In accordance with the requirements of the CAMA by-laws, two positions have opened up on the CAMA Board of Directors for the 2023-2024 year: the position for Yukon Territory, Northwest Territories & Nunavut, and the position for Nova Scotia & Prince Edward Island. 


The Nominating Committee invites all Regular CAMA members to express their interest in letting their name stand for the election of the above noted positions by completing the nomination form (including the names and signatures of two nominators who are Regular members of the Association), accompanied by a photo, and a one-page bio (with a maximum of 500 words) including a paragraph on why you are interested in this Board position. Photos and bios will be posted to the CAMA website. Please note that only Regular Members resident in Yukon Territory, Northwest Territories & Nunavut, and Nova Scotia & Prince Edward Island, are eligible for election in each of those regions.


For more details on the Board of Director’s responsibilities and time commitment please see our Frequently Asked Questions document.


Nominations should be sent to Ms. Jennifer Goodine, CAMA Executive Director (and Returning Officer), via e-mail ([email protected]) by 4:30 p.m. PST on Friday, March 10th, 2023. 

Further information regarding the procedures for voting will be distributed electronically to all CAMA members eligible to vote, prior to the commencement of the voting period. Please also note that only CAMA Members in good standing with membership fees paid for the current fiscal year (April 1st, 2023 to March 31st, 2024) will be eligible to vote). 


Jack Benzaquen

CAMA Past President /

Chair of Nominating Committee 


Registrations are now being accepted for CAMA's 49th Annual Conference being held in Huntsville, Ontario from May 29-31, 2023 at the Deerhurst Resort. The early bird rate is available until April 1, 2023 so don't delay!

To view the full 2023 Conference Program click here. All other information can be found on the Conference website.  This week's "Speaker Spotlight" is Brent Barootes, President/CEO Partnership Group Sponsorship Specialists® who will be participating in one of our Breakout Sessions:

Brent Barootes


Partnership Group Sponsorship Specialists®


“Corporate Sponsorship and Municipalities: A Knight in Shining Armour…The Devil…Or Somewhere In Between?


For most municipalities, finding alternate revenue channels outside of the traditional increases in taxes and user fees are a top priority. One of those alternate revenue channels is through corporate sponsorships, naming rights and advertising. For some municipalities, this is great news, and for others not so much, as there are concerns about corporate influence, branding and procurement issues. Join Brent Barootes, President/CEO, Partnership Group Sponsorship Specialists® and a panel of seasoned CAOs (Jake Rudolph, CAO for the City of Nanaimo BC and Jody Penner, City Manager for the City of Winkler, MB) who will address these topics and delve into the discussion on opportunities from small and medium sized community’s perspectives. Bring your own thoughts and questions and become engaged in the discussion with these sector leaders. Send your questions to Brent in advance and click here to meet him and hear what he has to say. 



Recent research by MissionSquare Research Institute highlights six key strategies and actions that public service employers can take in 2023, to be employers of choice as they look to attract and retain the next generation of state and local government workers.

1 Communicate the Full Value of Benefits.

2 Customize Recruitment Appeals.

3 Maintain Retirement Plan Funding.

4 Restructure the Workforce

5 Take a Holistic View

6 Prioritize Data-driven Decision Making




CAMA offers 50% off our already great value membership fees for the first year. Fees are based on the population for the Primary Member, and are currently just $155.00 for any additional members in your municipality. Think of which neighbouring local government leaders would benefit from access to CAMA`s resources or who in your organization is ready for leadership development. They can click here for the on-line registration link and also hear what CAMA Past President Barry Carroll has to say below.


The National Education Award recognizes individuals employed by Canadian Local Governments pursuing educational programs that have some focus on local government. The application period for this award opened on February 23, 2023 and closes March 31, 2023. The 2023 award is valued at $1,000.

To be eligible, applicants must be enrolled in a post-secondary local government specific education program and be employed by a Canadian local government or non-profit organization that supports local government in Canada. Students may be in certificate, undergraduate, post-baccalaureate, and graduate programs; all are all eligible. Applications may be submitted through our online portal. Please visit for the application link and more information on this award.

Please pass along this opportunity to any of your employees that might be interested in applying for this award.


WILGA Webinar - March 8, 2023. Register for the "Embracing Equity: A Conversation with CAOs" webinar taking place on Wednesday, March 8th, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. PST. This webinar will bring together women in municipal leadership, featuring CAMA member panelists from across Canada. Through this event, we will host a conversation that will focus on the challenges and successes our panelists have experienced, and their approach to embracing equity. Click here and register today. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Vacant Board Positions - March 10, 2023. In accordance with the requirements of the CAMA By-law, two positions have opened up on the CAMA Board of Directors for the 2023-2024 year: the position for Yukon Territory, Northwest Territories & Nunavut, and the position for Nova Scotia & Prince Edward Island.  The deadline for nominations is Friday, March 10, 2023 at 4:30 p.m. PST. All details on the nomination process can be found on the CAMA website.

FCM Booth - May 25-27, 2023. CAMA is excited to have a booth at the FCM Conference taking place in Toronto from May 25-27, 2023, to promote the CAO Performance Evaluation Toolkit, membership and our other resources. If you are attending FCM and would like to help at the booth, please contact the CAMA National Office at [email protected].


by Frank Benest, ICMA

The ICMA Coaching Program has achieved a major milestone with the publication of Career Compass advice column #100.  Frank Benest, retired ICMA member and author of Career Compass has culled his “top 10” list of leadership lessons from the first 99 columns in hopes that the lessons provoke your leadership thinking and action. The previous 99 Career Compass columns can be accessed at  

1: Leadership starts with self-awareness.

2: People choose to follow.

3: Relationships facilitate results.

4: Leadership is all about engaging others in conversation.

5: Empathy is a superpower.

6: Effective leaders avoid seeking buy-in.

7: Leaders must remember "why" they exert leadership.

8: Successful leaders are storytellers.

9: Amid turbulence, great leaders point the way and serve as multipliers.

10: Effective leaders are culture-builders.

Read the Full Article here.



Nomination au prix Willis pour l'innovation - Population de plus de 100 000

Solution RÉSO, innover pour un meilleur service aux citoyens

Innover pour un meilleur service aux citoyens Ville de Laval souhaite se placer à l’avant-garde en ce qui a trait à la prestation de services numériques en devenant le leader canadien dans le monde municipal d’ici 2025. Point central de son plan d’action des dernières années : l’implantation de la solution numérique RÉSO, un projet qui a nécessité 44 mois d’efforts, un virage dans l’approche en services aux citoyens, une refonte des processus internes et l’implantation de plusieurs technologies innovantes.

RÉSO permet aux citoyens d’accéder à un nombre grandissant de services à travers un portail Web où ils peuvent poser des questions, faire des suggestions, émettre des commentaires et demander différentes interventions dans plusieurs champs de la vie quotidienne, le tout en interaction avec les employés.

RÉSO a propulsé Laval dans une nouvelle dimension du service à la clientèle axée sur une transformation omnicanale. Pour les requêtes provenant des citoyens, son implantation s’est soldée notamment par des temps d’attente réduits, une hausse de la qualité des réponses et une diminution des plaintes en raison d’un meilleur suivi auprès des citoyens. RÉSO est une solution encensée par le milieu professionnel et les citoyens. 

Pour voir l'intégralité de la candidature aux prix, visitez la section des membres de l'ACAM/Prix d'excellence des meilleures pratiques (recherchez «Laval»).

Environmental Leadership & Sustainability Award

Population Over 100,000

Durham Region’s Corporate Carbon Budget Management Framework and Implementation

Durham Region declared a Climate Emergency in 2020, directing staff to develop GHG reduction targets and an action plan that recognizes environmental sustainability and climate as priorities in decisions of Council.

Regional staff in the CAO’s Office led an inter-departmental team with Finance and Works representatives to develop a carbon budget management framework to integrate climate considerations into the Region’s annual business planning and budget process.  This framework is a first in the municipal sector and forms the foundation of the Region’s GHG reductions targets with a goal to net zero by 2045.

Staff developed an enterprise-wide GHG accounting and forecasting tool for the 2022 budget cycle. A cross-departmental review of preliminary budgets and 10-year capital forecasts was undertaken to determine projected impacts of planned initiatives relative to the 2025 target. This process enables climate accountability through an annual report to Council which in 2022 indicates the Region is approximately two thirds of the way towards meeting its 2025 target. By identifying the gap, the annual report creates transparency and highlights the urgency to identify additional GHG reduction opportunities through future budget cycles.

To view the entire awards submission visit the CAMA Member's Section/Awards of Excellence Best Practices (Search for "Carbon Budget").

Professional Development Award

Population Under 20,000

Town of Pouch Cove

Employee Training Incentive Program

The Town of Pouch Cove Town Council has put their money where their mouth is and has decided to pay their employees for Professional Development!

The Town has implemented a Training Incentive Program for all of its employees. This program gives employees an opportunity to work towards multiple levels of achievements in order to further their education, as well as receive a monetary raise in accordance with the various levels of trainings.

The Training Incentive Program is focused on creating a well-educated, knowledgeable staff within the Town of Pouch Cove and is tailored to each area of the Municipal Operations service.

The administrative staff have incentives such as Municipal CORE Module Training, Payroll Administration, Certified Service Professional Programs, Lean 6Sigma, as well as continuing education such as completing a Bachelors or Master’s Degree, etc.

The Public Works staff have incentives in the areas of Water Distribution/Treatment, Wastewater Distribution/Treatment, License requirements, Lean 6Sigma, furthering education, etc.

This option of working towards bettering an employee’s education, gives all employees a chance to learn, and continue to create a knowledgeable, successful workplace.

To view the entire awards submission visit the CAMA Member's Section/Awards of Excellence Best Practices (Search for "Pouch Cove").


Paul Mochrie, Chief Administrative Officer, City of Vancouver, BC

Wilson Bell, Chief Executive Officer, Greater Miramichi Regional Service Commission, NB

Michael Touw, Chief Administrative Officer, Town of Perth, ON

Pat Podoborozny, Chief Administrative Officer, County of Minburn No. 27, AB

Austin Henderson, Chief Administrative Officer, Town of Salisbury, NB

Andy Campbell, Acting Chief Administrative Officer, Town of Midland, ON

Sue-Lin Tarnowski, Chief Administrative Officer, District of Metchosin, BC

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Canadian Association Municipal Administrators

PO Box 128, Station A

Fredericton, NB E3B 4Y2 CANADA


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