CAEP 2021-22 Beginning of the Year Letter
Registration Now Open! Join Us At the CAEP Summit 2021
CAEP Directors’ Event 2021 Registration Now Open
UPDATED: CAEP Three-Year Plan 2022-25 Guidance Document and Template
Advocacy for Broadband Inclusion
Hanover Research: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Comprehensive Academic Portfolio Review
Deadlines and Deliverables
CAEP 2021-22 Beginning of the Year Letter
The CAEP Office has released the annual CAEP Beginning of the Year Letter. In this year’s letter, the CAEP Office advises local recipients of the accountability requirements for the 2021-22 program year. The letter and supporting documents outlines data collection, reporting, and due dates for data deliverables. The letter also outlines resources and supports available to consortia and members in meeting these requirements. The CAEP Office advises that failure to comply with any requirements or deliverable deadlines will be cause for withholding apportionment payments until requirements are met and performance is satisfactory.
Registration Now Open! Join Us At the CAEP Summit 2021
Calling all adult educators to the CAEP Summit 2021! Registration is now open, and it is free to attend this year. Grab your colleagues and register for an amazing three-day professional learning experience. If you are looking for innovative, impactful, and practical tools, strategies, and resources to implement at your school site, this conference is for you. If you enjoy learning from your adult education colleagues, this conference is for you. Don’t hesitate – registration is limited and on a first come, first serve basis. Register today!
CAEP Directors’ Event 2021 Registration Now Open
The CAEP Directors' Event 2021 will take CAEP consortia on a journey to the three-year planning process. CAEP consortia leads will learn and collaborate on key topics related to the planning process. Additionally, we are happy to share the results of feedback from the field, resulting in the expansion of the event from one day to a full week! The event will take place on September 20-24th. Monday through Wednesday, join us for a 90-minute session each day and again Thursday-Friday for full day sessions.
The Directors' Event Week is intended for consortia leads, directors, co-leads and co-directors. Register today!
UPDATED: CAEP Three-Year Plan 2022-25 Guidance Document and Template
The CAEP Three-Year Plan 2022-25 Guidance and Template have been updated and are available for use. The CAEP three-year planning process is designed to provide consortia and consortium members a chance to (1) collectively assess the impact of services provided over the previous period, (2) identify educational and workforce needs among adult education beneficiaries and providers in the region, and (3) define strategies and activities to meet these needs over the coming three years. The guidance document provides direction and establishes procedures to complete and submit a CAEP adult education three-year regional plan using the California Community College Chancellor’s Office (CCCCO) NOVA online platform. Sections of this document and template correspond to sections of the three-year plan as it appears in NOVA and describe the content that must be included in the consortium's response per California Education Code.
CAEP TAP will host a series of professional learning webinars to prepare consortia to submit the three-year plan. Access each webinar title, description, date and time information, and registration link on the Events page.
Contact CAEP TAP at [email protected] or (888) 827-2324 if you experience any difficulty accessing the documents or have questions.
Advocacy for Broadband Inclusion
Here is an opportunity for students to participate in advocacy for broadband inclusion through a survey from Consumer Reports and the National Digital Inclusion Alliance (NDIA).
Let’s Broadband Together, from Consumer Reports, is gathering essential data on internet access and speed. NDIA is partnering with them and we need your help!
Millions of us don’t have access to internet service. And for those of us who do, it’s often unreliable and too expensive. Together we can change that.
Consumer Reports has a new project that could ultimately reveal if Americans are actually getting what they’re paying for when it comes to internet service.
Thank you for being part of this important work, and helping ensure we all have affordable, accessible high-speed internet!
Hanover Research: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Comprehensive Academic Portfolio Review
For many institutions, preparing for the future begins with proactively evaluating their academic offerings now. Colleges and universities want to know if they are offering the “right” programs to stabilize and grow enrollment, where they should invest their limited resources, and if they can sustain all of their programs as currently offered. In short, they are looking to complete a comprehensive academic review.
Hanover’s Step-by-Step Guide to a Comprehensive Academic Portfolio Review helps higher education leaders position their institution for success by unpacking the elements of a data-informed portfolio review process. The toolkit will help leaders:
- Determine if they would benefit from a portfolio review
- Establish the purpose and goals for a review
- Select metrics that are right for their college or university
- Translate the resulting data into actionable insights
Access the full report for the report findings and outcomes.
The Planning Mindset
Wednesday, September 1, 2021
12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. PST
The planning mindset webinar will focus on engaging consortia leads and members in a series of activities and tools to adopt a long-term planning mindset. The adoption of a planning mindset will support consortia during the planning process through implementation and beyond. A planning mindset will allow consortia and agencies to continually discover, plan and adopt their services to meet the needs of adult learners.
Consortium Program Quality Self-Assessment
Wednesday, September 8, 2021
12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. PST
The webinar will present a systematic process to examine and analyze the needs (gaps) between current consortia and agency services and the needs of adult learners. The consortium program quality self-assessment tool will be used to guide critical conversations amongst consortium members to work collaboratively together to provide equitable, quality, effective and efficient programming to adult learners. Additionally, the connection of the consortium self-assessment tool to other assessments (WASC, CIP, etc.) will be examined.
Building Sustainable Collaborative Partnerships
Wednesday, September 15, 2021
12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. PST
The next step in the 3-year planning process, after identifying community assets, is to build sustainable collaborative partnerships. The Building Sustainable Collaborative Partnerships webinar will present the key elements to successful collaboration, the foundational steps for collaboration, and strategies to overcome common challenges with collaboration.
CAEP Program Evaluation 101
Friday, September 17, 2021
12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. PST
This webinar will provide an introduction to the basic terminology and concepts of logic modeling, as well as share strategies and examples participants may use to help with the development of their own SMART objectives (address educational needs, improve integration of services and transitions and effectiveness of services), and short-term, intermediate, and long-term outcomes.
Aug 15: Annual Plan for 2021-22 due in NOVA
Sep 1: 19/20 and 20/21 Member Expense Report due in NOVA (Q4)
Sep 1: July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021 expenses by program area due (estimates only) in NOVA *
Sep 1: 21/22 certification of allocation amendment due in NOVA (new)
Sep 30: 19/20 and 20/21 Member Expense Report certified by Consortia in NOVA (Q4) *
Sep 30: 21/22 Member Program Year Budget and Work Plan due in NOVA
Sep 30: End of Q1