CAEP Summit 2022 Call for Proposals Open Now!
CAEP Deliverable Reminders
WestEd’s NEW! Two-Part Professional Development Opportunities
Broadband for All Roundtables - Schools, Libraries, and Community-Based Organizations
PPIC: California’s Labor Force – A Swift Recovery, but What’s Next?
California Distance Learning Cooperative Expansion Project
CAEP Webinars and Peer Learning Circles
Deadlines and Deliverables
CAEP Summit 2022 Call for Proposals Open Now!
It’s that time of year again! The CAEP Summit 2022 will take place on October 25-28, 2022, on a virtual platform. This year’s theme is the Power is Yours! Use Your Plan to Evolve and Re-engage. This year’s Summit will center the implementation of the new CAEP three-year plan, while continuing to reflect on all that we have learned since the global pandemic, and the racial, social, cultural and economic disruptions we have all experienced. We have an opportunity to reimagine adult education to center the needs of learners and re-engage them in our educational spaces.
The call for proposals is now open and CAEP Summit 2022 attendees want to learn from you! The CAEP Summit 2022 is an opportunity for you to share and discuss innovative and effective promising practices, strategies, and other resources related to technology and distance learning, student support services, transition services, partnerships, equity and cultural responsiveness, data and accountability, and more.
**Please note - only lead presenters can submit a proposal. Upon submission, the lead presenter will be asked to create an account using their email address and a password they created. All proposals will be tied to the lead presenter's account.
Submit a proposal today! Call for proposals close Friday, August 19, 2022.
CAEP Deliverable Reminders
CAEP 2022-25 Three-Year Plan
The CAEP 2022-25 Three-Year Plan is to be approved by the consortium no later than June 20, 2022. All consortia have access to input the three-year plan. However, no consortia will be able to approve the three-year plan until the CFAD is approved. Additionally, the same members who sign the CFAD will need to sign the three-year plan.
Three-Year Plan Updates in NOVA
- Increased narrative max character counts to 5000 on the Objectives tab
- Two default metrics were not showing up in the selection list on the Activities & Outcomes tab. ProductOps added the following:
- "All - Number of Adults Served (AE 200 - Overall)"
- "All - Adults who Became Participants (AE 202 - Overall)”
CAEP Quarter 4 Student Data
The CAEP Office is moving the CAEP Quarter 4 student data submission due date (for TOPSPro users) to July 15, 2022. The original due date was August 1st of each year. Each agency will need to plan accordingly.
CAEP Annual Plan and Budget and Work Plan Due Dates
The CAEP Office is moving the due date for the CAEP Annual Plan and Budget and Work Plan for 2022. The annual plan will now be due September 14, 2022. The member budget and work plan will be due October 30, 2022 and certified by the consortium no later than November 30, 2022. The Quarter 1 expense report due dates will remain the same.
WestEd’s NEW! Two-Part Professional Development Opportunities
Tomorrow, May 5, 2022, WestEd will host Part I of their two-part professional development series. In this session, WestEd will explore equity in CAEP programming using the AEP dashboard data and other data tools. Review the below descriptions and register for tomorrow’s session, Part II, and their June sessions.
Part I and II: Exploring Equity in CAEP Programming using AEP Dashboard Data and other Data Tools
Join this professional development opportunity to explore issues of equity as it relates to your programming. We will use Adult Education Pipeline data, as well as other resources to identify equity gaps and opportunities to center equity discussions in your consortium or program planning. We will also lead participants in a process that will in turn help them lead discussions that center adult learners and equity. This TWO session workshop will focus on 1) exploring and using data- quantitative and qualitative- to identify equity gaps; 2) identifying opportunities to engage underrepresented populations in your programming or consortium; 3) supporting decision making for program and consortium planning. The limited numbers will allow for 1) breakout groups, idea sharing, discussions, and networking opportunities with your peers; and 2) the opportunity to explore and ask questions about your data. This professional development opportunity will use a problem of practice approach which will be contextualized to participants needs and contexts. Sign up as an individual or as a group. Enrollment is limited to 30. Participants must attend both sessions.
Part I
Date: May 5, 2022
Time: 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Part II
Date: May 17, 2022
Time: 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Part I and II: Creating Career Pathways Using the Updated Adult Education to Workforce Dashboard Tool
Join this professional development opportunity to explore career pathways in your consortium. This TWO session workshop will focus on using data to make decisions for identifying opportunities and gaps in educational offerings and local labor market needs. We will introduce and explore the Regional Adult Education to Workforce Dashboard, which provides information on local educational programs and training (by metacluster) by institution as well as local labor market information, (annual openings, COE Skill category, Self-Sufficiency wages). We will also explore other data tools to help identify feasible and sustainable pathways for adult learners. Activities and discussions will focus on how to identify collaborative student centered opportunities that create a coherent pathway through K-12 Adult Schools and Noncredit community college programs to employment or additional training. The limited numbers will allow for 1) breakout groups, idea sharing, discussions, and networking opportunities with your peers; and 2) the opportunity to explore and ask questions about your data. This professional development opportunity will use a problem of practice approach which will be contextualized to participants needs and contexts. Between sessions participants will complete a self-identified Action Step that will inform Session 2. Sign up as an individual or as a group. Enrollment is limited to 30. Participants must attend both sessions.
Part I
Date: June 14, 2022
Time: 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Part II
Date: June 28, 2022
Time: 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Broadband for All Roundtables - Schools, Libraries, and Community-Based Organizations
The purpose of the Broadband for All Roundtables is to foster meaningful partnerships and establish bi-directional dialogue with entities committed to closing California’s digital divide. These roundtables will include updates on the implementation of the State’s Broadband for All initiatives and other digital equity initiatives.
Date: May 12, 2022
Time: 1:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
PPIC: California’s Labor Force – A Swift Recovery, but What’s Next?
In their latest blog post, PPIC addresses how swiftly the economic recovery has been for California. While jobs have yet to recover fully in some of the hardest-hit sectors, total employment has recovered faster than in previous recessions. The accelerating demand for workers, along with an historically high quit rate (aka the Great Resignation), has contributed to strong wage growth in many sectors and is drawing more workers back to the labor force. This is great news for the short-term. However, when examining the long-term effects, California has to address long-term economic mobility and growth.
Learn more about the important aspects of California’s economic recovery in the latest PPIC blog post.
California Distance Learning Cooperative Expansion Project
The California Adult Education Program is excited to work collaboratively with CAEP TAP and OTAN to expand the Canvas project to another 127 agencies through the California Distance Learning Cooperative (CDLC). Although implementation sprints have started, agencies are still more than welcome to sign-up and participate in the CDLC. An added benefit is CAEP TAP and OTAN will cover all set up costs for a new Canvas instance and provide the first 50 licenses. Signing up is very simple and there is an amazing team available to walk you through the process.
Join CAEP TAP and OTAN for the last information session on June 21, 2022 at 12:00 p.m. Members from both teams will walk you through the step-by-step process and answer any questions you may have. Register today!
Canvas Project Expansion – Learn about the CDLC and all the benefits
OTAN and CAEP TAP are excited to offer all adult education providers in the state of California an opportunity to have their own Canvas instance through the California Distance Learning Cooperative (CDLC). By participating in the CDLC, agencies will increase learners' access to distance learning opportunities and advance their digital literacy skills. The series of informational sessions will give administrators a basic understanding of what membership in the CDLC can provide their agency, learners and teachers. You’ll learn the basic requirements to become a member of the CDLC, the requirements for entering into a Memorandum of Understanding, and the timeline for full implementation of your own Canvas instance that you can use with learners, or, if you choose, use it for professional development for your staff and teachers. This is an opportunity to ask questions as well.
Date: Tuesday, June 21, 2022
Time: 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
CAEP Webinars and Peer Learning Circles
Adult Education Pipeline Data for Continuous Improvement and Three-Year Planning
This webinar will overview the unique features of the AEP Dashboard, how to navigate and interpret the data, and how to use the data to inform continuous improvement. This webinar will spotlight consortia that have used AEP Dashboard data to inform evaluation and Continuous Improvement efforts.
Date: Tuesday, May 10, 2022
Time: 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Adult Education Pathways Through Education to Workforce: Building Informed Career Pathways
This webinar will feature the Regional Education to Workforce Dashboard. This dashboard aligns sector clusters, educational offerings, and labor market data so that regions can identify needed Pathways, gaps in educational offerings, and misalignment between educational offerings and labor market data. This workshop is intended to be a springboard for consortium member discussion.
Date: Thursday, June 9, 2022
Time: 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
May 2: CFAD and Governance for 2022-23 due in NOVA *
Jun 1: 20/21 and 21/22 Member Expense Report due in NOVA (Q3)
Jun 20: CAEP 2022-25 Three-Year Plan due
Jun 30: 20/21 and 21/22 Member Expense Report certified by Consortia in NOVA (Q3) *
Jun 30: End of Q4
Jul 15: Student Data due in TOPSPro (Q4) FINAL