News and views from a private school perspective
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California Association of Private School Organizations
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The Voice of Private Education in California | |
Mission Statement
The California Association of Private School Organizations (CAPSO) is the voice of K-12 private education in California. Its primary mission is to preserve the independence of California’s private schools and to uphold parental choice in education. CAPSO, independently and in collaboration with other community and governmental institutions, is an advocate, catalyst, and creative leader for strengthening and advancing K-12 private education in California. CAPSO’s mission is based on the belief that a healthy, pluralistic society depends upon educational options, parental choice, and dialogue and collaboration between educational entities.
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In This Issue...
Immigration and Schools- Plyler v. Doe (1982)
Emergency and Mental Health Resources, Office of Non-Public Education
AB 68 (2024), School Violence and Armed School Officers
Green Ribbon Schools Information and Resources
Emergency Preparedness Trainings Available to Private Schools
Updated Air Quality Guidance and Resources
*** Please Reply, CaPS-PD Survey for Private School PD Needs ***
*** Please Join Us! CAPSO CO-Presents with the CDE on ESSA/ESEA ***
No Cost Private School PD Available
Legislative Call to Action
What I've Been Reading
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Immigration and Schools: Plyler v. Doe (1982)
Increased discussion around the intersection between education and immigration heightens consideration of existing case law. One such case is Plyler v. Doe (1982), a landmark decision by the U.S. Supreme Court that struck down a Texas law denying public education to undocumented immigrant children. The Court ruled that the law violated the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment, holding that denying access to education based on immigration status was unconstitutional. The decision emphasized that education is a fundamental right for all children, regardless of their legal status, and that the state failed to demonstrate a sufficient justification for such discriminatory treatment. This case reinforced the principle of equal protection under the law and affirmed the importance of education as a basic entitlement.
Read the Full Case here
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Office of Non-Public Education: Emergency Management and Related Mental Health Resources
[Content directly from the Office of Non-Public Education]
Numerous federal agencies and organizations have resources to help in times of crisis. We encourage you to review these resources in the days ahead as school communities provide support to their students, teachers, and families and examine their own school safety plans. The following resources are free and available for all school communities.
Additionally, the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Safe and Supportive Schools maintains numerous resources to help schools plan for, respond to, and recover from emergency situations. Below is a list with links to help schools in this area.
National Center on Safe and Supportive Learning Environments (NCSSLE) provides training and technical assistance to schools, school districts, and educational agencies to support efforts aimed at creating and nurturing safe and supportive learning environments. The national center addresses a wide variety of topics that impact school climate, ranging from bullying and violence prevention to tools for measuring and identifying needs for school climate. The center has Lessons from the Field Webinar Series that include five sessions on Preventing and Addressing School Violence including Gun Violence.
Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools (REMS) Technical Assistance (TA) Center is the nation’s higher ed and K-12 school safety, security, and emergency management and preparedness hub for information and services (e.g., guidance, training, tools, resources). The REMS TA Center serves K-12 schools and institutions of higher education, public and private, as well as their local, state, and federal partners with shared school safety responsibilities. They develop and maintain comprehensive, all-hazard, and high-quality campus and school Emergency Operations Plans (EOPs), including a fact sheet specifically developed for the unique needs of the private school community. These plans focus on continually protecting the whole school community before, during, and after possible emergencies. In addition to its free virtual trainings, the REMS TA Center offers numerous interactive tools such as its EOP Assist software, which helps generate customized plans and its SITE ASSESS app which facilitates the walk-through and safety inspection of campus and buildings.
National Center of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) supports schools, districts, and states to build systems capacity for implementing a multi-tiered approach to social, emotional, mental health, and behavior support. The broad purpose of PBIS is to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of schools and other agencies to create positive, safe learning environments that support and respond to student needs. PBIS improves social, emotional, and academic outcomes for all students, including students with disabilities and students from underrepresented groups. The site provides considerations for schools resuming after a crisis.
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School Violence and Armed School Officers- AB 68 (2024)
California Assemblyman Bill Essayli has introduced AB 68, a bill aimed at requiring armed school resource officers (SROs) at every public school in California. The proposal follows a tragic shooting incident at Feather River Adventist School in Oroville, where two kindergarteners were critically injured. Essayli emphasized the need for action, arguing that SROs could have provided a faster response to prevent the attack. Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco also supported the bill, stating that an armed officer could have intervened more quickly to protect the children. While the bill would only apply to public schools, Essayli noted that private schools could adopt similar measures voluntarily. The legislation follows a previous attempt, AB 3038, which failed to pass in 2023 due to a lack of support in the Assembly.
CAPSO will be tracking AB 68 and updates will be made available on the Legislation Tracker,
Read the Full Article Here: The Center Square
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Apply to Become a Green Ribbon School!
Did you know that private schools that participate in the Green Ribbon School process have the opportunity to be recognized at both the State and National level?
The Green Ribbon School process is an opportunity to showcase efforts and be recognized for progress towards sustainability across three pillars:
Pillar I: Reduce environmental impact and costs;
Pillar II: Improve the health and wellness of schools, students, and staff; and
Pillar III: Provide effective environmental and sustainability education
Each June, the California Department of Education launches the California Green Ribbon Schools (CA-GRS) application process, inviting public and private schools, districts, and county offices of education to showcase their achievements in sustainability. Participating schools have the opportunity to demonstrate achievement and earn points in pillar categories recognized in one of four tiered levels:
Bronze Level (Entry Level Commitment): 55-64.9%
- Silver Level (Mid Integration): 65-74.9%
- Gold Level (Full Integration): 75% or better
Green Achiever: Exemplary Achievement with Full Integration - Green achievers are nominated for Federal recognition in the U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon Program (ED-GRS).
Schools don't need to wait to apply until they have met full integration. Schools that apply will be supported with mentorship and resources, and schools with a 55%+ will be recognized with Bronze achievement by the California Department of Education!
Ready to Learn More?
California Green Ribbon Schools Achievers and Applicants Network: The CA Green Ribbon School Achiever and Applicant Network meets quarterly and aims to unite past, current, and future CA Green Ribbon Schools applicants dedicated to promoting sustainable practices and programs within their school communities. The network gives participants the chance to network with each other to inspire and share best practices.
Upcoming Meeting Dates for the 2024-25 School Year:
The application opens in June and schools are encouraged to begin learning about the application process starting in January. A comprehensive toolkit is available. Use the link below to learn more!
Green Ribbon School Toolkit and Resources
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School Safety Trainings Available to Private Schools
Carlos Garcia, Emergency Services Team Specialist [School Facilities and Transportation Services Div.] at the California Department of Education, has made the following information available to private schools. We thank Carlos Garcia for his continued partnership in keeping private schools informed of issues and resources in Emergency Services.
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Updated Air Quality Guidance and Resources
The California Department of Education (CDE) Emergency Services Team has released an updated version of the Air Quality Guide Tool, which includes an improved Air Quality Index (AQI) chart with activity recommendations for students during wildfire events. Developed in collaboration with the California Department of Public Health, the California Air Resources Board, and other partners, the guide is available on the CDE website. It is important to note that the guide is intended to complement, not replace, existing local protocols, and schools are encouraged to consult with local authorities for specific guidance.
Click here to visit the CDE Air Quality Resource Page
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*** CaPS-PD Survey for Private School PD Needs ***
Under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), the State Education Agency (SEA) has the responsibility to implement equitable services for qualified nonprofit private school teachers and administrators to the extent that it reserves any funds under the ESEA Section 2101(c)(1) for any of the State-level activities authorized in sections 2101(c)(3)-(4). The California Department of Education manages California Private School Professional Development ( and receives funds through Title II, Part A Equitable Services to provide no-cost professional development to private school educators.
Your responses to this survey will help the CaPS-PD Professional Development for Private Schools Office determine the best PD offerings and Annual Conference Design to meet the needs of private school participants.
Survey Responses Due by January 15, 2025.
Click here to complete the survey- Thank You!
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Please Join Us!
CAPSO CO-Presents with the CDE on ESSA/ESEA
CAPSO is pleased to partner with the California Department of Education to co-present to private school leaders and public school LEAs on Title Programs (ESEA/ESSA) for students and teachers in private schools.
Please see the flyer below for more information. Private school leaders who would benefit from an introductory webinar on the title programs available to private schools are encouraged to attend. This free informational session will have three offerings; visit for more information.
Space is limited, and registration is required.
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No Cost Private School PD Available
The California Department of Education receives funds through Title II, Part A Equitable Services to provide no-cost professional development to private school educators.
The website,, offers over 1000 no-cost courses available to schools and teachers in an on-demand format. Private school teachers and administrators can join the CaPSPD email distribution list to receive notifications about upcoming development opportunities by sending a blank email to
Learn More About CaPSPDNow
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Legislative Call to Action | | | |
Have Your Voice Heard in the PD Offerings Under ESEA for Private Schools!
WHAT: Complete the CaPS-PD survey to inform future PD offerings!
WHY: Under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), the State Education Agency (SEA) has the responsibility to implement equitable services for qualified nonprofit private school teachers and administrators to the extent that it reserves any funds under the ESEA Section 2101(c)(1) for any of the State-level activities authorized in sections 2101(c)(3)-(4). The California Department of Education manages California Private School Professional Development ( and receives funds through Title II, Part A Equitable Services to provide no-cost professional development to private school educators. Your feedback is critical to creating data-informed offerings that meet the needs of private school educators.
WHEN: Please complete the survey by January 15, 2025.
HOW: Click here to Complete the CaPS-PD PD Offerings Survey.
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What I've Been Reading... | | | |
Please don't hesitate to contact us!
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Effective July 1, 2024 CAPSO has a new mailing address and phone number:
PO Box 1077
Novato, CA 94948
(415) 295-6333
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Stay part of the conversation and follow our page on LinkedIn! |
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