• Verse of the Day: The Greatest Losers

    "Say (O Muhammad): 'Shall we tell you who are the greatest losers in whatever they may do? (It is) those whose efforts have been wasted in (the pursuit of no more than) this world's life, while they thought they were acquiring good by their works?" The Holy Quran, 18:103-104

  • CAIR-CT: Gold Star Father Khizr Khan to Speak May 6 in Norwalk

  • CAIR Says Arizona Police Association's Islamophobic Training May Put Muslim Community at Risk

    The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation's largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, today called on the Arizona Police Association (APA) to cancel a scheduled training event to be offered next month by notorious Islamophobe and anti-Muslim conspiracy theorist John Guandolo, who falsely claims U.S. mosques are planning armed attacks on law enforcement authorities and churches.

    CAIR says Guandolo is putting local Muslim communities at risk by making the false claim recently that, "Mosques/Islamic Centers are organizing for armed confrontation with law enforcement, shoring up physical defenses where they see likely confrontation and increasing their pre-attack surveillances of churches and other targets."

    He also recently bizarrely claimed that when a Delaware Imam (Islamic religious leader) touched his nose during the pledge of allegiance before a legislative session, that was part of "civilizational jihad" by American Muslims.

    • CAIR-FL: Dozens Voice Opposition Over Possible Mosque

      Wilfredo Ruiz with the Council for American-Islamic Relations denied the fundraising campaign was affiliated with the Islamic Center.

      "They're looking for property in Ft. Pierce," he said over the phone Tuesday. He warned the comments Monday evening went beyond Islamophobia. "It's against the freedom of religion any religion," Ruiz explained. "That is what's at stake now."

    • Hate Attack at Iraqi Restaurant in Oregon

  • CAIR-CA: Hundreds of Muslims Gather at Capitol to Advocate for Inclusive California

  • CAIR: San Diego Schools Launches Effort Against Islamophobia (AP)

    Next school year, it will review materials on Muslim culture for libraries, provide resources to teachers and engage in partnerships with the Council on American-Islamic Relations. Over several years, it plans to consider high school clubs that promote American Muslim culture, create "safe spaces" for students and train staff about Muslim culture. . .

    "We believe this is a great first step in the direction of protecting Muslim students from the bullying that is a direct result of the growing Islamophobia in our state and nation," Hanif Mohebi, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations' San Diego chapter, said after the vote. "Other school districts should follow this lead, and we will be happy to work with them to provide resources and trainings."


CAIR Reports 1,035 Percent Spike in Islamophobic Incidents at U.S. Borders During President Trump's First 100 Days

(WASHINGTON, D.C., 4/25/17) –- The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) today reported preliminary data revealing that cases of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) profiling of Muslims accounted for 23 percent of CAIR case intakes in the first three months of 2017. This represents a 1,035 percent increase in CBP bias cases reported so far this year over the same period in 2016.

[NOTE: Any case listed in this preliminary report as containing an element of religious discrimination has undergone a vetting process by CAIR intake staff that seeks to ensure the highest possible level of accuracy. Cases are updated as additional facts become available.]

CAIR also found that:

* Of the 193 CBP cases recorded from January-March 2017, 181 were reported after the January 27 signing of the Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States Executive Order, also known as the Trump administration "Muslim Ban."

* The 181 cases that occurred after the Muslim Ban was signed exceeded the combined total of 136 CBP profiling cases CAIR documented in the previous three years.

CAIR Islamophobia Monitor: Borderline Constitutional Disorder

[NOTE: In early May, CAIR will release a report detailing anti-Muslim bias incidents documented by the civil rights organization during the 2014-2016 period. Shortly after the release of that report, CAIR will release its preliminary first quarter 2017 case data.]

The first 100 days of Donald Trump's presidency witnessed initial efforts to translate his anti-Islam campaign rhetoric into official U.S. policy. These efforts included populating his administration with a number of officials who have a history of problematic and misleading statements about Islam and Muslims.

CAIR Islamophobia Monitor: Islamophobia and the Trump Team

It also included an evolving effort to fulfill his campaign promise of a ban on Muslim entry into the U.S. There were also reports of substantive movement toward an executive order directing the Secretary of State to determine whether to designate the Muslim Brotherhood a foreign terrorist organization, which experts say is just a "witch hunt" rooted in conspiracy theories peddled by the U.S. Islamophobia network and intended to eviscerate American Muslim civil society.

CAIR Islamophobia Monitor: The Evolving Muslim Ban

CAIR has decried what it termed the Trump administration's "deafening silence" on a growing number of anti-Muslim incidents in recent days, part of a trend that began during the recent presidential campaign and accelerated following the November 8 election.

SEE: CAIR Decries Trump Administration's 'Deafening Silence' on Series of Anti-Muslim Incidents Nationwide

For more information, CONTACT:

Corey Saylor
Director, Department to Monitor and Combat Islamophobia
Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Phone: (202) 742-6413
Cell: (202) 384-8857
Email: csaylor@cair.com
Twitter: @Saylorcorey
Website: http://www.islamophobia.org

CAIR is America's largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization. Its mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding.

- END –

CONTACT: CAIR National Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper, 202-744-7726, ihooper@cair.com



Council on American-Islamic Relations
453 New Jersey Ave, S.E., Washington, D.C., 20003
Council on American-Islamic Relations Copyright © 1994. All rights reserved.