September 20, 2022

In this issue:
Johnnie Johnson HD5      Amy Naes      Blue Bonnet Social      We're Frugal . . .

Happy Hour at Blue Bonnet Cafe

You told us you want to socialize at Blue Bonnet and we listened!

Join your like-minded friends Thursday, September 22 at the Blue Bonnet for some delicious Tex-Mex fare. This is a casual event, so no business, but the conversations will be filled with the buzz of current events.

The Republican Party is growing larger and unaffiliated voters are leaning in our direction more than ever before. We welcome anyone new to politics to join us at happy hour. The in‑person conversations can be uplifting.

Blue Bonnet Cafe has a private space for us to use. There will be candidates dropping in to say hello at this informal, social event. Some of the Denver County Republican candidates who might be attending:

Guillermo Diaz (HD1)
Stephanie Wheeler (HD2)
Marla Fernandez (HD3)
Jack Daus (HD4)
Johnnie Johnson (HD5)
Hilleary Waters (HD8)
Jennifer Qualteri (CD1 She's going to Washington, DC!) Amy Naes (CU Regent)

Blue Bonnet's Tex‑Mex has been a Denver favorite for decades. Enjoy a cold margarita, a smothered burrito, and relax with your conservative neighbors.

Blue Bonnet Cafe
457 South Broadway
Denver, CO 80209
Thursday, September 22 @ 6:30 p.m.
Plenty of parking available.


Johnnie Johnson HD5

My name is Johnnie Johnson. I am running for Colorado House District 5.

I am an urbanite. As a blind man, I could live in a rural or suburban area. I am talented and determined enough to make that work for me. But living in the city gives me so many options.

I am a small business owner, husband, grandfather, and a Christian. I am a native of Colorado and Denver is my home.

For decades when people approached me on the street, it was generally to ask how I was doing or introduce themselves. People like to say hello, as I glide by them with my cane.

The atmosphere on the streets is one of the reasons I have become active with the Republican Party. Now, the people who speak to me on the street are not friendly. Denver smells different too. Rather than smells of food, flowers, and fresh cut grass, the smell of garbage and human waste are common. When I talk to my neighbors there are more stories of stolen cars, burglaries, or random acts of vandalism and violence.

I have been a personality on local television and currently have a popular podcast. ( My shows are about my community, overreaching government, and increase in crime. Serving my community is now taking me beyond the airwaves.

Polis and Alex Valdez Democrats have caused high prices in gas, food, and housing. Alex is sponsoring HB1362 to mandate specific technologies in alternative energy. In 2023 Valdez will be selling you his solar panels because of his house bill. This is a conflict of interest.

Alex and his Democrats did not lift a finger to protect the 40 percent of businesses that were destroyed through Polis executive Covid19 orders. The government was picking winners and losers, allowing large businesses to be open, as they destroyed the dreams of many small businesses and families in HD5 community!

My competitor is no different than other liberals who take advantage of being an insider. He has used his position in the legislature to bolster his business.

I will work to reverse the up coming 2023 fees that go against TABOR and the hard-working people in HD5! I am stepping up to serve as a Republican legislator. I have been studying my HD5 opponent and the issues circulating the legislature. Moving the Colorado Legislature away from Marxism will bring prosperity and balance to the state quickly.

I encourage you to reach out to me or listen to my podcasts. I encourage you to volunteer for my campaign, as a Republican pole watcher, or a paid Republican election judge. Do you want to host a yard sign? Email me:

I am a black man and am going after black and Latino voters. Republicans need to show their diversity. I am the man for the job in HD5. Check out my platform, podcasts, and my website:


Amy Naes for University of Colorado Regent

Why I am running for CU Regent.

Serving the University of Colorado system is a privilege and a special opportunity. I, and members of my family, have gained so much from our CU educations. I am passionate about doing my part to ensure this experience is available to future students. I can imagine no greater privilege than to honor the University of Colorado legacy that is nearly 150 years old by serving on its Board of Regents.

What is the CU Board of Regents?

The University of Colorado Board of Regents is constitutionally charged with the general supervision of the university, including the exclusive control and direction of all university funds and appropriations. The CU system consists of four campuses with their own distinctive focus and mission: CU Boulder, CU Colorado Springs, CU Denver, and the CU Anschutz Medical Campus. Its 2022‑23 budget is $2.14 billion.

The CU Board of Regents is comprised of ten members serving staggered six‑year terms. The members are elected from each of Colorado's eight congressional districts and one member from the state at large.

Amy's vision:

Accountability: The CU Board of Regents is accountable to the people of Colorado, the state legislature, the students and all members of the university community, and the research funders for the effective management of its $2.14 billion budget. We must ensure the students at each of the four campuses are receiving the education and support they need and is producing the future workforce Colorado needs.

Accessibility and Support: Education is the best way to level the playing field for Colorado's diverse population. We must continue to look for creative solutions to help less advantaged persons obtain a university education. Our university should design its education to meet the changing needs of those students who must work and support family members.

Affordability and Cost Control for Students: The greatest barrier to a university education, including post-graduate degrees is its cost. Strong management of budgets to minimize tuition increases and careful design of curricula and course availability are essential. Coordination with other colleges and universities to maximize course transferability is also important.

About Amy:

A Colorado native, Amy is a proud Buff and graduate of CU Boulder with a B.A. in International Affairs. She continued her education in law earning her juris doctor from the Sturm College of Law at the University of Denver.

Amy is a public servant at heart and has had a fulfilling career in the field of child protection advocating for abused and neglected children. Amy is currently a senior assistant city and county attorney in Broomfield. She has served as a law clerk for the Honorable Dana Wakefield in the Denver Juvenile Court. She was the dependency or neglect family court facilitator in the First Judicial District (Jefferson and Gilpin Counties). Amy has been integrally involved with the mental health issues of children.

She is an active community volunteer and leader, serving on numerous non-profit boards, including the Montessori School of Denver (vice-chair), Team Summit (secretary), and Anchor Center for Blind Children (first vice-president).

Learn more about Amy Naes for CU Regent.


Your contributions are deeply appreciated

If you don't have time to donate your talents, please consider donating money to the Denver Republican Committee. Money is needed to help our Denver GOP candidates but the county affiliate has many expenses as well. Very little gets accomplished without money. At the same time, a little bit of money can go a long way with your current, frugal, Denver GOP board.