CARE Network News & Updates

February 2025


We had a great in person meeting with providers and referral sources who provide services in the Garfield, Pitkin and Rio Blanco counties. Attendees, in addition to local network providers, included public child welfare staff from Garfield and Eagle counties, Guardians Ad Litem attorneys, and a party from a local non-profit. The county staff and the network providers indicated they had already established good communication channels, and the county agreed to utilizing the network’s services. We have upcoming meetings in La Plata County that will include Archuleta County child welfare, and in Montezuma County. We are working on plans to hold meetings in Alamosa, Pueblo and Weld counties. Additionally, we have had several virtual provider/referral source meetings.   

We will have as many provider/referral sources meetings as we can this year, so please be prepared when we contact you! We would encourage you to identify local CASA workers and Guardians Ad Litem attorneys to participate, in addition to local child welfare and law enforcement. Having connections and relationships with these parties will generate more referrals to you and result in more children receiving your excellent care.   

Working with Newly Arrived Immigrant and Refugee Families -- Resources for Healthcare Providers  

“Providing Care for Children in Immigrant Families” from the American Academy of Pediatrics 

Policy statement that includes core competencies related to caring for children in immigrant families and practice-level recommendations, specific to pediatricians but applicable to other specialties  


“Immigrant Health Toolkit” from the American Academy of Pediatrics 

Includes recommendations for medical screening guidelines, medical concerns common to immigrant children, best practices for interpretation services, information about Medicaid, CHIP, and ACA subsidies, and specific risk and protective factors to be considered in mental health assessments  


“Working with Immigrant-Origin Clients” from the American Psychological Association 

Information about mental health risk factors, barriers to care, treatment recommendations, and best practices for mental health professionals. This is from 2013, which does not cover all current issues 


 “Stress & Trauma Toolkit for Treating Undocumented Immigrants in a Changing Political and Social Environment” from the American Psychiatric Association 

Includes mental health risk factors and recommendations for assessment and treatment specific to immigrant families 


 “Refugee Mental Health Resource Network” 

List of volunteer psychologists and mental health professionals who offer services pro-bono to non-profit agencies and organizations working with refugees globally 


Colorado Resources for Families  

“Something Happened to My Dad” / “Algo Le Paso a Mi Papa”  



 Book written for children about family detention and separation, available in English and Spanish  


Colorado Office of New Americans & Refugees Services Program

Government office through the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment. Includes a variety of legal, employment, and health resources for newly arrived immigrant and refugee families through other state agencies 

ECHO Sessions

Behavioral Health: 

  • Monday, March 3rd  
  • Topic -- - Standardized Assessment  
  • Presenter: Ernestine Briggs-King PhD 
  • Case – Christine Garcia 
  • Zoom link: 
  • No passcode needed. Zoom waiting room enabled.  
  • Please have your first and last name shown for timely admittance from the waiting room to the meeting. 



  • Tuesday, March 25th   
  • Topic – Working with Law Enforcement 
  • Presenter: TBD
  • Case -- TBD 
  • Zoom link: 
  • No passcode needed. Zoom waiting room enabled.  
  • Please have your first and last name shown for timely admittance from the waiting room to the meeting. 

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