CAEP Final Allocations for 2022-23
Local And Regional Plans PY 21-24 Two Year Modifications
CAEP Adult Dual Enrollment: Lessons and Opportunities Research Brief
Nominate a CAEP Model Program
Submit a Proposal for the CAEP Summit 2022
Apply to Join the Digital Leadership Academy 2022-24 Cohort
CAEP Deliverable Reminders
Deadlines and Deliverables
CAEP Final Allocations for 2022-23
Last week, the CAEP Office released the 2022-23 Allocation Guidance Memo and the 2022-23 CAEP Allocation Schedule. This memorandum is to advise local recipients and fiscal agents of adult education funds that the 2022-23 final CAEP allocation amounts have been posted. Earlier this month, the 2022-23 additional CAEP allocations from the May Revise were posted in NOVA as an allocation amendment. Consortium members have until September 1, 2022 to submit and certify their amended allocation amounts in NOVA.
The CAEP Office and the Technical Assistance Program (TAP) will offer a CAEP Allocation Amendment webinar on Wednesday, July 20, 2022, from 12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. to review the new allocation amounts, walk members through the NOVA process steps, and answer any questions.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Allocation Guidance or Schedule, please contact TAP at [email protected] or (888) 827-2324.
Local And Regional Plans PY 21-24 Two Year Modifications
This policy provides guidance and establishes the procedures regarding the two-year modification of the Regional and Local Plans for Program Year (PY) 2021-2024 as required by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). This policy applies to Regional Planning Units (RPU) and Local Workforce Development Boards (Local Board) and is effective on the date of issuance. This policy contains some state-imposed requirements. All state-imposed requirements are indicated by bold, italic type.
This policy supersedes Workforce Services Directive Regional and Local Plans PY 17-21 Two Year Modifications (WSD18-01), dated July 27, 2018. Retain this Directive until further notice.
The attached draft Directive is being issued in draft to give the Workforce Development Community the opportunity to review and comment prior to final issuance. Submit any comments by email no later than July 21, 2022.
All comments received within the comment period will be considered before issuing the final Directive. Commenters will not be responded to individually. Rather, a summary of comments will be released with the final Directive. Comments received after the specified due date will not be considered.
Email [email protected]. Include “Local and Regional Plan Modification” in the email subject line.
CAEP Adult Dual Enrollment: Lessons and Opportunities Research Brief
The California Adult Education Program (CAEP) Technical Assistance Project (TAP) supports the expansion of ADE as a Learner Transition strategy, one of the California Adult Education State Priorities aligned with the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office (CCCCO) Vision for Success goals and the California Department of Education’s Priorities, as well as the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Adult Education and Family Literacy, Title II State Plan. Learner Transition involves guiding students’ progress from adult education along pathways to achieve their college and career goals. ADE is one of a menu of transition strategies, which also include bridge and pre apprenticeship programs, integrated education and training, and transition support services.
In 2021, CAEP TAP partnered with Jennie Mollica and Peter Simon of High Road Alliance (HRA) to gather input from the field about the status of adult dual enrollment (ADE) today. The CAEP Adult Dual Enrollment: Lessons and Opportunities research brief captures lessons learned from adult education providers and community colleges who have promoted dual enrollment in adult education and credit-bearing college courses, to inform expanded use of the approach statewide. Drawing upon ten interviews, one peer learning circle attended by twenty-seven individuals, and engagement of an advisory group of experienced practitioners (see Appendix), the brief also identifies challenges to implementing the promising strategy and recommendations to state policymakers and leaders to support its scaling to benefit greater numbers of California’s adult students.
Access the research brief to learn more about the challenges of implementing ADE as well as the recommendations to state policymakers and leaders.
Nominate a CAEP Model Program
In this season, the CAEP Office and CAEP TAP welcomes nominations of California Adult Education Programs, demonstrating innovative, emerging, or model practices for the Advancing CA Adult Education Award and recognition at the CAEP Summit 2022. We are aware of some of the amazing strides programs and learners are making in adult education. It is now time to share with the rest of the State and be recognized for the wonderful work taking place.
To submit, model CAEP programs must be aligned to approved CAEP program areas and the adult education state priorities: learner transition, program development, equity, leadership, technology and distance learning, program evaluation, and marketing. The adult education state priorities align with the CCCCO Vision for Success goals and the CDE Superintendent’s Initiatives.
Access the model program nomination webpage to learn more about the nomination criteria, scoring rubric, and more. Nominations close August 17, 2022.
Submit a Proposal and Register to Attend the CAEP Summit 2022
Call for Proposals
There’s still time to submit a proposal! Although, there is not a whole lot of time left. CAEP practitioners want to learn about strategies and practices implemented by other practitioners that have proven to benefit adult learners. Consider submitting a proposal to present at the CAEP Summit 2022 today! The CAEP Summit 2022 will take place on October 25-28, 2022, on a virtual platform. This year’s theme is the Power is Yours! Use Your Plan to Evolve and Re-engage. This year’s Summit will center the implementation of the new CAEP three-year plan, while continuing to reflect on all that we have learned since the global pandemic, and the racial, social, cultural, and economic disruptions we have all experienced. We have an opportunity to reimagine adult education to center the needs of learners and re-engage them in our educational spaces.
The call for proposals is now open and CAEP Summit 2022 attendees want to learn from you! The CAEP Summit 2022 is an opportunity for you to share and discuss innovative and effective promising practices, strategies, and other resources related to technology and distance learning, student support services, transition services, partnerships, equity and cultural responsiveness, data and accountability, and more.
**Please note - only lead presenters can submit a proposal. Upon submission, the lead presenter will be asked to create an account using their email address and a password they created. All proposals will be tied to the lead presenter's account.
Submit a proposal today! Call for proposals close Friday, August 19, 2022.
Once you have submitted a proposal (or not), register to attend the CAEP Summit 2022! Registration is now open and we want as many of our adult education practitioners to register to attend. The Summit will be virtual again this year. It is FREE to attend the Summit this year! Register today.
Apply to Join the Digital Leadership Academy 2022-24 Cohort
OTAN announces a professional development opportunity for California adult education agencies through the Digital Leadership Academy (DLAC) 2022-2024. OTAN offers this program for a full two years to ensure agencies can meet their projected technology integration, distance learning, or blended teaching goals. Teams of two or three teachers, coordinators, and administrators will represent agencies for the entire two years of the program. The program is designed to be flexible in how agencies can best use the resources offered by OTAN to support their agency goals.
Learn more about DLAC and the program’s requirements by visiting the DLAC website. Please note: DLAC is now open to non-WIOA funded agencies. The deadline to apply is Friday, August 19, 2022.
CAEP Deliverable Reminders
CAEP Quarter 4 Student Data
The CAEP Office is moving the CAEP Quarter 4 student data submission due date (for TOPSPro users) to July 15, 2022. The original due date was August 1st of each year. Each agency will need to plan accordingly.
CAEP Final Allocations for 2022-23
The 2022-23 additional CAEP allocations from the May Revise were posted in NOVA as an allocation
amendment. Consortium members have until September 1, 2022 to submit and certify their amended allocation amounts in NOVA.
CAEP Annual Plan and Budget and Work Plan Due Dates
The CAEP Office is moving the due date for the CAEP Annual Plan and Budget and Work Plan for 2022. The annual plan will now be due September 14, 2022. The member budget and work plan will be due October 30, 2022 and certified by the consortium no later than November 30, 2022. The Quarter 1 expense report due dates will remain the same.
Annual Plan
Join the CAEP Office to walk through the 2022-23 Annual Plan process in NOVA, and review the recently released Annual Planning Guidance. This year's annual plan should address the transition from AB 86 planning to the education code (§84906) actions. For the 2022-23 program year, the annual plan due date is September 14, 2022. Attend this webinar to gain a better understanding of the planning to actions transition and receive answers to any questions you may have regarding the planning process for 2022-23.
Date: July 27, 2022
Time: 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Jul 15: Student Data due in TOPSPro (Q4) FINAL
Aug 1: Employment and Earnings Follow-up Survey
Sep 1: 20/21 and 21/22 Member Expense Report due in NOVA (Q4)
Sep 1: July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022 expenses by program area due (estimates only) in NOVA *
Sep 14: Annual Plan for 2022-23 due in NOVA * (Extended for 2022)
Sep 30: 20/21 and 21/22 Member Expense Report certified by Consortia in NOVA (Q4)