February 2019
From the President
Certainly Old Man Winter is giving us all a run for our money this year. Although January is in the past, the winter weather seems to be here to stay and affecting all of us regardless of where we live in this beautiful country. The Leadership Workshop in Tampa, Florida certainly did not include a lot of warm Florida weather for the attendees, but we were productive and learned much from the presentations.
One of the major outcomes from the January Board Meeting is the new Strategic Plan. Special thanks to Elise Scanlon and Jennifer Anderson-Warwick for leading the Board, Liaisons, and staff through the exercise. All of the CAAHEP leaders actively participated in the strategic planning activity which made it a productive day. The Strategic Plan will be shared later this year so watch for it.
Another outcome of the Board Meeting last month was the number of positive comments that were received from programs who recently went through the accreditation process. The Performance Oversight Committee Chair, Glen Mayhew, shared many of the specific comments that were received, most specifically about how the site visitors were very helpful, positive, and professional during the site visit. As a Dean for two CAAHEP accredited programs, it is heartwarming to know that we have many good and effective site visitors who represent CAAHEP extremely well. I want to express my thanks to all of our site visitors who volunteer their time to serve CAAHEP and our professions in this capacity. The accreditation process depends heavily on the quality of our site visitors so a big thank you to everyone who has taken the extra time to prepare our site visitors for this important task.
Even though the Leadership Workshop has recently passed, plans for the CAAHEP Annual Meeting are almost finalized. Remember to mark your calendar and watch for additional information on our website. The Annual Meeting is scheduled for April 14-15 in San Antonio, Texas. Coincidentally, this was the same place where we celebrated CAAHEP's 20
anniversary with the theme
CAAHEP Celebrating 20 Years of Excellence.”
How fitting to return to San Antonio to celebrate our 25
anniversary. Watch for highlights of our celebration on the website and come join in the celebration.
You are aware that Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow on Ground Hog Day, which means that we will not have six more weeks of winter weather. Good news is that better weather is in our forecast. The bad news is that his predictions are not always correct. As you stay indoors during the cold winter days and evenings, take advantage of the time by completing those long overdue tasks that you avoided all last summer.
One of my most favorite lines from the Wizard of Oz is that “A heart is not judged by how much you love; but by how much you are loved by others” (L. Frank Baum, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz). I want all of you to know how much you are loved for what you do for CAAHEP in your own unique way. I sincerely appreciate all that you do to ensure that CAAHEP continues to go from good to great. I wish all of you a quick winter and a warm spring. I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible in San Antonio in April.
Gregory Ferenchak, Ed.D., R.T.(R)(QM)
Call for Nominations
CAAHEP's Nominating and Elections Committee announces the opening of the Call for Nominations for five positions on the Board of Directors. Please see Nominating and Elections material on the
CAAHEP website for the eligibility requirements and available positions. Please note that all nomination forms are due
March 5, 2019.
Attention CAAHEP Commissioners
A New Accreditation Collaborative that Deans and Provosts Will Benefit from By Attending
ACCREDITCON is a new and comprehensive collaborative that college deans and provosts of Paramedic educational programs (as well as other programs) will find valuable. ACCREDITCON will be held May 29 – June 2, 2019 in Louisville, Kentucky at the new Omni Louisville.
ACCREDITCON is packed full of sessions that cover the specifics of successfully achieving initial and continuing accreditation of Paramedic educational programs. Deans and provosts can listen to experts, interact with CoAEMSP staff and board, plug into best practices, and network with peers and colleagues. They will learn how they and their program directors can avoid costly and time-consuming mistakes, work efficiently, and eliminate frustrating roadblocks unique Paramedic educational programs.
Of particular interest to deans and provosts are the following sessions:
- Legal Update on Accreditation
- The NREMT Update/Portfolio Discussion
- Medical Director Roles & Responsibilities and Making the Connection
- Is Distance Education Really That Far Out?
- Program Leadership Practices
- How To Develop an Effective Advisory Committee
- Preparing for your Site Visit
- Making Affective Effective
- The Top Citations We See
- Preparing For and Writing Your Next Self Study Report
- Preparing Your Response to the Site Visit Findings Letter or Progress Report
- What Works Best in Your Classroom
- Roundtable sessions at the end of the first two days for open discussion on the day’s topics and future possibilities of accreditation
- Insights on Achieving and Maintaining Accreditation
Complete information and registration can be found on the
. Online registration will be open until midnight on May 17, 2019.
CAAHEP Board Approves Policy Changes
At its January meeting, the CAAHEP Board approved three changes to the CAAHEP Policy & Procedures Manual. The following is a synopsis of those changes, and an updated Policy Manual is available on the
CAAHEP website.
Change to Policy 209 B.: Satellite Programs
The sentence in Policy 209 B., in
red font
below, has been removed from the Satellite Policy.
Satellite - off-campus location(s) that are advertised or otherwise made known to individuals outside the sponsor. The off-campus location(s) must offer all the professional didactic and laboratory content of the program.
A satellite does not pertain to sites used by a completely on-line/distance education program for individual students.
Satellite(s) are included in the CAAHEP accreditation of the sponsor and function under the direction of the Key Personnel of the program. Committees on Accreditation may establish additional requirements that are consistent with CAAHEP Standards and policies.
CoAs must inform CAAHEP of the addition of an approved satellite.
Change to Policy 401 B.2.: Standards Review
CAAHEP Standards are now required to be reviewed every
10 years
instead of every 5 years. This does not preclude Standards from being reviewed earlier than 10 years if the profession deems it necessary.
Change to Policy 701 D.: Invoicing Sponsoring Institutions
This policy was edited to reflect CAAHEP's procedure of emailing invoices instead of mailing invoices to programs, as was stated in the Manual. In addition, the late fee charged to programs not paying by the invoice's due date was increased from $50 to $200.
CAAHEP sends invoices to institutions on May 1st each year. As some institutions' summer break begins in early May, if you would like to receive your invoice early in order to assure timely payment, please contact
Cynthia Jackson-McNeill
at the CAAHEP office to request an early invoice.
2019 CAAHEP Annual Meeting
JOIN US as we Celebrate
CAAHEP's Silver Anniversary!
April 14-15, 2019
The Menger Hotel in San Antonio
CAAHEP is kicking off its 25th Anniversary with a BANG in San Antonio, Texas, at the 2019 Annual Meeting, and we hope that you will join us! We will be "Celebrating 25 Years of Doing What Matters" with presentations, guest speakers, and a trip down memory lane to 1994, when CAAHEP was founded. The draft Annual Meeting Agenda and the Registration Form has been posted to the
CAAHEP website.
The ASC Seeks Award Nominations
The American Society of Cytopathology Awards Committee is now accepting nominations for the
The deadline for submitting nominations is
March 16, 2019.
CAAHEP sponsoring organization, the American Society of Cytopathology, is seeking nominations for a number of achievement awards, poster/platform awards, as well as a student award for those enrolled in an accredited program. Please see the
ASC website for all the details.
The Society for Diagnostic Medical Sonography Foundation
Grant Opportunities
CAAHEP sponsoring organization, the Society for Diagnostic Medical Sonography's Foundation has grant opportunities for SDMS members and students of DMS programs. Grant applications open
May 1, 2019. Please see the variety of grant opportunities on the
SDMS Foundation website.
Each profession in the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) system has a Committee on Accreditation (CoA) that consists of experts in the profession that are responsible for reviewing programs and making appropriate recommendations for accreditation to CAAHEP. CAAHEP reviews recommendations received from its CoAs in each profession, assures due process was followed, and takes final action on an accreditation status.
CAAHEP took the following actions at its January 16, 2019 meeting. Actions are identified by profession, action taken, and date of the next comprehensive evaluation. In some cases, the concentration and/or degree are also specified.
The following programs were found to be in compliance with the accreditation Standards and Guidelines and were granted
continuing accreditation
, with the next comprehensive evaluation to occur
no later than 2023
. These actions require no progress report and were approved on the consent agenda.
Medical Assisting
The following programs were found to be in compliance with the accreditation Standards and Guidelines and were granted
continuing accreditation
, with the next comprehensive evaluation to occur
no later than 2024
. These actions require no progress report and were approved on the consent agenda.
Anesthesiologist Assistant
Cardiovascular Technology
Diagnostic Medical Sonography
Emergency Medical Services-Paramedic
Neurodiagnostic Technology
The following program was found to be in compliance with the accreditation Standards and Guidelines and was granted
continuing accreditation
, with the next comprehensive evaluation to occur
no later than 202
5. This action requires no progress report and was approved on the consent agenda.
Medical Illustration
The following program was found to be in compliance with the accreditation Standards and Guidelines and was granted
continuing accreditation
, with the next comprehensive evaluation to occur
no later than 2026
. This action requires no progress report and was approved on the consent agenda.
Recreational Therapy
The following programs were found to be in compliance with the accreditation Standards and Guidelines and were granted
continuing accreditation
, with the next comprehensive evaluation to occur
no later than 2029.
These actions require no progress report and were approved on the consent agenda.
Cardiovascular Technology
Diagnostic Medical Sonography
Exercise Science
Polysomnographic Technology
Surgical Technology
The following programs were found to be in substantial compliance with the accreditation Standards and Guidelines, with one or more Standards requiring a progress report to be submitted to the appropriate Committee on Accreditation (CoA). The programs were granted
continuing accreditation
, with the next comprehensive evaluation to occur
no later than 2024.
Emergency Medical Services-Paramedic
Progress Report Due: 6/1/2019
Progress Report Due: 6/1/2019
Progress Report Due: 9/1/2019
Progress Report Due: 9/1/2019
Progress Report Due: 6/1/2019
Progress Report Due: 9/1/2019
Progress Report Due: 12/1/2019
Progress Report Due: 6/1/2019
Progress Report Due: 6/1/2019
Progress Report Due: 9/1/2019
Progress Report Due: 6/1/2019
Progress Report Due: 9/1/2019
Progress Report Due: 9/1/2019
Progress Report Due: 6/1/2019
Progress Report Due: 9/1/2019
Progress Report Due: 6/1/2019
Progress Report Due: 9/1/2019
Progress Report Due: 6/1/2019
Progress Report Due: 6/1/2019
Progress Report Due: 9/1/2019
The following programs were found to be in compliance with the accreditation Standards and Guidelines and were granted
initial accreditation
with the next comprehensive evaluation to occur
no later than 2024
. These actions require no progress report and were approved on the consent agenda.
Anesthesia Technology
Art Therapy
Emergency Medical Services-Paramedic
Exercise Science
Recreational Therapy
Grand Valley State University, Grand Rapids, MI
Surgical Technology
The following programs were found to be in substantial compliance with the accreditation Standards and Guidelines, with one or more Standards requiring a progress report to be submitted to the appropriate Committee on Accreditation (CoA). The programs were granted
initial accreditation
with the next comprehensive evaluation to occur
no later than 2024
Art Therapy
Progress Report Due: 7/15/2019
Progress Report Due: 7/17/2019
Emergency Medical Services-Paramedic
Progress Report Due: 6/1/2019
Progress Report Due: 9/1/2019
Progress Report Due: 6/1/2019
Progress Report Due: 9/1/2019
Recreational Therapy
Progress Report Due: 8/2019
Progress Report Due: 8/2019
Surgical Technology
Progress Report Due: 2/4/2019
The following program had a transfer of sponsorship
approved, with a status of
continuing accreditation
with the next comprehensive evaluation to occur
no later than 2023
. This action requires no progress report and was approved on the consent agenda.
Emergency Medical Services-Paramedic
The following program had a
transfer of sponsorship
approved, with a status of
continuing accreditation
with the next comprehensive evaluation to occur
no later than 2024
. This action requires no progress report and was approved on the consent agenda.
Emergency Medical Services-Paramedic
The following program had a transfer of sponsorship
approved, with a status of
continuing accreditation
with the next comprehensive evaluation to occur
no later than 2026
. This action requires no progress report and was approved on the consent agenda
Surgical Technology
The following program had a
transfer of sponsorship
approved, with a status of
initial accreditation
with the next comprehensive evaluation to occur
no later than 2020
. This action requires no progress report and was approved on the consent agenda.
Emergency Medical Services-Paramedic
The following program was placed on
probationary accreditation
, with one or more Standards requiring critical attention and timely resolution to bring the program into compliance with the Standards and Guidelines.
Surgical Technology
Progress Report Due: 7/8/2019
Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs
25400 US Highway 19 North, Suite 158, Clearwater, FL 33763