Hotline Number 312-738-9200

February 2017  
When Three Heads Are Better Than One

Generally CARPLS provides our clients solutions in a single phone call. But other times cases require an "all hands on deck" approach, with several of our lawyers working to help a client find the best possible outcome.

Take "Mary," a low-income senior citizen who was under intense stress as she suddenly found her bank account was frozen due to an old collection judgment. Mary was extremely worried because her next court date was weeks away and she had no access to her account.

Mary called our hotline where she spoke with attorney Ed Morris, who knew she was eligible to file an emergency motion to have her account unfrozen. Ed sent Mary to our Municipal Collections Advice Desk (MCAD) in the Daley Center for assistance with the motion.

At MCAD, Mary met attorney Karla Chrobak, who drafted the motion and advised the client on what she needed to know before heading into court before the judge.

Mary's motion was granted, but she still had several questions about her case. So she visited our Collections Advice Desk (also located in the Daley Center), where she met with attorney Ashlee Highland.

"I helped Mary tie up some loose ends and we discussed the next steps she needed to take moving forward," Ashlee says. "In less than three days, our team was able to resolve her issue and she was able to access her account and pay her living expenses.."

Mary was very grateful for the help she received from CARPLS team.

"Everything worked out without any problems," Mary says. "Thank you CARPLS! You guys are the best."

Talking Techie

Al Schwartz, Executive Director, speaks about the CARPLS leading edge delivery model at the 17th Annual TIG Conference in San Antonio, TX.
The 17th annual Technology Initiative Grants (TIG) Conference was held last month in San Antonio, TX. More than 300 people attended the conference, which was sponsored by the Legal Services Corporation (LSC).

LSC invited CARPLS to speak to legal aid providers from across the country about our ground-breaking service delivery model and high-tech case management software.

Al Schwartz, Executive Director, and Pat Wrona, Director of Legal Services, led a session entitled Force4J™ - Powering the Next Generation of Legal Aid Hotlines.

Al and Pat educated conference participants on Force4J, the 5th generation of CARPLS custom case management software. Built on top of the Salesforce Service Cloud, CARPLS' newest system integrates more than 23 years of service delivery innovations with one of the world's most powerful Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platforms.

"By embracing technology, we have reduced our cost per service by 37%, while nearly quadrupling our service capacity from 15,000 to more than 50,000 consultations annually," Al says. "Our success largely stems from the development of a custom case management system that was specifically designed to support the high volume, legal triage work CARPLS attorneys face on our hotline and at our court-based advice desks."

Conference attendees were highly impressed with the CARPLS effective and efficient delivery model.

"It was an honor to be asked by the Legal Services Corporation to present our software to the larger legal aid community," Pat says. "While other programs are doing some interesting things, it's clear that CARPLS is really on the cutting edge of using technology to leverage our assets, and provide high quality legal services to the most people possible.

"After seeing how our Force4J software works, including the conflicts of interest search, integrated call center, knowledge management, referrals and document assembly, one attendee summed up his sentiments with 'just...WOW!'"   
In Memoriam

Robert Brent Pennington, a former CARPLS attorney unexpectedly passed away on January 25th following a bout with pneumonia.

"Brent was a good friend and colleague to all of us, and a caring attorney who did great and compassionate work for his clients," says Pat Wrona, Director of Legal Services.

Our thoughts and sympathies are with Brent's family and friends.
What Our Clients Are Saying

InterContinental Chicago Magnificent Mile
505 N. Michigan Ave.
Chicago, Illinois
Reception: 6 p.m.
Dinner & Program: 7 p.m.
For sponsorship opportunities, contact Tanya at or 312.421.4014

CARPLS  |  17 N. State Street  |  Suite 1850  |  Chicago  |  Illinois  |  60602  |