Need a voice over income boost?
If you're not doing remote recording sessions with directors and clients, you are
missing out on income opportunities and an
enjoyable way to connect with others and perform.
The DIRECTED SESSION is not only growing in demand and importance during the COVID era - but can actually make your job easier: Record as directed, and most likely, the professional engineer on the connection will then edit the recording for the client.
Being able to record in a Directed Session will enhance your relationships with directors and clients - and improve your efficiency and productivity.
In this VoiceOverXtra webinar recording, acclaimed spoken word producer / voice talent Tim Keenan explains all this with a focus on commercial projects and corporate non-broadcast work.
You will learn what equipment is needed for your home studio and how to prepare for a Directed Session.
Then a special guest voice over director Allison Moffett and Tim conduct mock Directed Sessions with seven PERFORMERS.
PS: If you're already performing in Directed Sessions, this webinar shows how to up your game.
- Why Directed Sessions are so important in the COVID and Post-COVID production world.
- How to prepare for Directed Sessions. Do you need to do anything special?
- The types of technology used to connect to professional studios.
- What connection technology is best for Directed Sessions from your home studio to a pro studio.
- The importance of a proper acoustic environment in your home studio.
- What the flow of a Directed Session actually sounds like, as a special guest director conducts live sessions with performers.
- The benefits and issues associated with Directed Sessions.
- Why you should be ENCOURAGING your clients to use Directed Sessions.
- And more!
Just $69
Includes Video & Audio Recordings Plus Slides