VBRF nonprofit grant cycle is open
The VBRF funds qualifying 501 (c)(3) Eagle County nonprofits that provide programs or initiatives focused on creating attainable housing solutions and opportunities for all Eagle County residents.
The grant cycle closes on Friday, January 10th. Please share in our community!
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Now available! Bid on a luxury week's stay in Cabo in the Vail Board of REALTORS® Foundation's silent auction.
Proceeds from the auction benefit local housing solutions.
| VBRF envisions all Eagle County residents to have access to stable housing, and the opportunity to build equity and deepen community connections through homeownership. |
Voice your opinion on STR fees
Vail Town Council recently discussed potential fee and regulatory changes to the Town’s existing short-term rental requirements.
- Establishing a new per-bedroom fee on all short-term rentals
- Capping the number of short-term rentals
- Establishing occupancy requirements for short-term rentals
VBR is sending a letter to Vail Town Council and staff sharing some of the Association’s concerns. Given the unanimous consensus on the council for the per bedroom fee, our feedback will encourage them to adopt a per-bedroom fee of no more than $1k.
We feel it is important to quickly educate our members (and their clients) on these potential changes. We also encourage you to contact council members directly.
Interested in providing your own feedback to the Town Council? Use this LINK to email your council member (names and emails in the link).
Thank you in advance for helping to defend our industry by protecting property rights and supporting home ownership.
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Your involvement is needed!
Consider getting involved with the VBR, VMLS, or VBR Foundation. Positions are open on several VBR committees, or help guide our programs and services as a board director.
If you want to learn more, please contact Kendra Murray at kendra@vbr.net.
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All Realtors® and Appraisers must complete at least 2.5 hours of Code of Ethics (COE) training in a 3-year cycle.
The current cycle is January 1, 2022, through December 31, 2024.
This is a requirement of the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR).
VBR has a class December 11. Click here to be added to the waitlist.
There are a few online options with third-party providers (info below).
NAR Ethics - online with Connie Tremblay
December 18
1:00 to 5:00 p.m.
CE options are also available with TheCEShop and VanEd.com. NAR offers a free online option, but it DOES NOT offer state CE credits.
You can also check to see if you need an Ethics course (link below).
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NAR Ethics - A few seats available.
Wednesday, December 11
12:00 to 4:00 p.m.
4 CE credits.
Taught by Connie Tremblay, this 4 CE class meets the Code of Ethics requirement for REALTORS® and Appraisers. Ethics must be completed once every three years. The current cycle is January 1, 2022, through December 31, 2024.
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Brave New Co-op World
Thursday, December 12
9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
4 CE credits.
Are you confused by all the recent industry changes and new regulations? Have no fear! We will cover the foundational history, the various layers of enforcement, and basic scripts to use with your consumers.
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These classes aren't provided by the VBR. Please contact the instructor, Connie Tremblay, directly at connie@connietremblay.com.
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2024 CREC Annual Commission Update
December 18
8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
NAR Ethics
December 18
1:00 to 5:00 p.m.
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Redline Contract Review
December 19
9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Brave New Co-Op World
December 19
2:00 to 5:00 p.m.
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Open enrollment for E & O and health insurance, upcoming CAR Economic Summit, market trends and Legislative Testimony Training. Read the latest update from the Colorado Association of REALTORS®.
Not getting the newsletters? Contact CAR at communications@coloradorealtors.com
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Annual dues billing info
The 2025 Annual Dues Billing for the Vail Board of REALTORS® was sent on December 2nd. Your invoice were sent to the email we have on file.
Payment is due by Tuesday, December 31st.
For the first time in over 15 years, the Vail Board of REALTORS® has a dues increase. You will not see any increases with state and national dues.
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Find a trusted Affiliate in our directory!
There are approximately 200 VBR Affiliates offering services ranging from lending, home services, legal, home inspection, and more.
Visit our Affiliate Directory page (We have two directory options to search). We also have a print version available for members and clients. Let us know if you need a print directory!
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What is Proptech and how it drives real estate
From AI to blockchain, technology is reshaping the real estate landscape. 2024 is your last call to bridge the gap and stay in sync with the transformative changes. From netguru.com.
Get the facts & resources on the lawsuit settlement. | |
The buttons above link to helpful resources and videos from the National Association of REALTORS®, Colorado Association of REALTORS®, and the Vail Board of REALTORS®.
NAR offers a “Consumer Guide” series. Designed to be given directly to inquiring buyers, these resources are part of NAR’s ongoing campaign to help our members bring clarity to the practice changes for consumers.
Guides are available for download on facts.realtor.
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Help us reach our Fairhaven goal.
We're over halfway there!
Fairhaven is free fair housing simulation training for REALTORS® that uses the power of storytelling to help members identify, prevent, and address discriminatory practices in real estate.
VBR aims to have 65 members complete the Fairhaven program by the end of 2024. Log into your National Association of REALTORS® account and visit Fairhaven today.
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Member Benefits & Programs
As a Realtor®, your membership includes National, State, and Local. Affiliates also receive benefits as a VBR member. We provide the tools to enhance professionalism in the real estate industry.
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Members only: Monthly market stats
Log in at VBR.net to see monthly stats, including an overview of residential real estate and detailed reports of each area in Eagle County.
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Find trusted industry-related partners in the Vail Board of Realtors®' Affiliate directory.
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A list highlighting the newest Realtor® and Affiliate members. | |
Help strengthen the VBR's events, services, member offerings, and initiatives.
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Put your safety first - with this free tool available to members! | |
FOREWARN allows agents to have instant due diligence on prospects.
VMLS members can verify a prospect’s identity, criminal records, bankruptcies, liens, judgments, address history and property records in one place, leading to safer and more productive interactions.
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Education Quick Links
Visit VBR's Education Requirements page for more info on Code of Ethics, license cycle requirements,and more. A reminder: Please stay organized, and keep paper or virtual copies of your certificates.
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Tracking education requirements
The VBR provides a helpful spreadsheet to help Colorado Brokers track their professional development.
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Earn the Vail Pro Designation |
Increase your knowledge in the real estate industry and become a local expert! The Vail Pro Designation is an educational program open to ALL VBR Realtor and Affiliate members!
Classes are free for VBR members.
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Welcome Home Bags available as free closing gifts
The Welcome Home Bag Program is a FREE benefit available for REALTOR® members who sell a home. Call 766-1028 to schedule a pick-up or email matt@vbr.net.
The bag is a great gift for your buyer clients. Each cooler bag includes a picnic blanket, set of wine tumblers, and a reusable shopping tote. It is also a great way to promote our REALTOR® and Affiliate members.
Affiliates: Sponsorship opportunities are available for one of the items. Please contact mel@vbr.net.
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You can easily access your account with the Vail Board of REALTORS® to register for events, pay invoices, and update your contact information.
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If you have not yet created your account, click the link below and enter your name and contact email (Make sure it's the email we have on file for you). Once you hit submit, you will get a follow-up email to finish setting up the account.
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Kendra Murray
Association Executive
Jessica Cliver
MLS Director
Matt Lang
Member Services & Office Manager
Melanie McKinney Education & Marketing Manager
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Flexmls Support:
7:00 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Monday - Friday
Tech Helpline:
Phone: 866-619-8170
Sentrilock Support:
Phone: 877-736-8745
ShowingTime & InfoSparks:
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday
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Vail Board of Realtors
970-766-1028 | www.vbr.net
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