Dear Members,

With the federal election occurring this month, we invite you to contact your MP regarding HST exemption for Registered Psychotherapists. These letters are to encourage government parties to add this issue to their election platform. We have drafted two templates, one directed at the Liberal government and the other at non-liberal MPs detailing the issue and calling for their support. These are samples and we encourage you to make these letters your own. You are reaching out to your local government representative. 

Act today and let's push for change, together.

You may wish to send the letters by post or directly in an email.

MPs and Cabinet Ministers will be visiting their ridings and reaching out to the voting public. As safety permits, please take advantage of their availability and drop by any nearby constituency office, open house or local community meeting that includes your representatives.

If you have the opportunity to do this and meet with your local MP or your MP has responded to your letter and suggests a meeting, feel free to reach out to us for additional support and information. We are here to help.

We want HST exemption for RPs on the election agenda.
We want the government to support us to improve access to care.
We want the opposition to help us remove this barrier to access.
We want them all to know that supporting us means votes!

Thank you for your support and let us know if we can do more to help you help us.
Please follow the instructions Below:
  1. Select and download the appropriate letter for your riding
  2. Fill out the name of the candidate you are addressing
  3. Sign your name with your RP number
  4. In your email subject line put "Mental Health"
  5. Share your emails to
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