Cambodian Community Dream Organization, Inc.
September 2019 Dream Journal
Summer School
While children around the world return to school for the new school year our Cambodian students start 5 weeks of Summer School . Some will have their first introduction to English and computers and some will continue to improve the lessons learned. All will have some fun games and crafts and sports between more academic studies. They also get to interact with some of our international summer interns. 

Scholarship Students Interns
This is the first year we have introduced a Summer Intern program for our Cambodian high school scholarship students. They are giving back to our organization and their community by helping with WASH surveys and helping teach English and computer classes.
As many of them want to be teachers, this is a great way of practicing and finding out if they will really like the job. Like one of them Veha Soeurm says,

”It makes me feel happy when I see the students understand what I am trying to teach. I am especially happy when I teach through games and children are smiling while they learn.”

English Teachers Training Concluded
We are proud of our training the teachers program.  Education trainer , Sitha Sok and Hannah Paul , our intern volunteer from Germany , spent the past school year training and mentoring the relatively new teachers in the Angkor Thom District . They would train them in new methodologies on Thursdays and then observe them teach in their classrooms during the week.

The 17 teachers all graduated and were given a certificate and special backpacks full of teaching materials.

Preschool dedicated in Memoriam of Beloved Teacher
One of our most dedicated preschool teachers, Seb Sok in Angkor Thom district was senselessly killed by a young guy on a motorbike. She left behind a 3 year and 7 year old and a classroom of mourning children. This prompted CCDO to create our Road Safety Workshop . Board member, Carol with husband Mark Duster , generously donated the funds to maintain the Seb Sok School in Ploung district.

Road Safety Workshops
Traffic accidents are not an incurable disease. In Cambodia more than 3 people die and 100 are injured every day as a result of road traffic accidents, and the casualty figures are increasing dramatically.

CCDO has just launched the Road Safety Workshop to help prevent traffic accidents in Cambodia. We are coaching students in schools and people in the community to practice the right behavior and recognize common traffic signs that they should know and respect. We are particularly emphasizing the use of helmets on motorbikes. 
Leangseng Hoy Travels to USA
Our Executive Director , Leangseng Hoy , is traveling to the USA from Mid Sept – Mid October. His main purpose is to partake in a leadership course in Seattle. He has been sponsored by the SEA Foundation to participate in the Perennial Fellowship 2019 .

He will be also be visiting our supporters in Los Angeles, San Francisco Bay Area, Seattle , and New York . He has the opportunity of speaking with Cambodian Communities in the USA as well as making presentations in schools. He will add a fundraiser or two. 

Watch out for your invitation to meet him along the way.
Travel With Purpose to Cambodia
We still have a few places left on our January 2020 tour To Cambodia with CCDO. We will be joined by The Rotary Club of Sentosa for the first weekend as they distribute 1,000 bicycles to students in the Angkor Thom district. How special to see the shining eyes of the lucky students!

Please join us for this inspirational travel, it will change your life. Even better, bring a partner, sibling, child, grandchild or a special friend for a bonding travel and volunteer experience!

Volunteer Interns

We welcomed Larissa Ackermann from Germany who will help with our Education and English Teacher Training programs. Larissa is studying in Denmark and will be completing some practical work for her thesis. 
Remember : Ordinary people can do extraordinary things to change lives - one child at a time .