January 2022 • Issue 52 • California Association for Bilingual Education

New extended deadline for CABE 2022 awards and teacherships...
Hurry! Only 3 more weeks to get the Early Bird discount...
Introducing CABE's newest board member...
CABE has a powerful new advocacy team...
Jennifer Baker
Legislative Advocate
Sarah "Sally Rice Fox
Educational Policy Analyst
Dr. Ivannia Soto
Project Specialist/Advisor
(CCTC/CABTE Liaison)
Martha Zaragoza-Díaz
Senior Advisor
Learn about new state initiatives, CABE budget priorities, and the Governor's budget proposal summary...
Meet CABE's New Legislative Advocate, Jennifer Baker!

Jennifer is a Legislative Advocate for Murdoch Walrath & Holmes, where she specializes in educational, fiscal, and policy issues, taxes, and pensions. Prior to joining Murdoch, Walrath & Holmes, she was a Legislative Advocate for the California Teachers Association, which included working on language acquisition issues. Prior to joining CTA, she was the Director of Governmental Affairs and Program Analysis for the California State Teachers' Retirement System, where she managed both the Government Affairs and Program Analysis units.

Jennifer is a former Trustee for the Natomas Unified School District and a former President of the California Latino School Boards Association. In her free time, she enjoys serving on her local School Site Council, cooking, and going roller-skating with her family.

CABE's retired lobbyist, Martha Zaragoza-Díaz, will continue her advocacy work in her new role as CABE Senior Advisor.

Click below to read Jennifer's January Capitol News reports:
We're still hiring! Help us spread the word...
For a limited time—free asynchronous digital academies...
Next DLTA module on Jan 15th: La pedagogía para la enseñanza auténtica de la lectura
Regístrese hoy para esta conferencia en español...
PREMIO ALMA FLOR ADA en PRO DE LA JUSTICIA SOCIAL—Apply now! Deadline: 5pm December 17th...
El Centro por la Equidad para los Aprendices de Inglés, en honor a la obra vitalicia de Alma Flor Ada en pro de la educación bilingüe y su infatigable dedicación a la justicia social, reconocerá profesionales en el campo de la educación bilingüe con el Premio Alma Flor Ada en pro de la Justicia Social

Aceptaremos nominaciones así como también animamos a todo maestro bilingüe a que aplique para este premio si llena los requisitos aquí indicados demostrando su compromiso a la justicia social. Este galardón intenta estimular a los educadores a continuar su aprendizaje y laborar en pro de la justicia social. 

El ganador será reconocido y recibirá un premio de $1,000 en la conferencia anual de la Jornada Pedagógica que se llevará a cabo por teleconferencia desde la Universidad Loyola Marymount.
Don't miss these offerings by CABE's partner, Whittier College...
Transform your district's community engagement efforts...
Engage with other DL educators in these dynamic conversations...
Find out what's happening at local CABE chapters and affiliates...
Board and General Membership Virtual Meetings

On Friday, January 14, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. CABE Yolo/Woodland Chapter 76 will have a virtual board meeting to plan and discuss the remainder of the year’s chapter activities.

The main topics for the Chapter 76 Board Meeting will be: Preparation for the Chapter 76 General Meeting in the Spring, Scholarship Fundraisers, Scholarship Committee and development of the “Bridge to Teaching” activities. Please check our Facebook page for more details: CABE Woodland https://www.facebook.com/CabeYoloWoodlandChapter76
Las Posadas Celebration, Woodland, CA

On December 11, 2021 CABE Yolo/Woodland Chapter 76 participated in Las Posadas Celebration in Woodland sponsored by the Taller de Nuevo Amanecer (TANA) which is a local cultural center in partnership with the Chicana/o Studies Department at the University of CA, Davis and the greater Woodland community.

CABE Chapter 76 provided information about our activities and membership, and also was able to distribute many free books in Spanish and English to the families who attended the celebration.
High School Scholarship Fundraisers and Activities

Each year Chapter 76 provides at least two scholarships to graduating seniors in the Woodland Joint Unified School District who are pursuing a teaching profession. During the year we conduct fundraisers and ask for donations at dinners and community and school events. Because of the restrictions related to COVID-19, we have not had a dinner fundraiser, however, we have successfully sold face masks, coronas for Día de los Muertos, bookmarks, Otomi-inspired fabric journal covers and Valentine crafts. Please check our Facebook page for more details: CABE Woodland https://www.facebook.com/CabeYoloWoodlandChapter76
Check out our January newsletter for information on meeting reports, news, resources, and more...
Other items of interest to the CABE community...
Native Ways of Knowing: These free online asynchronous micro-courses and resources were created by the San Diego County Office of Education and California Indian Education for All as a way for educators and leaders to learn from Native American educational, cultural, and tribal experts.

English Learner Roadmap Toolkits: Californians Together offers toolkits for administrators (3 volumes) and elementary, middle, and high school teachers.
New Publication from CEEL: EL Master Plan Playbook—Developing Equitable Local Education Policies for Multilingual and English Learner Students. Visit EL Master Plan page. 
Contact [email protected] to request that your information be included on this list.
Comic Corner—because humor makes life a little easier...
Contact the editor—Laurie Nesrala-Miles, Communications Coordinator: [email protected]