"Children Learning, Parents Earning, Communities Growing"
April 12, 2021 | Issue #15
Support of the Monday Morning Update
If you value the content of the Monday Morning Newsletter delivered to your email every single week by 5:30 am, then please consider a donation. We believe that freely sharing of information and highlighting information relevant to the readership is important. And over 6,200 of you do too. Your consideration is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Our April Monday Morning Update Sponsor: NoHo
#1 for Subsidized Child Care Administration for Over 35 years.

Need to Pay Provider Stipends in Bulk?
We have a quick solution for you, and it’s FREE.

Our industry has been put to the test over the past year, and at times you’ve been asked to do what feels like the impossible. Before you undertake any more of those daunting tasks, give us a call. Our team has been working around the clock to provide FREE automated solutions for our customers to eliminate repetitive, time consuming work, and we will continue to do so for as long as it takes.

Need to generate NOAs in bulk? No problem. Need to automatically calculate all payments at the Certified Schedule? We’ve done that. Need a custom query of your data? You bet. Need to track and report on COVID Non-Op Days? We’ve got you covered. 

In these challenging times, let NoHo tackle the big stuff for you, so you can focus on what matters most, the families and children that rely on you for their child care. Call us at 1-818-814-6646 or email [email protected].