tina!