CADTP is a proud member of the Institute for Credentialing Excellence and its accreditation by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA). CADTP's Counselor Certification Program has been continuously accredited by NCCA since 2007.
In California, counselor certifying agencies play a pivotal role in ensuring the quality and professionalism of SUD counselors. Gaining accreditation from the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA) is a significant step for these agencies. This accreditation is a mark of excellence, indicating that the agency’s certification programs meet the highest national standards.
Maintaining NCCA accreditation requires the certifying agencies to submit an annual report of their certification activities and a full re-accreditation package every five years.
The re-accreditation process is rigorous. In the last re-accreditation process of 2017-2018, both CADTP and CCAPP were provided with an initial one-year accreditation, and then subsequently gained the additional four years. Unfortunately, CAADE struggled and initially lost its accreditation, but eventually gained it back in 2019.
California Certifying Agencies are again experiencing the re-accreditation process with CCAPP, CADTP, and CAADE each receiving an initial one-year approval. As CCAPP’s submission date was previous to CADTP and CAADE, we were pleased to see the announcement that they have subsequently gained their full accreditation. CADTP looks forward to making our re-accreditation announcement in early 2024.
Let’s explore the process for California counselor certifying agencies to achieve NCCA accreditation: Read Understanding National Accreditation for California Certifying Agencies