Dear Registrants,

As promised at the last AGM, we have commenced revising the Bylaws.

The starting point is Schedule C, as it needs to be voted in this fiscal year (ending 30 June 2019) in order to take effect in the following fiscal year (commencing July 1, 2019).

Before we ask you to vote, we are providing a 3 week consultation period, in which we will gather your feedback. After that, you will have the usual 30 days to vote, ending in late June 2019. During the consultation and vote period, the materials will also be posted on the website. That way, even those who are unable to access their emails will have an opportunity to view the proposals.

Highlights of Schedule C proposals

Here is the link to our website for the Current Schedule C

To view the proposed changes, compared to the current schedule, along with explanatory notes, click here: Schedule C for Consultation - May 2, 2019

The current Bylaw references authorizing each fee item are found here: Table of Concordance to Schedule C for Consultation - May 2, 2019

Council recently approved of the attached documents going to registrants for consultation before a vote. The most significant proposed changes include: 

  • a 6.8% fee increase (the first increase since 2012), as a result of increasing costs over time
  • a modest annual fee for the retired category, to defray administrative costs and result in equivalence to the non-practising category fee
  • a change in the registration year to match the mid-year fiscal year and to avoid receiving payments during a time when statutory holidays create resourcing issues (note: there is no uniformity among Canadian jurisdictions as to the registration year)
  • with the registration year change, the billing due December 31, 2019 would reflect only half of the annual fee, with a full year billing due June 1, 2020 which will take you to July 2021.
  • The addition of the Appendix (see below)

Appendix to Schedule C: Certified Veterinary Technicians

Your feedback is also sought for the onboarding of technicians. We have received preliminary feedback from the BCVTA, who received a preview of the proposed fees in advance of its AGM (held in early April). It is now time for consultation with registrants, followed by a registrant-only vote to coincide with the Schedule C vote.

Here is the link to Appendix to Schedule C, click here: Appendix 1 to Schedule C for Consultation - May 2, 2019

Next Steps

Please note that revisions to the rest of the bylaws to support the proposed Schedule C changes are in progress. They will result in separate consultation mid-year (as those changes are more complex but can be implemented at any time, regardless of the fiscal year end cycle).

If you have questions about the statutory authority for the process outlined above, please first consult the Veterinarians Act , sections 15 through 30, then address your questions via the email address noted below.

On behalf of CVBC Council, I thank you in advance for your concise comments to be emailed to: [email protected] Subject line: “Schedule C”.

Luisa Hlus
Registrar & CEO