CAEP Instructional Hours and Expenditures Report
PPIC Mapping Project Report and CB21 Webinar
New Launch Alert! Advancing CA Adult Education Website Launch Series: Model Programs
CAEP Summit 2021 Call for Proposals
FAQs: School Emergency Relief Programs and Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Programs
LINCS Webinar: Increasing Access to Apprenticeships
Deadlines and Deliverables
Join Carolyn Zachry and Neil Kelly, on July 9th at 12:00 p.m., to review the latest state budget and discuss plans for implementing items that will affect adult education in California. Discussion points include COLA, fund disbursement, and more.
CAEP Instructional Hours and Expenditures Report
The CAEP 2019-20 Hours and Expenditures report provides the results of an analysis for the third iteration of reports to the California Adult Education Program (CAEP) Office on the expenditures and hours of instruction for CAEP members. These reports are required by statute. The report includes data on PY 2019-2020 hours and expenditures by program area and includes comparisons with prior years’ reports.
Download the report and stay tuned for more information on the upcoming webinar.
PPIC Mapping Project Report and CB21 Webinar
In the latest PPIC post, as part of a series examining how educational opportunities and outcomes differ across California, the largest barrier for students seeking to a four-year college, gateway (or transfer-level) math, is examined. Historically, about 80% of California’s community college students started in remedial math or English, and math has been a much larger obstacle to transfer than English. Community colleges have made tremendous progress under Assembly Bill (AB) 705, which passed in 2017. PPIC’s recent research found that in fall 2019, the first full term of AB 705 implementation, direct access to gateway math nearly quadrupled systemwide, from 21% in 2015 to 78% in 2019. Successful completion for all first-time math students shot up from 14% to 40% during this timeframe. Importantly, the vast inequities in access to gateway math that existed for Latinos and African Americans prior to AB 705 were nearly eliminated.
Then, register to attend the upcoming What’s it all About: CB21, NRS Educational Functioning Levels, and Curriculum Alignment webinar.
July 22, 2021
12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Delve into the purpose of AB705, what it means for CB21 courses and NRS Educational Functioning Levels (EFLs). Explore the rubrics that help you align your CB21 courses with the WIOA NRS EFLs so that your classes provide standardized content. Lastly, this webinar will overview changes to the updated AEP so that outcomes are recorded, and reporting opportunities are not lost.
New Launch Alert! Advancing CA Adult Education Website Launch Series: Model Programs
The new Advancing CA Adult Education website launched on June 9th! The new website is a repository of innovative, emerging, and model adult education programs throughout California that have demonstrated positive outcomes for students, agencies, and/or consortia.
In a series of launch videos, last week we introduced the model programs nomination process. In this week’s launch series segment, we walk you through how to access existing model programs to use as a resource to support your consortia and agency goals.
CAEP Summit 2021 Call for Proposals
As the 2020-21 program year comes to a close, take this opportunity to reflect on the strategies and practices you used to keep your adult learners actively engaged and learning during this time of recovery, equity, transition, and much more. What can the CAEP field learn from you?
Spots for the CAEP Summit 2021 are filling up! Submit a proposal today! If you experience any difficulty, contact the CAEP Summit 2021 Planning Committee at [email protected] to receive answers to your questions.
FAQs: School Emergency Relief Programs and Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Programs
The purpose of this document is to answer Frequently Asked Questions about how funding under the School Emergency Relief Fund, including the American Rescue Plan ESSER (ARP ESSER) program, and the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief (GEER) Fund may be used in response to the impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic on learners.
Key FAQ include…
C-21. May ESSER and GEER funds be used to serve adults, including English learners, who are eligible to be served under the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act?
Yes. An LEA may use ESSER and GEER funds for any activity authorized by the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA), which is Title II of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. These activities could include:
- Conducting outreach activities to re-enroll eligible adults who may have discontinued their attendance due to the COVID-19 pandemic;
- Providing career counseling for eligible adults who suffered job loss as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic;
- Purchasing technology (including laptops, Wi-Fi hotspots, or tablets) that enable adult learners to access virtual instruction;
- Professional development for adult education instructors in the effective implementation of online learning;
- Providing instruction to improve digital literacy of adult learners, including English learners, to improve digital access and inclusion;
- Assessing the skills and educational progress of adult learners using virtual assessment tools; and
- Accessing PPE and cleaning and disinfecting classrooms used during the regular school day so that they may be used for adult education and literacy activities in the evening.
LINCS Webinar: Increasing Access to Apprenticeships
Curious why apprenticeship matters to adult education?
Join Jennie Mollica, Amber Gallup, Dr. Laurie Coskey, and Jessica W. O’Connor as they share their experiences, expertise, and resources related to pre-apprenticeships and apprenticeships during a live Zoom event on June 22nd at 3 pm EST.
This event will not be recorded, so register today and save it in your calendar.
Consortium and Member Effectiveness – Changes July 1, 2021
Friday, June 25, 2021
12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. PST
Come join Carolyn Zachry, Neil Kelly, CAEP TAP, and CASAS to review the State’s member effectiveness structure, how it will work, process steps to becoming an effective or ineffective member, and the consequences of being an ineffective member. This webinar will cover consortium/member effectiveness as it pertains to CAEP deliverables as certified as part of the CFAD assurances.
Why Does My Data Reports Look Different: A Continued Discussion on the AEP Dashboard and TOPSpro Enterprise
Tuesday, July 13, 2021
1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. PST
This webinar will include a 15-minute walkthrough on the differences between a CAEP Summary Report and the data presented on the AEP Dashboard. We will then move into a 40-minute question, answer, and discussion period so that people can ask additional questions about the differences between the reports and more general questions about how TOPSpro data relates to the AEP Dashboard data.
MIS Coding: A Continued Discussion of New and Other Key Metrics
Tuesday, July 20, 2021
1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. PST
The WestEd AEP Team will host a webinar to answer questions about the new MIS metrics. This webinar will include a 15-minute targeted presentation focused on new metrics and existing key metrics. We will then move into a 45-minute question, answer, and discussion period so that people can dive into these metrics or ask more general questions about coding in MIS.
Jun 1: 19/20 and 20/21 Member Expense Report due in NOVA (Q3)
Jun 30: 19/20 and 20/21 Member Expense Report certified by Consortia in NOVA (Q3)
Jun 30: End of Q4
Aug 1: Student Data due in TOPSPro (Q4) FINAL
Aug 15: Annual Plan for 2021-22 due in NOVA