Join us at the CAL-ALHFA Single-Family Symposium, where industry movers and shakers come together to share ideas and strategies to support affordable homeownership in California.
Holiday Inn, Downtown Sacramento - Arena
Irise Tam Bailey
Director, Homeownership Programs
Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco (FHLBSF)
WISH Down Payment Assistance Grant
Learn how Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco (FHLBSF) partners with its member financial institutions to open doors to affordable and sustainable homeownership opportunities for first-time homebuyers , up to $22,000 to eligible households.
Sharyl Silva
Housing Finance Officer, California Housing Finance Agency (CALHFA)
CalHFA ADU Grant Program – Finding Success in a Changing Market
Discover how CalHFA’s grant program for Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) offers up to $40,000 to low- and moderate-income homeowners to pay for pre-development costs and closing costs including interest rate buydowns. 
Barbara Hayes
Chief Economic Development Officer, Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC)
Advancing Rural Broadband
Hear about programs, funding and local government initiatives supporting the newly signed SB 156 – Broadband for All Californians and the life-changing implications associated with providing access to quality broadband in homes, schools and places of employment.
Michael Altobell
Housing Counseling Manager,
NeighborWorks® Sacramento Region
NeighborWorks® Affordable Housing Programs
For over 35 years, NeighborWorks® Sacramento has partnered with underrepresented communities to build healthy, sustainable and equitable neighborhoods, through education, counseling, housing development and advocacy work. Listen as they share their experience, challenges, and vision for the coming year.
and more sessions/speakers to come...
Conference Keynote Speaker
Sasha Abramsky
Sacramento-based journalist, book author, and lecturer in the UC Davis University Writing Program
The Rise of a Political Culture of Extremism, Irrationality and Violence: How It Has Happened and What Can be Done about it.
Sasha will also discuss how the intractable problems of the lack of affordable housing and homelessness contribute to our increasingly fractious political environment.
Sasha Abramsky is the west coast correspondent for the Nation magazine, and the author of nine books, including The American Way of Poverty, and Jumping at Shadows: The Triumph of Fear and the End of the American Dream. He writes and speaks widely on the politics of extremism in today's America. Abramsky's fervent hope is for a return to humane, rational political discourse in the United States.
Preliminary Agenda
State Housing Program Update:

State Legislative Update:
Presentations by Assembly Housing Committee and Senate Housing Committee Staff followed by round table discussions with legislative advocates from the California Housing Consortium, Mark Stivers of the California Housing Partnership and Ca NIMBY.

Specific Program Components in development. Details forthcoming.

The CAL-ALHFA Single-Family Symposium is presented by Golden State Finance Authority. CAL-ALHFA was established in 1989 to represent local housing professionals and agencies in the California State legislature and State housing programs and works on housing issues at the federal level. CAL-ALHFA is a non-profit organization with a broad based membership including public and private agencies which develop, finance, and administer programs to create affordable housing in California.
Golden State Finance Authority (GSFA) is a duly constituted public entity and agency.  Copyright © 2022 

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