CAP Safety News

June 2023

CAP Safety News is new monthly email publication to inform commanders and safety officers of important safety-related changes, reminders, and areas of emphasis.

This month's safety news includes:

  • CAPP 160-3, Activity Safety Pamphlet is published and avaialble
  • Who is the ideal safety mentor?
  • What can we learn? Tail Strike case study.
  • Excellence in safety of flight - keep the message moving!
  • June and July Safety Focus topics and resources
  • Notification and Reporting of Vehicle SSOs
  • Check out this month's Dispatch with articles on psychological safety

NEW! Activity Safety Pamphlet, CAPP 160-3

We cannot be certain that every activity or event will have no negative safety outcomes, which is why risk management is an important part of every activity and event, from the planning phase through the after-action review. Your care and concern for each other and for CAP’s readiness, reliability, and credibility is proven in actions that ensure your personal safety and the safety of your fellow members. Click below to review this important document!

CAPP 160-3 Activity Safety

Who is the ideal Safety Mentor?

Check out CAPP 40-7, Mentoring and CAP 40-160, Safety Officer Specialty Track for more details on the ideal mentor.

  • Teacher - outlines the "nuts and bolts" of the position and shares their experiences as a seasoned professional.
  • Guide - helps navigate through the inner workings of the organization and decipher the "unwritten rules." 
  • Counselor - establishes a trusting and open relationship.
  • Motivator - motivation is an internal or external drive that compels a person to succeed.
  • Sponsor - creates opportunities for the mentee that may not otherwise be made available.
  • Coach - process that requires the mentor to discern if the mentee has the capacity to do the job, if coaching will upgrade their skills, and if there is sufficient time to coach.
  • Advisor - help the mentee develop professional interests and set realistic career goals.
  • Referral agent - works with the mentee to develop a plan of action outlining the knowledge, skills, and abilities a mentee needs to meet their goals.
  • Role model - living example of the Core Values, ethics, and professional practices of Civil Air Patrol.
  • Door opener - helps the mentee establish a network of contacts within the unit or wing, as well as outside of CAP, such as relevant external agencies.
  • Actively involved in the safety program - Are they in a CAP duty assignment with a nexus to the safety program? Are they otherwise actively involved in the safety program?
  • NSOC 2020 or later - this ensures they've completed training in CAP's safety management system.
  • Are they a good "fit" for you? - your mentor needs to be someone you can work with well and

Looking for a mentor?

In some areas, mentors may be hard to find. If you are working on a rating in the Safety Officer Specialty Track or just need some advice or coaching in a safety role and looking for a mentor, the National Mentoring Program may be able to help!

Click below to let them know you would like a mentor:

Civil Air Patrol Mentee Registration Form

What can we learn?

Starting this month, CAP Safety will publish a monthly case study that you can use in your safety briefings and other safety meetings. This month's topic is Tail Tie Down Ring damage.

What else would you like to learn? Send your ideas or examples to [email protected].

Excellence in safety of flight

To be outstanding, every one of us must believe that we can always be better than we were yesterday and then act on that belief to improve every single day. Accepting the status quo, especially when the status quo may present unacceptable risks to our missions, activities, and other events, doesn't help us reach our desired standard of excellence. None of us wants to put our members at risk when they participate in CAP. To that end, excellence demands we demonstrate a high standard of care for each other and our resources by doing better in areas where we have opportunities to improve.

Help us get the message out on airworthiness and safety of flight!

June and July Safety Emphasis Areas

These focus areas represent common occurrences across CAP for the months of June and July. Click on the links for more information on each category.

  • Aircraft: Tire damage and tail strikes on landing, wingtip damage (gliders)
  • Vehicles: Backing occurrences, use of spotters, parking lot damage
  • Injuries: hiking injuries, animal bites, insect stings, sprains
  • Illnesses: communicable diseases, foodborne illnesses, heat illnesses.

Check out the 2023 Safety Focus Areas webpage for material and presentations on these topics!

What should I do if a CAP vehicle is damaged?

Check out the Vehicle SSO notification and reporting guidance!

Check out this month's Dispatch!

The focus for this month's Dispatch is psychological safety. Our roles as safety leaders includes establishing and maintaining an environment where members can learn and grow. Psychological safety is a necessary condition for CAP's ideal safety culture. Articles were provided by CAP Chaplains, Health Services, and Safety.

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Access current and past CAP Safety Beacon and Dispatch newsletters:

Safety Beacon / The Dispatch