

Monday, January 13, 2025

In this week's newsletter:

CAEA News and Events

Visual Arts News and Events

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CAEA Statewide News and Events

January 13, 2025

Dear Members of the California Art Education Association,

I write to you on behalf of the Council with a heart full of concern for our members, families, and communities facing the devastating wildfires that are sweeping through our beautiful state. These fires serve as a poignant reminder of the challenges that tragedies can impose, profoundly testing our resilience and spirit.

I want to extend my heartfelt sympathy to everyone who has been directly affected—whether it’s through losing their homes, schools, facing disruptions to their daily lives, or grappling with the fear and uncertainty that such events can cause. Please know that you are not alone. The California Art Education Association provides support and strength as a community during challenging times.

Art has always been a powerful tool for healing, expression, and connection. As educators, we know the transformative role that creativity plays in processing trauma and fostering hope. Whether you're guiding students in exploring their emotions through art or seeking comfort in your own creative endeavors, I urge you to embrace the healing power of art in these challenging times. 

To those of you seeking resources or guidance, we are here to help. We encourage you to reach out if there’s any way we can assist you. Whether you need help connecting with local resources, or just someone to listen to, we're here for you. In the spirit of solidarity, let us also remember the resilience of our state’s artistic and educational communities. Time and again, California has faced adversity with creativity and compassion. Together, we can rebuild, support one another, and inspire hope for the future. 

CAEA is accepting financial contributions in response to the fires in the Los Angeles area. Assistance and support will be provided to CAEA members, visual arts education programs, and art makers affected by the wildfires. CAEA is currently evaluating the needs within our Los Angeles community and will provide information regarding the allocation and application process for the funds to be donated. Consider giving if you can by following the QR Code or Donate button provided below. Please be sure to note in your donation that you are donating to the CAEA Fires Assistance Fund.

Please take care of yourself and your loved ones.


My thoughts and prayers are with all of you during this difficult time.

In Community,

Anna Pilhoefer

President, CAEA


The 2025 CAEA YAM programs are underway. Please visit the CAEA YAM "2025 YAM" webpage to learn more about program dates in your Area.

CAEA Area and Regional News and Events

Southern/San Diego Area

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Visual Arts News and Events

Endangered Species Coalition is pleased to announce that the Collaborating for Biodiversity youth art program will be open for submissions beginning Wednesday, January 22nd 2025! In January, the project guidelines will be published on our website, and the submission form will be ready to receive artworks beginning on the 22nd. The submissions window will remain open through April 23rd.

Dipodomys aka Kangaroo Rat Abstract representation of the red soil found in deserts of Canada, western U.S. and Mexico By 10th grade artists Aliyah and Justice, 2023



The Autry Museum of the American West presents the 9th annual Student Visual Arts Exhibition: Visions of the Future, a juried exhibition with more than 100 middle school and high school students' artwork exploring a topic of relevance in the American West. Student Visual Arts Exhibition calls on the students of the American West to share their visions of the future. For peoples living across the American West, the future has long been an inspiration for dreams, fears, hopes, and actions. Millions of people have headed to the American West in the hopes of securing a better future. Others have viewed the future as an opportunity to reach new horizons, and still others fear what the future might bring. As the present turned into the past, it is those actions, those dreams, those hopes and fears that fill today's history books and shed light on how those who came before us viewed the future. What do you think the future holds? What do you think the world will look like, sound like, feel like in ten years, fifty years, one hundred years, or even a thousand years?

We call on the students of the American West to share with us their visions of the future, and we look forward to sharing your visions of the future at the Autry Museum.>Learn more

Submissions will be accepted through Saturday, February 8, 2025

Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum recently launched its eighth annual National High School Design Competition, challenging teens across the country with: What would you design to help everyone feel at home in your community?


The competition is free to enter with entries due on February 10, 2025.

Prizes include inspiring mentoring opportunities with leading designers and experts in the field. Please visit for further details.

The 2nd Annual Bill Neale Automotive Fine Art Award for High School Students is currently open and accepting entries.

This award honors the fine art techniques of renowned automotive artist Bill Neale and nurtures the next generation of fine art

automotive artists.

This is an opportunity for budding talents to gain recognition and win cash prizes!

Entries accepted through February 12, 2045.

Click here for details.

KidWind is an international leader in clean energy education.

Supported by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Wind Energy Technologies Office, KidWind opened the call for entries for the 2025 National Wind Energy Art Challenge. The theme, “Beautiful Wind Energy,” will highlight the importance of wind energy and renewable energy education.


It is free for teachers and parents/guardians to enter student artwork, and the deadline to enter is 12 p.m. CST on February 28, 2025. Additional information on the contest can be found here.



Bring the Unsung Heroes into your classrooms and communities through the annual competition!

Click here to learn more.

The 2025 ARTEFFECT competition invites submissions from all students in grades 6-12 interested in making a positive impact through their art. First awarded in 2016, thousands of students have participated in ARTEFFECT from around the world. The competition invites students to creatively interpret the story of an Unsung Hero by creating an original visual artwork, accompanied by an artist’s Impact Statement.

Submissions deadline is April 27, 2025

Do you have something to share that you think other CAEA members would be interested in knowing about?

Would you like to share some good news about an educator you know?

What would you like to see in the CAEA newsletter?

We would like to know.

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Administrator “Ask Letter” For CAEA Membership


As Art Educators, we are no strangers to advocacy. 

We so often have to advocate for the importance of what we do, the resources we need for our classrooms, and for our own professional development. 


CAEA is here to help build your advocacy toolbox: and this includes making it as easy as possible for you to request financial support from administrators for membership costs to join your state and national professional organization. Remember: a personal request from educators is always more powerful than a mass email from our organization.

Click here for a customized letter that you can personalize in an email to your school administrator. You can use this to renew your own current membership or to help an art educator you know who is not a current member become one.

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