In a couple of days, the Advancing CA Adult Education model program submissions will close. Nominate a program today! Last year, the CAEP Office and CAEP TAP had the honor of recognizing the LARAEC and the LARAEC Edge at the CAEP Summit 2021. Over the last several years, consortium member districts, subject-matter experts, and LARAEC action planning team members have been discussing the creation of a more coordinated plan for transitioning adult education students to post-secondary programs. As part of an action research study conducted through Arizona State University, (Smith & Stiehl, 2020; Smith & Stiehl, 2021; Stiehl, 2020), interviews and surveys of LARAEC program participants were conducted in the fall of 2020 and spring 2021. Research confirmed that school personnel experience some barriers to implementing transition programs. LARAEC looked at the problem of limited access to information as a twofold issue; how do we provide direct information and transition support to students and staff, and how do we do this in a remote environment? Using the new online conference structure built to host the annual LARAEC conference, the consortium developed a new program to target transitions and access to post-secondary information called The LARAEC Edge. This program was designed as LARAEC’s first student–facing conference. This conference focused specifically on transitions to postsecondary programs. The conference included five main strands: College Academic (registration, financial aid, college 101), Career Training (programs, sectors, pathways), Adult Education (Basic skills, HSE/HSD, ESL), Workforce Readiness (Interviews, resumes, job search, apprenticeships), and Support Services (programs for special populations, community-based organizations, and workforce partners). Learn more about the LARAEC Edge by clicking on the following link.
Adult education practitioners are always interested in learning from other programs across the State. The CAEP Office and CAEP TAP provides the Advancing CA Adult Education Program platform for you to demonstrate innovative, emerging, and model practices. We are aware of some of the amazing strides programs and learners are making in adult education. It is now time to share with the rest of the State and be recognized for the wonderful work taking place. Access the model program nomination webpage to learn more about the nomination criteria, scoring rubric, and more. Nominations for a chance to recognized at this year’s summit close August 26, 2022.