Message from the President


Wow! The 2020 Virtual Holland Awards is now behind us and with all measures, it was a success. 

We are humbled by the number of people who attended, the level of support we received and the positive feedback you provided us.

Thank you to those who were a part of our special evening and responded to our call. For those who could not be with us, we missed you!

Each year the Holland Awards usually recognizes an outstanding organization or individual that went above and beyond the call of action. This year we couldn’t make it just about one hero, but rather about the thousands of heroes who joined us this year, and all those who have joined CAC over the past five decades to lend a helping hand to our neighbors at a time of crisis…which brings me to the present…

As challenging as COVID has been, it shed the light on the power of our collective impact. The cumulative efforts of our village of supporters who helped to prepare us for this moment and truly carried us through this crisis. The pandemic has, in a sense, awakened all our senses to the existence of not just poverty among us but the fragility of our collective financial health. 

The reality that crisis can knock on anyone’s door on any given day. We are all vulnerable. Einstein was right that the illusion of separateness is just that, an illusion; and our task is to continue to widen our circle of compassion and embrace all who on surface appear to be different than ourselves.

You each continue to stand with us as we shed light on the need in Howard County and for that I am grateful.

Your generosity and dedication make Howard County such a special place to live.  

Thank you for being a part of our family, being a part of our village and thinking of all of the families we serve.  

Won’t you continue to stand with us as we “Bring the Holidays Home” to 2,000 families this Thanksgiving?! For just $50 you can support a family of 4 with a full Thanksgiving meal!

Thank you! Stay well, check on your neighbor, and know…..together, we are stronger.

Bita Dayhoff
Bring the Holidays Home this November
The Community Action Council of Howard County plans to provide 2,000 Thanksgiving meal kits throughout November at the Howard County Food Bank, but we need your help to do so!

$50 supports an entire holiday meal including: a turkey, sides, produce and bread!

National Head Start Awareness Month
October is Head Start Awareness Month! Started in 1965 by President Lyndon B. Johnson, Head Start is a national program with the goal of breaking the cycle of poverty through childcare and high quality early childhood education. CAC’s Early Childhood Education program is full-day, full-year and is designed to prepare students socially, emotionally and academically for kindergarten. It also has a focus on family engagement and forming partnerships between parents and staff that promote family stability, reduce stressors and connect families to critical family resources to achieve success.

This family-centered approach allows for early intervention that is critical to giving children a chance at lifelong success. For example, when a family loses their home, they are at risk for losing other assets and spiraling further into crisis. If that child can be placed into our Early Childhood Education program during the day, that gives the parents the flexibility to work with CAC to identify goals and attain the education, job skills, or assets needed to achieve financial independence. By looking at the full picture and having CAC wrapping their arms around the whole family, we are giving people a hand up so they can develop their path to self-sufficiency. 

To witness the beauty, strength and success of CAC's Early Childhood Education program through the journey of Trudy and Gwen, please watch below.
2020 Virtual Holland Awards-Thank You!
We are humbled and grateful for your support on Oct. 22! The 2020 Virtual Holland Awards are something we will never forget. Although we missed being with you, we felt you there with us. We hope you were able to attend and left the evening feeling inspired and hopeful. YOU are heroes who make our work possible! You help us provide hope, strength, opportunity and a promise! Thank you for standing with us now and always! 

Contact Ashley Groves to find out how to get involved with CAC.
National Weatherization Month
National Weatherization month, including Energy Efficiency Day is celebrated in October. CAC’s Weatherization Assistance Program permanently reduces energy bills by making homes more energy efficient for families. On average, weatherization services may save a household $437 a year.

CAC In the News
New Faces at CAC
Put out the welcome mat for the new staff members who have joined the Community Action Council of Howard County in recent weeks. 

CAC Champions
Each CAC team member strives for excellence in our quest to enhance the lives of those in our community. These staff members recently went above and beyond for their CAC family.

Become Part of Our Team
Together, we can diminish poverty in Howard County! We have outstanding career opportunities for those who want to use their skills to make a difference in the lives of children and families.
