Super Bowl Sunday, February 13, 2022
Until we went out to La 20 Sports Bar to watch the Super Bowl around 5 pm, we lazed around the house catching up on bills, housekeeping chores, etc.
Bucerias is split into two worlds. The glitzier, vibrant touristy section is on the ocean side of Hwy 200, the main artery running through town. The other side of Hwy 200 is, for the most part, the grittier side, the side where the locals live, shop, and eat. La 20 Sports Bar is one of those back street clubs on the grittier side, but barely. It is just two or three doors away from Hwy 200.
Bucerias doesn’t have a lot of sports bars, so La 20 Sports Bar was going to be a popular place with Americans this evening. I was surprised with how many Canadians showed up at the La 20.
The downstairs was packed by the time we arrived at 5 pm. The upstairs was opened up and it had plenty of room. We parked ourselves upstairs. Jeff had talked up the food at La 20, so we ordered grilled shrimp quesadillas and a side of guacamole and chips. The quesadillas were delicious. We are getting hooked on grilled shrimp “anything”. The guacamole was a mountain of green divinity.
This was the first time that the Mexican Telemundo network broadcast the Super Bowl live. So, downstairs, all the flatscreens were set on the American broadcast - in English, of course. Upstairs, we got the Spanish Telemundo version. Both ran together, so we got Spanglish. Neither the English nor the Spanish broadcasts got the Super Bowl commercials. Instead, we got a plug for some soccer league that is expanding in Mexico, and the Pam and Tommy TV series on Hulu during every single commercial break. Since I wasn’t all that invested in the game, as I wasn’t rooting for either team, none of that goofiness bothered me. It only added to the Mexican charm.
Jeff, Teri, and two of the Road Trip band-members, Amy and DJ Doty, arrived in time for the halftime show. Going with old-geezer rap stars was controversial. If they wanted to appeal more to the youth, they might have dug up some more contemporary rappers. Still, I appreciated the dancing and the production on the whole. I did get a notification on my iPhone from LeBron James stating that he loved the show. I didn’t know I was in so tight with LeBron to get a personal notification. He must have heard of my celebrity status after opening up for Road Trip at Jax Bar.
Amy and DJ left after the 3rd quarter. Jeff decided to watch the rest of the game at home. He invited us over. So, we finished the game in English on a giant flatscreen sitting in the comfort of a plush sofa nursing a Pacifico. Overall, the game was entertaining and the company was fun. Still, no commercials. I’ll have to YouTube those later.