League News
Last week in Los Angeles, Mayor Garcetti joined engineers, first responders, public safety officers, construction workers and business groups to voice strong opposition to Prop. 6.
The Institute for Local Government is seeking a visionary leader to oversee the activities of the Institute during a dynamic time of change. 
The League’s monthly magazine has recently launched a new website designed to enhance readers’ experiences on their desktops, laptops and mobile devices. 
Education and Conferences

The League holds three educational department conferences each December and offers interested organizations the opportunity to become a conference sponsor for one or more.
Upcoming Events
News and Events

League President Jan Arbuckle announced her chair and vice chair appointments to the League’s seven standing policy committees. 

While the results are still preliminary pending formal certification by the California Secretary of State, Jason Perez received 56.78 percent of the vote and Priya Mathur received 43.22 percent.