April 2018
We all have seasons in our lives that are slow, and seasons that are super busy. Each season has its pluses and minuses. The slow seasons offer a needed respite after the busy season. However, if slow seasons last too long; we tend to become lazy and unproductive. The busy season tends to give us a feeling of accomplishment, and if lasting too long can cause burn-out. That is why in everything balance and moderation are key. These next couples of months are a busy season for us as a family and ministry; but summer will be here soon, and with it a time of needed relaxation.
This week we have a group of 7 businessmen arriving from the United States. Their leader, Ken Janke, is a long time friend of Mario's. He is the program director for Global Advance, an organisation that helps network and train Christian businesses owners and entrepreneurs to become more successful by putting into practice Kingdom principles in their everyday business dealings. This group will be holding a weekend conference for Croatian business owners who will have a chance to meet one another, and hear not only from very successful American business owners, but from Croatian ones, as well. One of Mario's passions is to help people become strong leaders and encourage the Croatian people to start businesses. This is good not only for the economy, but also helps the Church to become influential in the city. We are to be the head and not the tail!
Our favourite event of the year, JarunFest, is coming up and will be here sooner than we know it! We love having the opportunity to serve the community, and share the love of God with those who do not yet know him. We will have inflatable jumping castles, puppet shows, and games for the children and Christian concerts, and short skits during the day for teens and adults. We will serve free hot dogs  and hamburgers, and share the love of God with those who are open to listen. JarunFest has actually become quite well known to the community living and frequenting the Jarun Lake area and people have mentioned to us in previous years how much they love to attend the festival each year. Would you partner with us in praying for JarunFest? We have been able to raise almost all of the finances this year from Croatia. We are believing that God will provide the remaining $ 1200, impact hearts and lives, and that more seeds will be planted and watered.

Toward the end of this month, Mario will be leaving for a Foursquare conference in Corinth, Greece. This will be an important opportunity for him to meet some more pastors and leaders from Europe, fellowship, and get to know them. It is important for pastors to be able to get together, share their needs and burdens, pray for each other, and encourage one another.

We are doing well as a family. The kids are hard at work with school and various activities. For those of you who may not have heard, Mario will be traveling to the US in July and August. We have been hoping and praying that Bonnie and the kids would be able to come to the US this summer, as well, and stay in Hermiston, OR with her parents. Would you be praying with us about that, and that God would provide the needed finances for this trip?
We are so thankful for each of you, for your consistent prayers and support. May the Lord bless and keep you as you serve him each day!

Mario & Bonnie!
 Croatian Evangelistic Outreach
|  [email protected] |www.cce.hr


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