• "Most awesome webinar! Certainly appreciate all the golden nuggets!" - CG
  • "Fabulous! Thank you so much for this. It was tremendous!" - JB
  • "Excellent webinar today. Thanks very much for taking the time and sharing all this information." - SZ
  • "Thank you SO much for this great webinar!" - JA

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Follow the Money !
E-Learning & Corporate Narration  
with top VO pro & coach 
J. Michael Collins
and guest top VO pro & coach  
Anne Ganguzza
See and Hear It All ...
From Players to Pay and Performance
to How to Get Clients ...
includes Video & Audio Recordings, Slides & Scripts!   
Instant Download Now: $59
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Meet Your Acclaimed Trainers    
In more than 20 years as a professional voice actor, J. Michael has worked with many of the worlds largest companies, brands, sports leagues and organizations.  
He works in both the classic agency-based VO world and online casting marketplace, where he has become a leading authority. 
He is also recognized as an industry-leading voice-over coach and award-winning demo producer.
J. Michael  is a 16-time Voice Arts Award winner as voice actor, demo producer, script writer and casting director.  
And his voice-over students have booked many hundreds of e-learning and corporate narration jobs by applying his techniques. 

Anne is a full-time voice talent, coach and producer who works with students to develop their voice-over and business skills.  
She specializes in Conversational Commercial and Narration styles, including Corporate, E-Learning, Medical, Telephony and On-Hold.
With over 20 years of experience in corporate and educational training, she teaches workshops and voice-over classes in Orange County, CA, plus offers private coaching and mentoring to students.
Anne's VO credits include Delta, Mercedes Benz, Hyundai, PayPal, Noodles World Kitchen, Wells Fargo, Michelin, Credit Suisse, Cisco, Toyota, Panasonic, Mitsubishi, Telecore, Synchronix and Xerox 
It's time to follow the money!

As commercial VO rates decline, voice-over talent are flocking to other areas of work where rates and opportunities are growing.

E-Learning and Corporate Narration are among the hottest of these sectors today, with rates that average between $1,000 and $3,000 per hour of studio time for E-Learning, and $350 to $1,000 for short Corporate projects.

J. Michael Collins and Anne Ganguzza are two of these genres' biggest bookers - as well as being pioneers in E-Learning and Corporate Narration coaching and demo production.

If you are looking to break into E-Learning and Corporate Narration ... or increase your bookings there ... this is the webinar recording for you.

In this info-packed session, this dynamic duo covers:
  • E-Learning & Corporate Read Styles
  • Performance Techniques
  • The E-Learning & Corporate Marketplaces
  • Why Almost Any Voice Type Can Play
  • Where to Find the Work
  • How to Market Directly to E-Learning Developers
  • How to Market Directly to End Clients
  • How Much You Should Charge
  • Using External Editors
  • How to Build Long-Term Client Relationships
  • And More ...
PLUS: J. Michael and Anne answer questions in a highly informative Q&A.

Instant Download Now: $59
Can You Really Afford To Miss This?
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Presented by VoiceOverXtra, the voice over industry's leading online resource for voice over success
- your trusted daily source for
industry news, training and resources.
Questions? Please contact
John Florian @ 203-218-8981