Groton Homes, Not Hotels

We need to act before Tuesday!

Email the Groton Town Council


As some of you are aware, there are certain Town Councilors and owners of Short Term Rental properties who are attempting to circumvent the Groton Planning and Zoning Commission as well as the town's paid Horsley Witten Group STR consulting process. Many of those who are pushing this are not even residents of the Town of Groton.

These individuals want to pass an ordinance at the Committee of the Whole meeting on Tuesday, July 12, at 6:30pm EDT. This ordinance does not address any of the core issues we continue to cite to the Town Council and PZC. This meeting will not provide the option for public comment, but there are several actions you can take to make sure your voice is heard:

  • Send an email to the Groton Town Council at to let the council know where you stand as a resident.
  • Attend the Committee of the Whole meeting on Tuesday, July 12, at 6:30pm EDT, at the Thrive 55 Center to hear what the Town Council has to say.
  • Attend the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting on Tuesday, July 12, at 7pm EDT, at the Groton Town Hall Annex to make a public comment on this issue.

Let us be clear: passing this ordinance on Tuesday would be irresponsible for the Town Council to do. The Town of Groton PZC has not had the opportunity to consider the Horsley Witten Group report the taxpayers of this town have already paid for, nor have residents had the opportunity to speak to this ordinance since it was summarily tabled last Fall.

Please contact your town councilors before Tuesday night to let them know your feelings on this matter.

Email the Groton Town Council

Groton Homes, Not Hotels