In This Newsletter
  • Welcome New Program Coordinator
  • CSFC Recordings & Notes
  • Alliance Steering Committee Recruitment
  • EBT Access Grant Application Open
  • Funding Opportunities
  • Job Opportunities
  • In the News
Welcome New Program Coordinator!
Beth is joining the Ecology Center as the Food and Farming Program Coordinator. Originally hailing from the Bay Area, her interest in sustainable and just food systems began while living in Montana. During this time she served two terms with FoodCorps and worked at Gallatin Valley Farm to School, implementing cooking and gardening education along with increasing local food sourcing in the school district. Most recently she completed her M.S. in Agriculture, Food, and Environment from Tufts University. Having both managed a farmers’ market and worked as a vendor at markets, Beth is excited to bring this first-hand experience to the role.
CSFC Recordings & Notes
In partnership with the Community Alliance of Family Farmers, the Alliance hosted the Farmers' Market Track at the 34th annual California Small Farms Conference, February 28th - March 2nd. The three day conference consisted of a Market Manager Day of Learning on Monday, including breakout group sessions, and webinars on Tuesday and Wednesday. We are appreciative of all who presented at and attended the conference.
Alliance Steering Committee Recruitment
The California Alliance of Farmers’ Markets seeks steering committee members. The Steering Committee will help to execute the Alliance's goals of focusing on advocacy, professional development, marketing and consumer education, and access to healthy food. Additionally they will provide program direction and governance for the Alliance while seeking to ensure that the Alliance is fulfilling its mission and growing to be a stronger and more influential group.

We encourage farmers, farmers market vendors, market operators, market managers, and non-profit or government professionals active in agriculture and the food system in California to apply. Committee members will serve two-year terms.The Committee will meet at least four times each year and there will be bi-monthly subcommittee meetings as needed to fulfill project deliverables.

To apply, please email rosio@ecologycenter.org with a resume and letter of interest by April 18th.
California Farmers' Market EBT Access & Capacity Building Project - Site Applications Open
As part of the California Farmers' Market EBT Access & Capacity Building Project Kaiser grant, we are seeking farmers' market sites to partner with to increase EBT distribution. We will be offering 6 California farmers’ markets, farmstands, mobile markets or food hubs "seed funding" of $2,000-3000 to establish an EBT program with the ultimate goal of the organizations joining Ecology Center’s Market Match program to offer nutrition incentives on customers’ SNAP purchases. Please complete this form to apply on behalf of your market.
Funding Opportunities
Due 4/15
Seed funding of $2,000-3000 to establish an EBT program at farmers’ markets, farmstands, mobile markets or food hubs
Due 5/16
FMPP funds projects that develop, coordinate and expand direct producer-to-consumer markets to help increase access to and availability of locally and regionally produced agricultural products
Job Opportunities
Food and Farming Program Coordinator
Remote | Full time | Open until filled
Education and Engagement Program Manager
Berkeley | Full time | Open until filled
Youth Development Program Manager
Berkeley | Full time | Open until filled

Multiple Positions
Los Angeles | Varies | Open until filled

Multiple Positions
Remote/DC | Full time | Late March
  • Accounting & Budget Manager
  • Colorado Organizer
  • Corporate Engagement Manager

Multiple Positions
East Bay Area | Varies | Open until filled
  • Community Ambassadors
  • Board Member
In the News
California Alliance of Farmers' Markets
Contact Us
510.548.2220 Ext. 243 | fmalliance@ecologycenter.org | farmersmarketalliance.org