CAL FIRE News Release

CONTACT: CAL FIRE PIO (916) 651-3473

RELEASE DATE: January 2, 2025


Grant funding will support expansion of projects that focus on Traditional Ecological Knowledge and land stewardship

SacramentoThe California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) will host an online Tribal Engagement Roundtable Workshop and invites participants to share their feedback and suggestions for the upcoming Tribal Wildfire Resilience Grant (TWR) solicitation process. Those encouraged to participate include Tribes, cultural practitioners, native-serving nonprofits, tribal governments, intertribal organizations, current grantees, future applicants, and other native-led organizations working in land management, cultural fire, and fire.

The workshop will provide a forum for Tribes, cultural practitioners, and native-serving nonprofits to share their input to improve our support and program for tribes in land management, Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK), and wildfire resiliency.

A total of $5 million in grant funding will be available. CAL FIRE is committed to supporting tribes and tribal non-profits who plan or carry out projects that focus on fuels reduction, cultural fire, environmental compliance, workforce training, Traditional Ecological Knowledge, land stewardship, reforestation, and other related efforts. 

CAL FIRE Tribal Liaison, Deputy Director Helen Lopez, will provide opening remarks. There will be presentations from CAL FIRE staff on the current solicitation draft process, specific topics on which Tribal Wildfire Resilience particularly requests feedback, stakeholder discussion, and opportunities for questions and answers.

The 2025 TWR solicitation will be the second time CAL FIRE has held a solicitation for TWR-specific funding. In 2023, $19 million in funding was awarded to 12 projects. In 2024, $6.7 million was awarded to 5 projects in partnership with California Natural Resource Agency’s Tribal Nature-Based Solutions solicitation.

WHO:    Invited - Tribes and cultural practitioners

Hosting - CAL FIRE Tribal Wildfire Resilience Grants staff


WHAT:  Tribal Wildfire Resilience Grant Solicitation – Tribal Engagement

              Roundtable Workshop

WHEN:  Tuesday, January 7, 2025 

               1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. 


WHERE: The webinar will be held online via Teams. To register, please use this

                TWR Workshop link. Once registered, the video link and call-in number will be



Draft grant guidelines, the link to the online round table, and additional information will be posted on the Tribal Wildfire Resilience Grants website. The TWR application window is expected to open in late January 2025.  
