CAAHEP Communiqué  
August 2019
From the President             

For many, July and August are a time for family vacations and enjoying outdoor activities. For CAAHEP, July is a time for a new beginning which includes new Board members, new committee assignments, a new budget year, and this year, a new 3-year strategic plan (2019 – 2021).

In late July, the Board of Directors met in Indianapolis, in conjunction with the CoA Summer Workshop Conference. Approximately 50 people from around the country, representing the various Committees on Accreditation (CoAs), came together to learn, share, and help shape the future direction of CAAHEP. The focus of the Summer Workshop was back to the basics. Topics during the two days included: a step-by-step guide through the program accreditation process, continuous quality review, good governance practices for CoA’s, and updates from the CAAHEP staff.

As I indicated above, we have a new strategic plan (2019 – 2021) which will act as a directional road map for our organization during the next 3 years to help ensure we are meeting our mission. The four overarching goals include:

  1. achieving greater efficiency and consistency in the application of CAAHEP standards, policies, and procedures;
  2. strengthening the relationship and support of CoA’s;
  3. building an efficient and sustainable structure; and
  4. fostering innovative education. Each of the goals has a number of objectives and action steps associated with them which provide more meaningful detail in meeting the overall goal.

The strategic plan is posted on the CAAHEP website, along with the presentation used to introduce the plan to CAAHEP Commissioners.

The CoA Summer Workshop was filled with energy, ideas, questions, and collegiality. The focus was on the nine foundational elements of achieving CAAHEP accreditation. While there were a number of new CoA representatives in attendance, even the more seasoned participants commented numerous times about how appreciative they were for the review and sharing of best practices. The new representatives shared their appreciation of having the opportunity to ask questions, consult with others, and develop new relationships to help them along their journey with CAAHEP. I challenge everyone to become more engaged and to help us to work toward a brighter future as leaders within the allied health accreditation arena, recognizing our strengths, overcoming our challenges, and embracing innovation.

As a servant leader, I look forward to working with all of our constituents within the CAAHEP family. I have many to thank already for this successful first month including: Greg Ferenchak (preceding President), my fellow officer colleagues (Katie Kuntz, Kate Feinstein, and Fred Lenhoff), Board members, and all of the CAAHEP Staff (Kathy, Theresa, Lorna, Katie, Cynthia, and Kalyani) that all play a role in helping make CAAHEP successful. 

President Glen Mayhew, DHSc, NRP
2019-2020 CAAHEP Board members present during the July Board in Indianapolis meeting. Front row (l-r): CAAHEP Officers Katie Kuntz, Vice President; Glen Mayhew, President; Kate Feinstein, Treasurer; and Fred Lenhoff, Secretary. Back row (l-r): Keith Orloff, Stacey Ocander, Donald Balasa, Jennifer Spegal, Glenda Carter, Barry Eckert, Catherine Carter, and Catherine Rienzo.
CAAHEP Policy Changes
At its meeting in July, the CAAHEP Board approved a change to Policy 401 - Adoption and Revision of Standards. Specifically, the change now allows for open hearings on proposed Standards and Guidelines to take place any month of the year, except for December. This will allow for a faster process in the Standards revision/development process. An updated CAAHEP Policies and Procedures Manual is posted on the CAAHEP website, and is available for download here.
CAAHEP Programs in the News
Numerous CAAHEP programs made headlines recently and we proudly share the news when programs are recognized for their accreditation achievement. Here are a few recent programs in the spotlight. If your accredited program makes the news - in print, online, or television - please share your press with CAAHEP.
The Summerville News, the paper in Summerville, Georgia, reported on the initial CAAHEP accreditation of Georgia Northwestern Technical College's Lactation Consultant program. Read more...

NBC affiliate, KNBN NewsCenter 1 in the Black Hills area of South Dakota, announced the accreditation of Rapid City's Fire Department's EMS-Paramedic program. Read more...
Scholarship Opportunity for Sonography Students
The American Society of Echocardiography , a CAAHEP Sponsoring Organization, announces the availability of a scholarship for sonography students enrolled in a CAAHEP accredited program.

Nominations are open for the Alan D. Waggoner Sonographer Student Scholarship Award. The award amount is $1,000, and includes complimentary registration for ASE’s Scientific Sessions in Denver, CO, June 19-22, 2020 a,nd travel support up to $500 to attend the meeting.

The Alan D. Waggoner Student Scholarship Award is given to sonographer students enrolled in CAAHEP accredited educational programs who exhibit a passion for the discipline of echocardiography and demonstrate leadership abilities. Program Director nomination deadline is September 20, 2019, and the student deadline is October 31, 2019.

Medical Scribe CoA Dissolves
After 5 years of work to formalize and promote accreditation, and no programs coming forward to request accreditation services, both CAAHEP and the Medical Scribe Specialist Review Board (MSSRB) were forced to look at the viability of moving forward with accreditation for this profession. The MSSRB ultimately made the decision to dissolve effective June 30, 2019.
Blogs and Reports

CAAHEP continues its 25th Anniversary celebratory Blog with an update from a former Recent Graduate Commissioner. Check out how serving as a CAAHEP Commissioner helped Katie Lukovich's future. Read more...
In case you missed it, the Health Careers Network recently published a Blog post on Stackable Credentials and how they "could help providers address industry skills gaps and staffing shortages, as well as promote opportunity for individuals." Read more...
In May 2019, the ASPA published a report on Competency Assessments Programmatic Accreditation Practices. "This report summarizes the results of a survey to members of the Association of Specialized and Professional Accreditors (ASPA) on accreditation practices related to the review and verification of competency assessment by higher education programs." Read more...
In July 2019, the Council on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) published a Policy Statement on Quality Assurance in the Digital Era. The Brief discusses "HAS QUALITY ASSURANCE BECOME OBSOLETE IN THE DIGITAL ERA?" Read more...
Important CAAHEP Dates
The 2020 Annual Meeting is slated for April 19-20, at the Riverside Hotel in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Mark you calendar now and plan to join us as CAAHEP closes out its 25th anniversary year. At the July Board meeting, President Mayhew appointed the 2020 Annual Meeting Planning Committee. The Committee will be chaired by Jennifer Spegal and members include Catherine Rienzo, Melissa McKnight and Greg Ferenchak. Watch this space for more news on the 2020 Annual Meeting!
The CAAHEP Board meets 6 times a year to take accreditation actions. Please note the meeting dates through the end of 2020.

  • September 20, 2019, Conference Call
  • November 15, Conference Call
  • January 14-15, 2020, Face-to-Face
  • March 20, 2020, Conference Call
  • May 15, 2020, Conference Call
  • July 15-16, 2020, Face-to-Face
  • September 18, 2020, Conference Call
  • November 20, 2020, Conference Call
Accreditation Actions
Each profession in the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) system has a Committee on Accreditation (CoA) that consists of experts in the profession that are responsible for reviewing programs and making appropriate recommendations for accreditation to CAAHEP. CAAHEP reviews recommendations received from its CoAs in each profession, assures due process was followed, and takes final action on an accreditation status.

CAAHEP took the following actions on June 26, 2019, and at its July 24, 2019, meeting. Actions are identified by profession, action taken, date of the next comprehensive evaluation, and whether a progress report to improve program compliance is required. In some cases, the concentration and/or degree are also specified. To view a copy of the most recent accreditation award letter for a program, which includes information about the accreditation decision, visit the program’s listing on the Find An Accredited Program section of the CAAHEP website. Where available, links to the program's website is provided.

6/26/2019 Accreditation Action
The following program had a transfer of sponsorship approved, with a status of continuing accreditation with the next comprehensive evaluation to occur no later than 2022 . This action requires no progress report and was approved on the consent agenda.
Medical Assisting
Northwestern Health Sciences University, Bloomington, MN (Associate)

7/24/2019 Accreditation Actions
The following programs were found to be in compliance with the accreditation Standards and Guidelines and were granted continuing accreditation , with the next comprehensive evaluation to occur no later than 2023 . These actions require no progress report and were approved on the consent agenda.

Medical Assisting
Gogebic Community College, Ironwood, MI (Certificate)
Northeast Iowa Community College, Peosta, IA (Diploma)

The following programs were found to be in compliance with the accreditation Standards and Guidelines and were granted continuing accreditation , with the next comprehensive evaluation to occur no later than 2024 . These actions require no progress report and were approved on the consent agenda.

Diagnostic Medical Sonography
Austin Community College, Austin, TX (General)
Austin Community College, Austin, TX (Cardiac)
Austin Community College, Austin, TX (Vascular)
Chippewa Valley Technical College, Eau Claire, WI (General)
Forsyth Technical Community College, Winston-Salem, NC (Cardiac)
Keiser University-Fort Lauderdale, Ft. Lauderdale, FL (General)
Keiser University-Fort Lauderdale, Ft. Lauderdale, FL (Vascular)
Medical Career Institute, Ocean Township, NJ (General)

Emergency Medical Services-Paramedic
Angelina College, Lufkin, TX
Flagstaff Medical Center, Flagstaff, AZ
Goshen Hospital, Goshen, IN
Hartford Hospital, Hartford, CT
Iowa Western Community College, Council Bluffs, IA
Pee Dee Regional EMS, Florence, SC
Shawnee State University, Portsmouth, OH
St. Anthony Hospitals, Lakewood, CO

Medical Assisting
Midwest Technical Institute-Moline, Moline, IL (Diploma)
Randolph Community College, Asheboro, NC (Associate)

The following programs were found to be in compliance with the accreditation Standards and Guidelines and were granted continuing accreditation , with the next comprehensive evaluation to occur no later than 2026 . These actions require no progress report and were approved on the consent agenda.

Cardiovascular Technology
Florida SouthWestern State College, Ft Myers, FL (Invasive Cardiovascular Technology, Associate)


The following programs were found to be in compliance with the accreditation Standards and Guidelines and were granted continuing accreditation , with the next comprehensive evaluation to occur no later than 2029 . These actions require no progress report and were approved on the consent agenda.

Diagnostic Medical Sonography
South Piedmont Community College, Monroe, NC (General)

Exercise Science
George Mason University, Manassas, VA
Grove City College, Grove City, PA

Polysomnographic Technology
Concorde Career Institute-Grand Prairie, Grand Prairie, TX (Diploma)
University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC (Baccalaureate)

The following program was found to be in substantial compliance with the accreditation Standards and Guidelines, with one or more Standards requiring a progress report to be submitted to the appropriate Committee on Accreditation (CoA). The program was granted continuing accreditation , with the next comprehensive evaluation to occur no later than 2022 .

Concordia University, St. Paul, MN

The following program was found to be in substantial compliance with the accreditation Standards and Guidelines, with one or more Standards requiring a progress report to be submitted to the appropriate Committee on Accreditation (CoA). The program was granted continuing accreditation , with the next comprehensive evaluation to occur no later than 2023 .

Emergency Medical Services-Paramedic

The following programs were found to be in substantial compliance with the accreditation Standards and Guidelines, with one or more Standards requiring a progress report to be submitted to the appropriate Committee on Accreditation (CoA). The programs were granted continuing accreditation , with the next comprehensive evaluation to occur no later than 2024 .

Cardiovascular Technology
El Centro College, Dallas, TX (Invasive Cardiovascular Technology, Associate)
El Centro College, Dallas, TX (Adult Echocardiography, Associate)
Forsyth Technical Community College, Winston-Salem, NC (Invasive Cardiovascular Technology, Associate)

Emergency Medical Services-Paramedic
Butte Community College, Oroville, CA

The following program was found to be in substantial compliance with the accreditation Standards and Guidelines, with one or more Standards requiring a progress report to be submitted to the appropriate Committee on Accreditation (CoA). The program was granted continuing accreditation , with the next comprehensive evaluation to occur no later than 2028 .

Medical Assisting
Midlands Technical College, West Columbia, SC (Certificate)
The following programs were found to be in compliance with the accreditation Standards and Guidelines and were granted initial accreditation with the next evaluation to occur no later than 2024 . These actions require no progress report and were approved on the consent agenda.

Anesthesia Technology

Art Therapy

Diagnostic Medical Sonography
Pima Medical Institute-El Paso, El Paso, TX (General)

Exercise Science
Wayne State University, Detroit, MI

The following programs were found to be in substantial compliance with the accreditation Standards and Guidelines, with one or more Standards requiring a progress report to be submitted to the appropriate Committee on Accreditation (CoA). The programs were granted initial accreditation with the next evaluation to occur no later than 2024 .

Emergency Medical Services-Paramedic
Belmont College, St. Clairsville, OH
Rapid City Fire Department, Rapid City, SD
University of Toledo, Toledo, OH

Lactation Consultant

Recreational Therapy
University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, AB

The following program had a transfer of sponsorship approved, with a status of continuing accreditation with the next comprehensive evaluation to occur in 2018/2019 . This action requires no progress report and was approved on the consent agenda.

Emergency Medical Services-Paramedic

The following program had a transfer of sponsorship approved, with a status of continuing accreditation with the next comprehensive evaluation to occur no later than 2020 . This action requires no progress report and was approved on the consent agenda.
Emergency Medical Services-Paramedic
NCTI – Roseville, Roseville, CA
The following programs had a transfer of sponsorship approved, with a status of continuing accreditation with the next comprehensive evaluation to occur no later than 2024 . These actions require no progress report and were approved on the consent agenda.
Emergency Medical Services-Paramedic
IHM Academy of EMS, St. Louis, MO
NCTI – Riverside, Riverside, CA

The following program had a transfer of sponsorship approved, with a status of initial accreditation with the next evaluation to occur no later than 2022 . This action requires no progress report and was approved on the consent agenda.

Emergency Medical Services-Paramedic
NCTI-Springfield, Springfield, MA

CAAHEP voted to withdraw accreditation from the following programs, due to noncompliance with one or more Standards. Programs are given the opportunity to appeal actions to withdraw accreditation, so this action is not yet final . This list will be updated with the final action, once determined.
Diagnostic Medical Sonography
Argosy University, Eagan, MN (Cardiac)
Argosy University, Eagan, MN (General)

Emergency Medical Services-Paramedic
WestMed College-San Jose, San Jose, CA
Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs
25400 US Highway 19 North, Suite 158, Clearwater, FL 33763
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