Item #1---------------------------------------------------------------
Connecticut Minimum Wage
Connecticut's Minimum Wage increases to $12.00 per hour on September 1, 2020. No new signage is required at this time.
You may simply print a label with the following information and affix it to the CT Minimum Wage Sign portion of the CARA 11 in 1 Labor Poster:
Connecticut Minimum Wage
Effective October 1, 2019 $11.00 per hour
Effective September 1, 2020 $12.00 per hour
Effective August 1, 2021 $13.00 per hour
Effective July 1, 2022 $14.00 per hour
Effective June 1, 2023 $15.00 per hour
Item #2---------------------------------------------------------------
FTC Charges Auto Marketer for Deceptive Mailers, Misleading COVID-19 Claims
The FTC issued an administrative complaint against an automotive marketer and its owner, alleging they deceived consumers with mailers supposedly directing them to obtain federal COVID-19 stimulus benefits and indicating that the customer had won a valuable prize through a matching numbers game. Recipients of the mailer were told they had to go to the dealership to "claim" the prize. However, small print on the mailer revealed there was only a 1 in 52,000 chance the consumer had actually won the prize specified.
In addition to the FTC Act violations, the complaint claims the respondents violated the Truth In Lending Act and Regulation Z for failing to clearly disclose required credit information in their advertising. The complaint begins a proceeding in which the allegations will be tried in a formal hearing before an administrative law judge.
Item #3---------------------------------------------------------------
More FTC News: FTC Issues Negative Report on Vehicle Sales & Financing
On July 30, the FTC issued two reports critical of automobile sales and financing practices.
Buckle Up: Navigating Auto Sales and Financing "focuses on the challenges buyers face in getting accurate, understandable information when shopping for a vehicle." The report, compiled after interviews with customers, finds that "consumers may be unaware of key terms in sales and financing contracts. One reason may be the extent to which the negotiation process focuses primarily on the monthly payment." It also adds that "it's often in a last-lap meeting in the financing office that dealers raise the issue of add-ons purchases like extended warranties, service plans, credit insurance, GAP policies, window etching, etc." which can add to the cost of the vehicle.
FTC staff reports often form the basis of future legislation and enforcement actions, therefore, it is important for dealers to review these reports.
Item #4---------------------------------------------------------------
ABA Promotes Adoption of NADA Fair Credit Program
On August 3, the American Bar Association (ABA) approved a resolution that, in part, urges governments at all levels to adopt laws and policies that promote the adoption of an enhanced nondiscrimination compliance system for dealer compensation for arranging and/or originating a vehicle finance contract by offering a safe harbor against price discrimination for dealers that faithfully implement the NADA/NAMAD/AIADA Fair Credit Compliance Policy and Program.
The action represents the latest recognition by a diverse and growing number of public and private groups of the value of the optional NADA fair credit program as an effective mechanism to address fair credit concerns while preserving competition in the marketplace.
Item #5--------------------------------------------------------------
DMV Corner
Duplicate Titles
For faster service going forward please send your Duplicate Title paperwork to:
Department of Motor Vehicles
60 State Street
Wethersfield, CT 06161
ATTN: Room 305 - Duplicate Title
Mark 'Duplicate Title' on the outside of the envelope in big letters!
NOTE: If you have an Add/Release SI - follow the same guidance and substitute "Add/Release SI" in the address and on the envelope.
Address Changes
When you are sending in work with Address Changes they must be separated from your regular work and the outside of the envelope and the transmittal sheet should be marked "Change of Address".
Item #6--------------------------------------------------------------
Connecticut Paid Family Medical Leave Act -
What Employers Need to Know!
September 17, 2020
10:00 AM
It's just 6 months away! January 1, 2021 employers begin instituting practices for the CT Paid FMLA law - the most generous paid FMLA in the country!
CARA brings Attorney Joshua Hawks-Ladds of Pullman Comley LLC to its members for a session covering what you need to know to implement this new law.
More details to follow.
Mark your calendars - better yet . . .
Item #7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
CARA Dental and Vision Plan Update
To all members that participate in the CARA dental and vision program with Anthem BCBS which is administered by our endorsed partner, The Health Consultants Group (HCG), please see the following update and information:
- We recently learned that effective 7/1/2020, Anthem, who provides your dental and vision benefits, updated its administrative system.
This update required that all members receive a new ID number and new ID card which could result (or may have resulted) in your dental or vision coverage showing as inactive or terminated if you've used or tried to use your old ID card.
- You should have received your new card in the mail in late June, and it should be used for all services with an effective date of 7/1/2020 or later.
If you have both the dental and the vision benefit, you now will only have one card as opposed to two separate cards. This combined card can be used for both dental and vision services.
- If you are unsure if you have the correct card, your new ID number starts with “0971.” Please use the card with that ID number.
- Digital copies of your card are available on the Anthem Sydney app and when you register online at
- If you need to order a new card, please call 1-844-729-1565 (dental) or 1-866-723-0515 (vision).
- You can also contact HCG at 860-351-0100
- Please also see the attached documents for additional and helpful information
Thank you for your patience and understanding during Anthem's system update!
Item #8--------------------------------------------------------------
CARA DMV Policy & Procedure Training
CARA has reinstated it's DMV Policy and Procedure Training on a Zoom Platform . The next class is scheduled for Wednesday September 9, 2020 at 10:30 AM. To register employees for this class call the CARA office at (860) 293-2500.
Item #9--------------------------------------------------------------
Connecticut Dealers have experienced credit card fraud on parts orders via telephone.
A person purchases a quantity of parts over the phone using a stolen credit card. They then send a legitimate third-party courier to pick up the parts. The courier drops the parts at a specified location for an accomplice of the perpetrator to retrieve. If they are successful they have been trying again the following day!
Please always perform due diligence on phone orders and have the funds clear whenever possible prior to releasing the parts. If you are concerned about a specific transaction - call for authorization instead of proceeding electronically.
In Memoriam-------------------------------------------------------
James Michael Curran
It is with sadness we inform the members of the passing of long-time CARA member James Curran, partner of Curran Volkswagen in Stratford.
Jim graduated from Northwood University and immediately began working at the family-owned Curran Volkswagen dealership, where he worked for over 40 years and was considered by Volkswagen as an icon for the dedication and commitment he exhibited every day.
He was known for his upbeat, loving, fun, and hilarious personality and will be greatly missed.
The CARA officer, members and staff send their deepest sympathy to the entire Curran family.