Summary of Bipartisan Agreement on "CARES" Act

US Chamber of Commerce Summary can be found: here
Bill text can be found: here.
A section-by-section summary released by the Senate can be found here.
A summary of the appropriations provisions released by the Senate can be found here.

Passed the Senate and needs passed in the House. According to Senator Toomey's staff, "since the House was in the negotiations, the summary
sent should be an accurate summary." It is expected to be signed into law tomorrow.
Webinar Recording: COVID-19: Benefits & Business Issues

Through our partnership with ChamberChoice, we are able to share the following recording with you.

Webinar Password: MBAWebex@2020

In This Webinar:

They provide an update and discuss new legislation from Washington as well as how employers can deal with temporary work stoppage, lay-offs, terminations, employee contributions, return to work situations, and shuttering a business.

States are also issuing new guidelines to cope with the crisis. They explain how FMLA, paid sick leave, paid family leave, disability, worker's compensation, and unemployment affects businesses and your employees.

The COVID-19 situation is a challenging time for all of us and they want you to know that the team at My Benefit Advisor is ready and here to help.

For more information about My Benefit Advisor or if you have any questions, contact us at (800) 377-3539 or
Reminder: Free Coronavirus and Small Business –
Next Steps and Best Practices

Small businesses especially are facing huge challenges during the response to the coronavirus pandemic. Federal and state mandates indicating that many businesses should offer limited service or completely close make it difficult for smaller businesses to remain viable and financially solvent. What are the legal ramifications for small businesses, and what resources are available to help them through these challenges?

First, top business attorneys Andrew Levy and Ursula Siverling of McNees Wallace & Nurick will discuss the legal ramifications facing small business with suggestions on best practices to help them stay viable. Then we have invited a top official from the U.S. Small Business Administration to discuss the resources available to help small businesses from suffering undue hardship. Third, Secretary Dennis Davin of PA DCED will outline Pennsylvania resources available to help small business. 

Click here to register for the March 27 webinar from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Reminder: FREE Dale Carnegie Webinars

Dale Carnegie Training & JR Rodgers Associates is trying to help in this difficult time, so they are offering FREE 90 minutes workshop -"How Leaders Lead Through a Crisis". Any members or business can self- enroll on-line -  - there are different times and dates to self-enroll at no cost.

According to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), businesses and employers can prevent and slow the spread of COVID-19 by instituting a series of best practices. Employers should plan to respond in a flexible way to varying levels of disease transmission and be prepared to refine their business response plans as needed.

CStore Decisions is proud to announce that they have partnered with Scott Apter, president of Apter Industries, and Brian Unrue, director of operations for Clark's Pump-n-Shop, for a webinar that will identify the key first steps retailers should take if they suspect a store has been infected with COVID-19.
This free webinar will take place Monday, March 30 at 2 pm EST.
Click here for more information.
Working Capital Access (CWCA) Program

The COVID-19 Working Capital Access (CWCA) program will provide working capital financing for eligible small businesses that have been impacted by COVID-19 and have 100 or fewer full-time employees. Max loan amount is $100,000 with no job retention/ creation requirements. Learn more:

National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB)
Recorded Webinar

Huntingdon County Strong:
Business and Community Resources

Click graphic below.
Contact Us

Yvonne Martin
President/ CEO

MacKenzie Huntsman
Program Director

Phone: 814-643-1110
Fax: 814-643-1115
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