In this month's issue:

Public Safety
RNRA Announcements
Aldermanic Updates
Sponsor Events, Offers, and Announcements
Community Events & Announcements
Support our Sponsors
Public Safety
Enjoy a cup of coffee with Commander Jon Hein - learn about public safety initiatives in your neighborhood, share ideas, and learn about ways to get involved.

When: January 18 – 10:00 am. to 11:00 a.m.
Where: Wintrust - 100 W. North Avenue
More info: Email:
Phone: 312-742-5870
Twitter: ChicagoCAPS18
CAPS Beat Meetings
CAPS (Chicago Alternative Policing Strategy) meetings offer an opportunity to address crime and safety issues directly with the beat officers who patrol our neighborhood, as well as to provide ongoing feedback, which helps the police to monitor crime. 

There are several BEATS in River North
Find your Beat and Meeting Below & Attend!

When available we will post the full 2023 schedule of the 12th District

Keep informed - follow CPD
Beats 1831 and 1832
facilitated by RNRA
January 24 (Tuesday)
Beat 1831 at 5:00 p.m.
Beat 1832 at 6:00 p.m.
Victory Italian - 434 W. Ontario Street

Thank you to our generous host, Victory Italian. Check them out on the My River North mobile app. Consider staying for dinner!
2023 Firefighter Calendars Available Now
Only $10!
Ignite The Spirit is a charity established by the Chicago Fire Department to help support CFD Families in need. Since 2003, Ignite the Spirit has helped over 500 Chicago Fire Department families with over one million dollars in donations.

RNRA Announcements
RNRA Casino Advocacy Updates
RNRA continues to advocate for project improvements to lessen negative impacts on the surrounding community. A chronological record of casino-related developments is maintained on RNRA's main casino page, including links to the recording of the Dec 5 Town Hall Meeting.

RNRA testified at the Chicago Plan Commission meeting on Dec 12 regarding proposed amendments to PD 1426. The recording is available here.

The City Council voted to approve the proposed amendment to Planned Development # 1426 on December 14th. The Casino does not require any further approval from the City of Chicago. The next step will be for the Illinois Gaming Board (IGB) to consider Bally’s application. February 9, 2023 is the next Illinois Gaming Board meeting - it is not confirmed whether Bally’s will be on the agenda. Any comments or concerns regarding the Chicago casino can be sent to For more information see the Illinois Gaming Board site.
Thank You to All Who Attended the
RNRA Annual Reception and Gala

Check out the photo gallery of this fabulous 25th Annual Reception and Gala! A huge thank you to all who attended, donated items for the silent auction and raffle, and especially to our wonderful host Tao Chicago. You can also find Tao Chicago on the My River North mobile app where they offer a 20% discount Sunday through Thursday for dine-in service.
Special Thanks to
Hotspot Photography - I Am Jarod

Our Annual Reception and Gala event photographer has 10+ Years as a photographer doing Galas, Corporate Events, Model, Family and Wedding Photography. He'll capture that perfect moment in your life!

Instagram Jarod Spohrer to book his team!
Community Commission for
Public Safety and Accountability
The City is establishing a Community Commission for Public Safety and Accountability, and District Councils to give Chicagoans a meaningful new role in oversight and explore and advance alternative effective approaches to public safety. Please visit our website for more information.

There will be an 18th District Council Candidates Forum sponsored by the Gold Coast Neighbors Association, Old Town Merchants & Residents Association, and 2nd Ward Alderman Brian Hopkins.

When: January 31, 2023, 6:00pm
Where: The Moody Church, 1635 N LaSalle, Room 108 (use entrance marked "1635" midblock on LaSalle side of building)
RSVP: Admission is free, but you must register. For questions email or call 773-510-7327.
RNRA Honored by
Friends of the Parks
At the December 9-10, 2022 Friends of the Parks (FOTP) Luncheon and Conference, RNRA was honored as the 2022 Volunteers in the Parks (VIP) Award in the Community Organization category. RNRA was honored for many years of partnership with FOTP and stewardship of Montgomery Ward Park, and in particular for its role in advocating for Ward Park and other riverfront green spaces, working with Aldermen Reilly and Hopkins, to vigorously oppose the Bally's Tribune site casino development and encouraging changes to the plan to reduce negative impacts on the surrounding community and natural environment.
Aldermanic Updates
Winter Parking Restrictions
Beginning December 1, 2022, winter parking restrictions went into effect. Visit the City of Chicago's winter snow parking restrictions page to learn more. 

Visit for a map of streets impacted by the ban and to view the City’s snow plows in real-time during a storm.
Holiday Tree Recycling
The Chicago Department of Streets and Sanitation (DSS), in partnership with the Chicago Park District, will host the City’s annual Holiday Tree Recycling Program, starting on Saturday, January 7 through Saturday, January 21, at 26 citywide locations. All ornaments, lights, tinsel, and tree stands must be removed, and plastic bags used for transport should also be removed prior to placing the trees in the corrals. 
Vote by Mail in Feb 28 Election
Apply online now to Vote By Mail for the February 28, 2023 Municipal Election – click here to get started. Ballots will start mailing in late January 2023. Voters can join a Permanent Vote By Mail Roster and have their ballots sent directly to their preferred address ahead of every election. Click here to learn more.
Chicago Restaurant Week January 30 - February 5
Sponsor Events & Offers
Bettie's Chicago Open
for Classes and Events

Welcome new sponsor Bettie's Chicago - a 1950s diner-themed event space featuring weekly baking classes, date night events, and private parties. Classes are hands-on, approachable, and delicious.
Welcome New Sponsor
The Luxury Bed Collection
As the premier U.S. destination for the highest-quality mattresses and sleep accessories, The Luxury Bed Collection invites you to experience sleep like never before. Their selection of all-natural mattresses and other sleep products ensure comfort, posture alignment and support customized to your unique needs. Visit them today and discover what sleep can really be.

FREE Weekly Classical Music Concerts
Presented by RNRA Sponsor

Enjoy a musical lunch break with the Dame Myra Hess Memorial Concerts - solo and ensemble performances showcasing emerging classical musicians.

When: Every Wednesday
Time: Doors open at 11:30 a.m. Concerts start at 12:15 p.m.
Where: Seventeenth Church of Christ, Scientist, 55 E. Wacker Drive.
Community Events & Announcements
Save the Date
Gilda's Club Chicago's
Untapped- Beer and Brunch

March 11, 11:00am at Goose Island Barrel House, 603 N. Sacramento Boulevard - more information here. All proceeds benefit Gilda's Club Chicago and their mission to provide free support to anyone impacted by any type of cancer. Gilda's Club Chicago Clubhouse is located at 537 N. Wells Street.

If you know someone who could benefit from Gilda's Club please have them visit GildasClubChicago.Org to learn more
Run with Team Gilda
Run with a purpose! Join Team Gilda at any or all of these three events:

Shamrock Shuffle – March 26
Cinco De Miler – May 6
Chicago Marathon – October 8

Each race has different fundraising minimums and with each you get guaranteed entry, fundraising page support, and Gilda’s swag plus training with Chicago Endurance Sports. More information here.

Chicago Help Initiative Seeks Volunteers And Care Packs

Every Wednesday, the Chicago Help Initiative serves a hot meal to 130 homeless and hungry individuals at the Catholic Charities building at 721 N. LaSalle. If you are interested in volunteer opportunities, please contact or check the website.

You may see some of our guests in the neighborhood this winter and want to offer them assistance. Here are guidelines for making care packs: collect the following in a gallon plastic zip-lock bag: hand salve, toothpaste and toothbrush, water bottle, bandages, nail clippers, wet wipes, socks, snack item (tuna pack, granola bar), hand warmers, lip balm, small notebook, pen, and anything else you want to include.
Please Support Our RNRA Sponsors!
Featured on My River North mobile app
Check out their deals!
My River North Mobile App - Great Resource!

Check out deals
from over 45 Sponsors
on the My River North mobile app!

Download the app FREE
from the App Store or Google Play
Convenient access to River North news, events, and resources, plus
special discount offers from participating local businesses.

Show the deal on the app to the participating business, hit "REDEEM" and enjoy the discount!
Is your Property an RNRA Member?
Talk to your Property Manager to join today!
The more properties that join, the stronger our voice!

RNRA is a not-for-profit community organization established in 1997 to protect and enhance the quality of life in River North. We are proud to represent over 24,000 residents – the highest membership level in RNRA history!

Once a property joins, all of its residents become members. If you aren’t a member, talk to your Property Manager or Community Manager about joining.
A Warm Welcome to our Newest Members!
Thank you for joining RNRA. We are stronger together!

River North Residents Association |