1. CAN Dashboard 2021
  2. Race Equity Action Framework
  3. Community Council Report - Housing Evictions
  4. Community Council Report - Food Insecurity
  5. Language Access
  6. Pandemic Equity
  7. Central Texas Expanding Opportunity Summit
  8. Butler Awards
  9. CAN "Get Engaged" Podcast
Publication of 2021 CAN Dashboard
The 2021 CAN Dashboard Report was published in August 2021. The community indicators report and accompanying website provide an overview of the social, health, educational and economic well-being of Travis County and the greater Austin area. For most of the 18 indicators that are tracked in the report, we present data that is from 2019 or 2020. Therefore, for the most part, this year's dashboard does not take into account the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic except for the following indicators: homelessness; voting; air quality and unemployment. Of these four indicators, only positive trend we saw was with "voter participation." We must keep a close eye on crime and health indicator data that was already trending in the wrong direction prior to the pandemic. Of course, the impact on outcomes in K-12 and post-secondary education will also be of great interest as we continue to grapple with the broad impact of the pandemic on learning in the near and long term.

To view the Dashboard Click Here.
Development of CAN's Race Equity Action Framework
CAN spent the better part of 2020 developing a Race Equity Action Framework that released alongside the Dashboard in August 2021. The goal is to create a resource that our local community can use to to understand these issues and identify the work that remains to be done. In 2022, CAN plans to use the REAF to create a series of training sessions to help people and organizations reflect on and create their personalized racial equity plans.

To view the Race Equity Action Framework Click Here.
CAN Community Council Releases a Report on Housing Evictions
The CAN Community Council published a report with recommendations for addressing evictions that will rise as the COVID-19 pandemic response eviction moratorias end. These recommendations emerged from the dialogues that occurred during monthly Community Council meetings and housing work group meetings from January – April 2021. The report included recommendations addressing the following topics:

(1) Emergency Rental Assistance
(2) Legal Representation at Eviction Court
(3) Right to Counsel
(4) Eviction History Shield
(5) One Stop Shop

Click Here to read the full evictions report.
CAN Community Council Releases a Report on Food Insecurity
The CAN Community Council published a report with recommendations for addressing food insecurity which existed before the pandemic but was exacerbated by the pandemic and 2021 winter storm. These recommendations emerged from the dialogues that occurred during monthly Community Council meetings and food insecurity work group meetings from May – August 2021. The report included recommendations for action by CAN Board members, the City of Austin, Travis County, and local school districts to address land, labor, supplies, and distribution.

The report includes an attachment that addresses how we can use gardening to transform communities. 

Click Here to read the full evictions report.
Language Access Action Team 2021 Accomplishments
The focus of CAN's work on language access in 2021 included the following: CAN Language Access Action Team (LAAT) has assisted CAN partners in revising language access policies/plans; CAN has developed the "WeCan ATX"website and a series of community engagement tools to help agencies improve language services and non-English speaking individuals access health and human services; CAN established the Central Texas Language Access Fund to secure resources to help providers better serve limited English proficient (LEP) clients and to help LEP individuals access resources and services.

To view the Language Access Initiative Project Status and Outcomes, Click Here. 
Pandemic Equity Committee Develops Recommendations
for Centering Equity in Emergency Response
In December 2020, Central Health Equity Policy Council convened the Pandemic Equity Committee to assess health outcomes related to the pandemic and develop recommendations to help ensure that decision-making regarding the City’s preparedness, disaster response, and post-disaster community healing and recovery meaningfully accounts for disparities experienced by People of Color. After several months of assessment, dialogue, and deliberation, the Pandemic Equity Committee developed “recommendations for action,” released August 2021 which centers equity in the disaster preparation, response, and healing process. In 2022, the committee will be focused on the implementation of these recommendations.

Click Here to Read the Pandemic Equity Committee Memo to City Council
Click Here to view the Initiative Summary.
2021 Central Texas Expanding Opportunity Summit
"Ensuring an Equitable Economic Recovery"
The 2021 Central Texas Regional Summit on Expanding Opportunity brought together leaders from across the five county Austin-Round Rock-San Marcos Metropolitan area to explore how we can “ensure an equitable economic recovery.” The November 5, 2021 summit at Typhoon Texas in Pflugerville included presentations on: “A Pathway to a More Inclusive Texas” by Steven Pedigo, University of Texas Professor of Practice LBJ School of Public Affairs; “A Spotlight on Central Texas” by Tamara Atkinson (CEO of WFS-CA) and Paul Fletcher (CEO of WFS-RCA); and a panel on public-private partnerships with panelists from Michael and Susan Dell Foundation, Pflugerville CDC, and Austin Community College.

As a follow-up to the summit, CAN has been hosting "Expanding Opportunity Forums" to keep the focus on equity as we begin to focus on recovery from the pandemic. The next forum takes place on April 14 and will focus on the theme "Women and the Post-Pandemic Economic Recovery."

To find out more about the Regional Summit and Upcoming Expanding Opportunity Forums, click here.
2022 CAN "Together We CAN!" Celebration
The 2022 CAN Celebration "Together We CAN" was April 8th. We reflected on our accomplishments in 2021 and honored the 2022 Butler Award recipients. The Butler Awards, named in honor of CAN’s first Executive Director, Fred Butler, are awarded to an individual or collaboration that has worked to bring people, organizations, and groups together to collectively address community needs. The focus of the work of the individuals and/or collaborations being recognized must be upon issues that affect community well-being in Austin or Travis County and that further the mission and vision of Community Advancement Network. The following are the three categories of recognition: Spirit of Collaboration, Bridge Builder, and Community Leadership. A new award is being awarded this year, "Legacy of Impact."

The 2022 Butler Awards Winners Include:

Spirit of Collaboration
Mission Capital
Ara Merjanian

Bridge Builder
Dr. Rosamaria Murillo
Richard Glenn Johnson Jr.

Community Leadership
Sabine "BiNi" Coleman

Legacy of Impact
Sherri Fleming
CAN "Get Engaged" Podcast
Since Summer 2020, CAN has produced the "Get Engaged" Podcast. Get Engaged is a weekly (audio) community calendar (6 to 9 minutes in length) highlighting opportunities to get informed, get connected and get engaged on efforts aimed at advancing equity, opportunity and community well-being in Austin, Travis County and Central Texas. In 2021, CAN produced 40 editions of the podcast. Please share with us information about any events that you would like for us to highlight on the podcast in the future. To sign-up for weekly podcast notices click here.

To subscribe to the podcast or view the community calendar, Click Here.
The Community Advancement Network (CAN) is a partnership of governmental, non-profit, private and faith-based organizations which leverage mutual resources to collective improve social, health, educational and economic opportunities in our community.