Special Edition: Annual Business Meeting
Welcome Friend of CALBO,
At CALBO, our goal is to be the premier resource for all California code officials and industry colleagues. We hope you will find this newsletter to be of value as you protect the built environment in the Golden State.
A Publication of California Building Officials
1022 G Street | Sacramento, CA | 95814
916-457-1103 |
A Special Message from Your 2017-2018
CALBO President David Khorram
It has been a pleasure writing for this newsletter reflecting upon my CALBO experiences this year. In my previous five CALBO News articles, I raised the following key points that Building Officials must be mindful of and practice in order to better serve our communities and agencies:

1.      Lead, envision, and facilitate 
2.   Have the right attitude, set goals, and prioritize
3.   Empower, and engage
4.   Innovate, plan, and implement
5.   Be a mentor, and make a difference
6.   Go beyond the call of duty
7.   Think big picture – pause, think, and learn from
each experience
8.   Always leave room for growth
9.   Care about your legacy as a Building Official
The above list indicates why the job of a Building Official can be very challenging, yet at the same time highly rewarding. Building Officials are responsible for adapting building codes, issuing Certificates of Occupancy for buildings, declaring substandard buildings, deciding on public nuisance abatement, addressing code modifications, and approving alternate methods and materials in construction. The Building Official is generally considered the subject matter expert and the title carries a lot of weight in the communities we serve.
A Building Official is a professional with strong and fair decision-making skills. The title comes with certain vested rights by codes, such as the determination of reasonable amounts of inspection or administrative authority abilities. Building Officials generally serve as contract or program managers for plan check, inspection, and technology services. They serve as a resource for the community in answering building and construction questions and can be challenged in the court of law. Agencies must not hastily appoint an individual in charge of building and safety operations without giving major consideration to their credentials and expertise.
According to the law, a Building Official is empowered and has the immunity to make final decisions regarding building issues. However; in large agencies, or in the case of a Building Official’s absence, they may deputize their staff to manage responsibilities. While the Building Official shall seek the big picture playing more of a program manager role, the deputy/ies shall have the role of project manager.
Complex issues impacting Building Officials must be simplified and addressed systematically­­ - one at a time. Always remember that the laws and ordinances we enforce are complex, therefore; we shall attempt to make them simple for the public and permit applicants to understand.
I have always left enough room in my articles to write about the latest in our industry and, at this time, I am glad to share some special news with you. I am pleased to announce that Assemblymember Adrin Nazarian will sponsor the Seismic Resiliency Initiative (SRI) this year. The SRI requires local agencies in areas of the highest seismic activity in California to identify potentially seismically vulnerable buildings and for building owners to gather seismic performance data on their buildings. These buildings will include commercial and multi-family structures of five units or more. The estimated fiscal impacts of the bill will be minimal for local agencies to administer the initiative. 
As the threat of a future earthquake hitting California is high, up to 99% likely in the next 30 years according to the U.S. Geological Survey, we must be prepared and take precautions now. Researchers at Caltech recently determined that for every dollar spent on retrofitting soft-story structures, property owners could expect to save up to seven dollars. The Caltech study did not factor the loss of building content, alternative living expenses, or deaths and injuries - all of which will significantly increase the cost-to-benefit ratio of retrofitting vulnerable buildings. This initiative will profoundly impact the resiliency of our communities and economy, save the existing stock of affordable housing, and reduce social chaos and the impacts of dealing with collapsed structures after a major earthquake. This bill provides the ability for Building Officials to largely impact life safety, business, and the economy in our communities; a worthy cause for Building Officials. While the preliminary steps have been taken by a group of dedicated individuals, organizations, and Assemblymember Nazarian and his staff, there is still a lot to consider and discuss about SRI in 2018. There will be a presentation by Assemblymember Nazarian and our dedicated team at the CALBO ABM in Burlingame covering the details of the SRI. I hope that you will join us.
Additionally, the CALBO Training Institute (CTI) Education Week in Anaheim from February 5-8, 2018 and the CALBO Annual Business Meeting (ABM) in Burlingame from March 25-29, 2018 are the two main events ahead of us. Education Week Anaheim provides another opportunity for training on the latest topics and regulations that are impacting us. The CALBO ABM planning committee and the local International Code Council chapters in the bay area have worked hard to advise a very eventful ABM full of training, business, and leisure activities. Looking forward to seeing you at these upcoming events where we can network, learn from our peers, and talk about the future of our industry.

Best Regards,
David Khorram, P.E., C.B.O., C.G.B.P.
Superintendent of Building & Safety
City of Long Beach
CALBO's 56th Annual Business Meeting - 
A Celebration by the Bay!

CALBO is excited to host its 56th Annual Business Meeting from Sunday, March 25 - Thursday, March 29, 2018 at the Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport. 

We look forward to meeting and playing by the Bay at this newly-renovated venue that has professional and accommodating meeting space, CALBO group overnight rate availability, and close proximity to the San Francisco International Airport and freeways. CALBO will again offer an array of programs, events, and training for the professional development of its members. We hope to see you there!
Sunday, March 25 - Thursday, March 29, 2018

1333 Old Bayshore Hwy.
Burlingame, CA 94010

Registration Deadline: Friday, March 9, 2018
For questions about the CALBO Annual Business Meeting,
contact the CALBO office at or 916-457-1103.
CALBO's 56th Annual Business Meeting:
Hotel Information
1333 Bayshore Highway
Burlingame, CA 94010

Room Rate: $195.00 + tax per night

Room Block Deadline: Monday, March 5, 2018 or when the room block is at capacity.

Phone Reservations: 1-888-421-1442 (Use Code "CALB")

Self-Parking Information:
  • $7.50 for up to 6 hours per day, per vehicle
  • $15 for more than 6 hours per day, per vehicle
  • $15 per night, per vehicle
For questions about the CALBO Annual Business Meeting,
contact the CALBO office at or 916-457-1103.
Register for these great events at the upcoming CALBO Annual Business Meeting
2018 CALBO Annual Business Meeting Companion's Program

Monday, March 26 -
Thursday, March 29, 2018
Welcome to the Bay Area! CALBO Companions are invited to a week of fun events highlighting this historic region, including sampling local wines, visiting a famous estate, attending a moving tour, learning new cooking skills, and much more. We'll see you there!

Registration Deadline: Friday, March 9, 2018
2018 CALBO Annual Golf Classic Tournament -
Sponsored by 4LEAF, Inc.

Sunday, March 25, 2018
Crystal Springs Golf Course
6650 Gold Course Drive
Burlingame, CA 94010

Tee Time: 1pm | Shotgun Start
Transportation from the Hyatt at 11:00am

Registration Deadline: Friday, March 9, 2018
For questions about these CALBO Annual Business Meeting opportunities,
contact the CALBO office at or 916-457-1103.
Mark Your Calendar for CALBO's 3rd Annual Job Fair and Career Development Day
Looking for a job, or seeking to advance professionally?

Join us on the last day of the Annual Business Meeting for CALBO's Job Fair and Career Development Day on Thursday, March 29, 2018 from 8:30am - 12:00pm!

This valuable event provides a forum for both seasoned veterans and new recruits to building and safety. In addition to industry partners highlighting their programs, CALBO supplied mentors will be available to offer professional advice and resume building.
Attention Jurisdictions: If you would like to reserve a tabletop to advertise job openings or volunteer at the Job Fair, please contact CALBO at or 916-457-1103.
A Special Thank You to all Sponsors of CALBO's 56th Annual Business Meeting!
4LEAF, Inc.
Bureau Veritas North America, Inc.
CSG Consultants, Inc.
Energy Code Ace
Hoover Treated Wood Products
HR Green, Inc.
ICC Evaluation Services
International Code Council
Interwest Consulting Group
SAFEbuilt, LLC.
Scott Fazekas & Associates, Inc.
Simpson Strong-Tie Company, Inc.
TRB + Associates
Willdan Engineering
Want your company, agency or organization featured on this list?
Contact the CALBO office at or 916-457-1103.
Thank you to the following companies, agencies and organizations for their participation during CALBO's 56th Annual Business Meeting Exhibitor Program!
4LEAF, Inc.
Accela, Inc.
ACF Technologies
Avolve Software
Bureau Veritas North America, Inc.
California Architects Board
California Code Check
California Earthquake Authority
California Energy Commission
CEL Consulting, Inc.
CityGovApp, Inc.
Coastland Civil Engineering, Inc.
Computronix (USA), Inc.
CSG Consultants, Inc.
Energy Code Ace
EsGil - A SAFEbuilt Company
Fire Smart Roofing
Garwood Mfg. Co., Inc.
Hilti, Inc.
Hoover Treated Wood Products
HR Green, Inc.
International Code Council
Interwest Consulting Group
Intuitive Municipal Solutions, LLC.
JAS Pacific
Meritage Systems
NSF International
Optimum Seismic, Inc
RKA Consulting Group
SAFEbuilt, LLC.
Selectron Technologies
Shums Coda Associates
Simpson Strong-Tie Company, Inc.
Smoke Guard California
Steel Tube Institute
SunGard Public Sector
Sustainable Energy Action Committee
TRB + Associates
Tyler Technologies
VCA Code
West Coast Code Consultants, Inc.
Western Wood Preservers Institute
Willdan Engineering
Want your company, agency or organization featured on this list?
Contact the CALBO office at or 916-457-1103.
CALBO's 56th ABM Exhibitor and
Sponsorship Program Registration
Register now to showcase your company as an exhibitor and provide support as a sponsor at CALBO's 56th Annual Business Meeting at the Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport !

Over 300 building department personnel and industry representatives statewide are expected to attend providing an unparalleled opportunity for industry representatives to show their support for the industry and share their innovative products and services with the leaders of California building departments.

These opportunities are first-comes, first-served, so don't wait!

You won’t go unnoticed as an Exhibitor!
  • Showcase innovative products and services with building department leaders and personnel throughout the week.
  • Spend one-on-one time with attendees during the ABM “strolling” lunch on Tuesday, March 27th in the exhibit hall.
  • Recruit prospective employees at CALBO’s 3rd Annual Job Fair and Career Development Day on Thursday, March 29th in the exhibit hall. 
  • Receive a list of ABM registrants and their contact information following the conference.
  • Gain recognition in ABM conference signage and CALBO News.

You won’t go unnoticed as a Sponsor - few opportunities left!
  • ABM Printed Program Sponsorship - Have your company logo and information at the fingertips of all attendees.
  • Attendee Bag Insert Sponsorship - Provide souvenirs for ABM attendees, including resourceful tools and other giveaways!
  • Attendee Afternoon Refreshment Sponsorship - Provide ABM attendees with delicious afternoon refreshments and beverages!
  • Many More Opportunities Available!
Registration Deadline: Friday, March 9, 2018
For questions about the CALBO ABM Exhibitor and Sponsorship Program, contact the CALBO office at or 916-457-1103.
CALBO Awards Nomination Application
Do you know a fellow CALBO member deserving of recognition? Here's your chance to make that happen! Nominations are now accepted for six awards presented annually for active and dedicated CALBO members. Awards will be announced at the upcoming CALBO 56th Annual Business Meeting.

  • Building Department of the Year
  • Building Official of the Year
  • CTI Educator of the Year
  • Course Development Merit Award
  • Industry Achievement
  • Fire Official of the Year
Submission Information: All submissions must include a completed awards application form, cover letter, statement of qualifications, and optional materials of support.

Please Note: Submit three (3) copies of your application package.

Mail: California Building Officials
1022 G Street Sacramento, CA 95814

Submission Deadline: Thursday, February 1, 2018
For questions about the CALBO Awards Application,
contact the CALBO office at or 916-457-1103.
CALBO Policy Committee
Application Information
Friend of CALBO,

Have you wanted to volunteer for CALBO but did not know how to get involved? Here's your opportunity!

Each year, CALBO appoints dedicated and talented members to serve on its eleven CALBO Policy Committees. These committees are the lifeblood of our organization allowing members to engage with one another and other stakeholders to strengthen our association's work. We hope you'll consider applying!

  • Access Committee
  • Building and Fire Advisory Committee
  • California Building Officials Training Institute
  • Emergency Preparedness Committee
  • Energy Commission Advisory Committee
  • Technology and Innovation Committee
  • Legislative Committee
  • Outreach and Communications Committee
  • State Code Committee
  • State Licensing Board Committee
  • Structural Safety Committee

Reminder: All CALBO Policy Committee terms are a two-year commitment.
Application Deadline: Thursday, March 1, 2018
For questions about serving on a committee,
contact the CALBO office at or 916-457-1103.
Want to advertise in the CALBO News and on the CALBO Website? 
Click here for more information and pricing. 
Thank you to all advertisers for your continued support of CALBO!
  Contact CALBO at 916-457-1103 or for advertising opportunities. 
Stay up-to-date on all CALBO related information! "Like" our new Facebook Page!
Announcing the Next
Building Officials Leadership Academy
The  Building Officials Leadership Academy (BOLA)  is designed to maximize the leadership capabilities of seasoned public safety professionals, in addition to those who seek a future within California's building departments.

The executive-level coursework of this leadership program is intensive, and students are expected to spend a great deal of time studying and collaborating with each other on the course materials. To assist and encourage completion, students are assigned a BOLA mentor who will provide guidance and support throughout the BOLA coursework. In addition, students will become an active part of the network of program peers who can utilize each other's talents and strengths.

The upcoming BOLA Program will take place at the International Code Council Office in Brea, California with core curriculum courses taking place from Monday, May 14 - Friday May 18, 2018.

Congratulations to the following individuals for taking the next step in their professional journey as the Class of 2018-19 Building Officials Leadership Academy!
  • Russell J. Adams
  • Basel Badawi, City of Chino
  • Mike Callaway, City of Turlock
  • Andrew David Carothers, City of Redlands
  • Thomas W. Davis, Yolo County
  • Jay Denny, City of Irvine
  • Michael Duncan, Interwest Consulting Group, Inc., City of Eastvale
  • Kenneth Fields, City of Pico Rivera
  • Donald Knight, El Dorado County
  • Carol Lau, City of Sunnyvale
  • Keith Dewayne, Marks City of Napa
  • David Nobert, City of Roseville
  • Joseph Rodarte, City of Glendale
  • Alison Schmidt, City of Live Oak
  • Kent Tsen, Charles Abbott and Associates, Inc.
  • Philip Yin, City of Long Beach
  • Evan Zeisel, City of Long Beach
For all questions about the Building Officials Leadership Academy, please contact Lauren Herman, Director of Training and Communications,
at or 916-457-1103.
CALBO's Capitol Corner
The State Legislature returned to Sacramento and celebrated the New Year by commencing the 2018 legislative session. As this is the second and final year of the biennial session, a number of measures that CALBO is tracking were carried over and will continue to move through the process. The next two major deadlines are the house of origin deadline and the bill introduction deadline. The house of origin deadline on Wednesday, January 31 is the last day for each house to pass bills introduced in that house in the odd-numbered year. Bills that fail to meet that deadline cannot move forward. The bill introduction deadline is Friday, February 16, and after that date no new bills can be introduced. The second year of a two year session is quite busy since bills from the previous year continue to move and new bills are added to the mix. CALBO reviews all bills introduced and determines which bills will impact building departments. While most bills will be introduced close to the February deadline, a number of bills introduced in 2018 are already on CALBO’s radar.

The housing shortage continues to be a prominent theme, and CALBO is closely following legislation addressing Accessory Dwelling Units. Additionally, CALBO Board Member, Shane Diller is representing CALBO in the Ghost Ship fire tragedy work group. This group of stakeholders, brought together by the warehouse fire tragedy that took place in Oakland in December 2016, seeks to address the housing crisis by finding alternatives to traditional housing. Legislation is expected to be introduced as a result of the work that this group has completed over the past six months, and CALBO will keep members informed on how it will impact building departments.

To review legislation that CALBO is tracking, visit CALBO’s Legislative Watch page. The online bill search provides building officials with a real-time way to follow CALBO's position on critical state legislation during the 2018 session.  Simply click on CALBO's LEGISLATIVE WATCH for the latest Bills of Interest and most recent action.

Save The Date for CALBO’s 2018 Leadership and Advocacy Day:
Wednesday, April 18, 2018 - Save the Date
Registration Available Soon!

This one-day event has been designed for all CALBO Class I Members, whether you are the government affairs novice or an active politico. Join the CALBO Board of Directors in Sacramento and help educate those who make decisions that affect us. Through education, we can build a comprehensive understanding of our profession with our elected leaders and promote policy that will protect the safety and interests of those we serve. Bring your voice to Sacramento to discuss important legislation with your local representatives, learn about the legislative process, and help ensure that all legislators better understand the building official profession.
For questions about legislative affairs,
contact the CALBO office at  or 916-457-1103.
2018 CALBO Education Week: Anaheim
Lunch and Learn with Energy Code Ace
Wednesday, February 7, 2018
from 11:30am-12:15pm at Anaheim Marriott

FREE for All CALBO Education Week: Anaheim Attendees Limited Seating - First-come, first-served
for this special opportunity.
Are you registered to attend the CALBO Education Week: Anaheim on Wednesday, February 7?

If so, you're invited to attend “Lunch and Learn,” a special lunch presentation to learn more about and what resources are available to "decode" California’s building and appliance energy efficiency standards, Title 24, Part 6 and Title 20. 

You’ve gained code knowledge in the classroom – now learn what  free tools, training, and resources are available for you and your building department!

Energy Code Ace  will give special attention to its online “one-stop shop” highlighting, explaining, and demonstrating classes and self-study tools, application guidebooks, fact sheets, trigger sheets, checklists (offering step-by-step guidance for plans checks and field inspections), Reference Ace (which helps navigate code documents with helpful links and search functions) and Forms Ace (which aids in determining which compliance forms are applicable to your specific project).
The Energy Code Ace program  is developed and provided by the California Statewide Codes & Standards Program, which offers free energy code training, tools, and resources for those who need to understand and meet the requirements of Title 24, Part 6 and Title 20. Designed to improve compliance with the state’s building and appliance energy codes and standards, the program aims to advance the adoption and effective implementation of energy efficiency measures and building practices.

Presenter Adam Manke is the Southern California Gas Company (SoCalGas) project manager for the Compliance Improvement, Reach Code and Planning & Coordination subprograms of the Statewide Codes & Standards Program. For the last year and a half, Adam has provided support to the Energy Code Ace team by organizing trainings and furthering development of tools and other resources for actors throughout the SoCalGas service territory to improve compliance with Title 24 Part 6.
For questions about the CTI Education Weeks Lunch and Learn Program,
contact the CALBO office at  or 916-457-1103.
Thank You 2018 CALBO Education Week: Anaheim Sponsors!
For sponsorship information, contact Lauren Herman, Director of Training and Communications, at or 916-457-1103. 
CALBO Online Job Board -
Employment and Internship Opportunities 
The CALBO Online Job Board offers the public and private sector the opportunity to advertise building industry employment and internship opportunities. It's the perfect resource for reaching CALBO members with employment information from your jurisdiction, organization, or company. 

Don't forget current CALBO members receive a discount for every job advertisement submitted to the online Job Board. 

Below are the most recent submissions to the CALBO online Job Board. If you would like more information about these opportunities or to post an employment opportunity, please click here
Building Official, City of Kerman
Application Deadline: January 31, 2018

Building Official, City of Greenfield
Applicaiton Deadline: February 2, 2018

Plan Check Manager, City of Fremont
Application Deadline: February 9, 2018

Supervising Building Inspector, County of Orange
Application Deadline: February 16, 2018

Building Inspector II, County of San Bernardino
Application Deadline: February 16, 2018

Chief Building Official, Town of Los Gatos
Application Deadline: February 16, 2018

Associate Plan Check Engineer, CSG Consultants, Inc.
Application Deadline: February 18, 2018

Assistant Plan Check Engineer, CSG Consultants, Inc.
Application Deadline: February 18, 2018

Building and Safety Director, City of Milpitas
Application Deadline: February 20, 2018

Senior Building Inspector, TRB+ Associates, Inc.
Application Deadline: February 28, 2018

Building Plans Examiner, City of Santa Rosa
Application Deadline: April 1, 2018
For questions about the online CALBO Job Board,
contact the CALBO office at or 916-457-1103.
Advertise with CALBO -
Newsletter, Website & Job Board 
CALBO offers a variety of advertising opportunities for both the public and private industry, including the CALBO Job Board, the CALBO Newsletter (CALBO News), and the CALBO Website.

Detailed information and pricing for these opportunities are available in the NEW 2018-2019 CALBO Advertising Packet.

Visit the CALBO Sponsorship page on the CALBO Website for more opportunities as well. 
For advertising assistance, contact
the CALBO office at or 916-457-1103.
CALBO News is published for California Building Officials members by The Wheeler Company. Circulation of over 700 members in local government, building industry, and state agencies. 

California Building Officials, 1022 G Street, Sacramento, CA 95814.
Phone: 916-457-1103 Fax: 916-442-3616 

CALBO News is not copyrighted and articles may be reprinted with appropriate credit. Neither California Building Officials nor The Wheeler Company, LLC assumes responsibility for statements made or opinions expressed in this publication.