Welcome New Commissioners
Welcome to
Jennifer Spegal,
Alternate C
ommissioner for the
Medical Assisting Education Review Board
Theresa Krupski,
Commissioner Designee for the
Board of Registered Polysomnographic Technologists
CAAHEP Board of Directors Meeting Schedule
The CAAHEP Board of Directors takes accreditation actions six times per year (Jan., Mar., May, Jul., Sept., and Nov.). The following are upcoming meeting dates and locations (where appropriate):
March 18, 2016
Conference Call
May 20, 2016
Conference Call
July 20-21, 2016
Orlando, FL
September 16, 2016
Conference Call
November 18. 2016
Conference Call
Join us for the 2016 CAAHEP Annual Meeting
April 10-11, 2016
"Implementing a Strategy to Reach Our 20/20 Vision"
Westin Memphis Beale Street Memphis, TN
CAAHEP Social Media Sites
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From the President
Thomas Skalko
I open this edition of the Communique' with mixed emotions. Things at CAAHEP are going so well but we all suffered a loss this past month. I will begin with our loss and proceed with our progress.
We lost William (Bill) W. Goding in January. Those of us that knew Bill and worked with him on the CAAHEP Standards Committee and across a host of CAAHEP initiatives were shocked with news of his passing. Bill Goding was a true professional with so much knowledge. We, across the CAAHEP family, depended on him for so much and sought out his opinion on so many matters. Bill Goding was a man with a wealth of information on accreditation. We will miss him tremendously. We will be keeping Jackie Long Goding and the family in our thoughts.
In recognition of Bill's tireless services to CAAHEP and all our Committees on Accreditation (CoAs), the Board voted to rename the CAAHEP Award for Exceptional Service, to be the William W. Goding Award for Exceptional Service. His spirit will live through those that demonstrate their commitment to quality allied health accreditation. Bill will be missed but never forgotten.
I want to close with some noted accomplishments from CAAHEP. Over the past year, CAAHEP has been working with Indigo Interactive on several projects. Indigo Interactive, under the leadership of Ms. Helen Levinson, has worked with CAAHEP for more than 10 years with even more to come. They have been working to update the CAAHEP website and offer more enhanced interactive options. The current web site is several years old and technology has changed significantly since its creation. The new website should be up and running in the immediate future. Keep an eye out for a new look.
In addition to the update of the CAAHEP Website, Indigo Interactive is working with CAAHEP to provide an on-line Self-Study option for all of our Committees on Accreditation. The on-line self-study report will be made available to each of CAAHEP's CoAs at no cost. This is one way in which CAAHEP is working to reinvest in the efforts of our Committees and the work they do on behalf of programmatic accreditation.
Finally, CAAHEP is working with Ann Marie Mecera on the CAAHEP marketing efforts. Ann Marie completed several interviews and a focus group while at the CAAHEP January Leadership meeting. We look forward to her report and recommendations as this project continues.
In closing, while this message has a bit of bitter-sweet content, we should celebrate each event. I celebrate the wonderful opportunities I had to work with Bill Goding; I celebrate the progress of CAAHEP and; I celebrate the entire CAAHEP Family's commitment to quality allied health accreditation. Please let us know how we can assist your in the important work you do.
Thomas Skalko, Ph.D., LRT/CTRS, FDRT
President, CAAHEP
Five Months until CAAHEP Fee Increase
CAAHEP has continually publicized the 2016 Fee Increase ever since the Board approved the fee changes. Now, there are only five months left until the change in CAAHEP's institutional fees take effect. Beginning July 1, 2016, the fee will be raised from $450 to $550. This is the first increase in over 15 years!
This is the fee paid by every institution that sponsors one or more CAAHEP-accredited programs.
Any educational institutio
n or CAAHEP accredited program with questions on the new institutional fee should contact the
CAAHEP office for assistance
First Lactation Program Receives Accreditation
Congratulations to UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health, in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, on becoming the first CAAHEP accredited Lactation Consultant program. Lactation Consultants
are health care professionals with specialized knowledge and clinical expertise in breastfeeding and human lactation.These professionals
educate women, families, health professionals, and the community about breast feeding and human lactation; facilitate the development of policies which protect, promote, and support breastfeeding; act as advocates for breastfeeding as the child-feeding norm; and provide holistic, evidence-based breastfeeding support and care from preconception to weaning for women and their families.
Accreditation Under Fire - CAAHEP's Latest Blog Post
Don't miss the latest
CAAHEP Blog post highlighting news from
Washington on the accreditation front. Many thanks to the
Association of Specialized and Professional Accreditors
for sharing its "ASPA Digest," which summarizes much of what is currently going on. For anyone involved in higher education and accreditation, it is well worth the time to read.
Annual Report Highlights
The 2015 Annual Report is available online and includes a year in review with highlights such as:
- Work on CAAHEP's new Strategic Plan,
- Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) activities,
- CAAHEP's growth and enhancements to the accreditation process,
- Annual Meeting highlights and recap of the CAAHEP Awards Luncheon,
- Standards Update,
- Accreditation activities, and more.
A special thanks to the professions and programs that shared photos with CAAHEP this past year. Shared photos are found throughout the Annual Report. If you haven't had a chance to do so, please review the
CAAHEP Annual Report
Accreditation Actions
Each profession in the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) system has a Committee on Accreditation (CoA) that consists of experts in the profession that are responsible for reviewing programs and making appropriate recommendations for accreditation to CAAHEP. CAAHEP reviews recommendations received from its CoAs in each profession, assures due process was followed, and takes final action on an accreditation status.
CAAHEP took the following actions at its
January 21, 2016, meeting. Actions are identified by profession, action taken, and date of the next comprehensive evaluation. In some cases, the concentration and/or degree are also specified. Where available, links to the programs' websites are provided.
The following program was found to be in compliance with the accreditation Standards and Guidelines and was granted continuing accreditation, with the next comprehensive evaluation to occur no later than 2017. This action requires no progress report and was approved on the consent agenda.
Medical Assisting
The following programs were found to be in compliance with the accreditation Standards and Guidelines and were granted continuing accreditation, with the next comprehensive evaluation to occur no later than 2018. These actions require no progress report and were approved on the consent agenda.
Medical Assisting
The following programs were found to be in compliance with the accreditation Standards and Guidelines and were granted continuing accreditation, with the next comprehensive evaluation to occur no later than 2019. These actions require no progress report and were approved on the consent agenda.
Medical Assisting
The following programs were found to be in compliance with the accreditation Standards and Guidelines and were granted continuing accreditation, with the next comprehensive evaluation to occur no later than 2021. These actions require no progress report and were approved on the consent agenda.
Diagnostic Medical Sonography
Emergency Medical Technician-Paramedic
Medical Assisting
The following programs were found to be in compliance with the accreditation Standards and Guidelines and were granted continuing accreditation, with the next comprehensive evaluation to occur no later than 2022. These actions require no progress report and were approved on the consent agenda.
Medical Assisting
The following program was found to be in compliance with the accreditation Standards and Guidelines and was granted continuing accreditation, with the next comprehensive evaluation to occur no later than 2023. This action requires no progress report and was approved on the consent agenda.
The following programs were found to be in compliance with the accreditation Standards and Guidelines and were granted continuing accreditation, with the next comprehensive evaluation to occur no later than 2026. These actions require no progress report and were approved on the consent agenda.
Diagnostic Medical Sonography
Neurodiagnostic Technology
The following programs were found to be in substantial compliance with the accreditation Standards and Guidelines, with one or more Standards requiring a progress report to be submitted to the appropriate Committee on Accreditation (CoA). The programs were granted continuing accreditation, with the next comprehensive evaluation to occur no later than 2021.
Emergency Medical Technician-Paramedic
The following programs were found to be in substantial compliance with the accreditation Standards and Guidelines, with one or more Standards requiring a progress report to be submitted to the appropriate Committee on Accreditation (CoA). The programs were granted continuing accreditation, with the next comprehensive evaluation to occur no later than 2024.
Medical Assisting
Medical Illustration
The following program was found to be in substantial compliance with the accreditation Standards and Guidelines, with one or more Standards requiring a progress report to be submitted to the appropriate Committee on Accreditation (CoA). The program was granted continuing accreditation, with the next comprehensive evaluation to occur no later than 2026.
Surgical Technology
The following programs were found to be in compliance with the accreditation Standards and Guidelines and were granted initial accreditation for a period not to exceed five (5) years. These actions require no progress report and were approved on the consent agenda.
Cardiovascular Technology
Hill College, Hillsboro, TX (Adult Echocardiography, Associate)
Diagnostic Medical Sonography
Emergency Medical Technician-Paramedic
Lactation Consultant
Surgical Technology
The following program was found to be in substantial compliance with the accreditation Standards and Guidelines, with one or more Standards requiring a progress report to be submitted to the appropriate Committee on Accreditation (CoA). The program was granted initial accreditation for a period not to exceed three (3) years.
Orthotic and Prosthetic Technician
The following programs were found to be in substantial compliance with the accreditation Standards and Guidelines, with one or more Standards requiring a progress report to be submitted to the appropriate Committee on Accreditation (CoA). The programs were granted initial accreditation for a period not to exceed five (5) years.
Emergency Medical Technician-Paramedic
Medical Assisting
The following program had a transfer of sponsorship approved, with a status of continuing accreditation, with the next comprehensive evaluation to occur no later than 2018.
Emergency Medical Technician-Paramedic
The following programs were placed on probationary accreditation, with one or more Standards requiring critical attention and timely resolution to bring the program into compliance with the Standards and Guidelines. The letter outlining the reason(s) for probation is available upon request.
Medical Assisting
The following programs had accreditation withheld, due to noncompliance with one or more Standards. The letter outlining the reason(s) for withholding accreditation is available upon request.
Diagnostic Medical Sonography
Surgical Technology